The Truth

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"Victoria, what are you doing here?!"
Vinny yelled.

"BOYS!" He then yelled even louder and then came out all of my dads friends including my dad.

"What the heck?!" I yelled at them then looked at the weak man and walked over to him.

"Victoria don't get close to him." One of them said, I detected it was Nick's voice.

"Princessa, he is dangerous." Said Marco.

"He doesn't look dangerous to me." I told them lifting up his bruised face.  That's when I realized it was that one gang leader that my dad and Vinny got all scared about and had to leave right away. The one who bruised my face to the point my eyes felt swollen. "Is he the guy who beat me up and left the number 15 on my arm?" I asked.

"Yes." Dylan spoke up when the room went silent.

"Why?" I turned and asked them.

"Because it's our job Viki, he is a threat to the business." Willie told me.

I took my pocket knife and opened it about to cut the guy down.

"Victoria Rose." My dads voice boomed.

I turned back around and watched how my angry father walked up to me.

"Why did you follow me?" He asked in a voice I didn't know very well.  He was angry, yes, but also worried, annoyed, and ashamed.  It was used on Jackson once when he tried to hack into my dads computer.  It is a very deep, shallow, cold voice that sends shivers down your spine.

"I was confused and wanted to know why you were so secretive.  Now I understand, you are part of a stupid gang.  Jackson and I would make fun of gangs and here I am standing in front of my own father who was about to kill someone." I said, my voice laced with disappointment.

"Jackson knew." My dad said.

I looked at him with no expression.  "I am going to cut him down, and I am going to let him go."

"I still need info." My dad warned.

"For what?!" I asked in exhaust.

"You wouldn't understand, ok?" My dad said looking aside.

I stood there for a second then realized that my dad might have dragged teens into this.

"Where is Tyler?" I asked.

"What you got a crush on him now or something?" My dad asked with an evil chuckle...disgusting, who on earth would like Tyler.

I looked at him with an angered expression, knowing full well if I humoured him I would never know. "I am going to ask this one more time.  Where is Tyler Pascal Di Angelo?"

My dad sighed, "He isn't here."

"Vincent, where is your nephew?" I asked, I knew my dad would stoop to the level of his own parents.  When my dad was a teenager he didn't have very good connections with his father.  His dad worked in the shadows, in the dark, with fake ID's and fake names.  His last name was Reaper, a very rare last name meaning death I think, ironic right?  Well, he used that name to his advantage and was none as Grim.  His real name was strangely Grimsby since his parents had a 'funny' sense of humor.  Now, when my dad was growing up he lived in a small dusty gross house with his mom and younger sister Hannah.  A house in Arkansas that was torn down.  My grandfather lived in the house we live in now.  At the time Dropper was still prospering...well kinda, it has always been a poor people town.  Anyways, my dad moved in with his friends at 16.  He left his mom all alone with his 12 year old sister.  His mom had a terrible relationship and had to work and take care of two kids and her husband only visited once a year barely giving any money to help care for his children.  My dad was very selfish to leave but just understand from his point of view, it seems less terrible in a broken teens mind.  My dad had told me about his dad many times and how he never wanted to be like him which is why he was still in  mine and Jackson's lives.  Getting to my point, Grim would hire teens to do his dirty work.  My dad didn't ever like that about him and told me his father asked him to join the gang his dad was in, and he actually did for a while until Grim died mysteriously and the mayor died and my grandmother moved to Utah with her new rich boyfriend also forcing my aunt Hannah and dad to go to college in Washington, which is where he met my mom. My dad told me that he was going to move to Arkansas with my mom.  Jackson was born in Washington and then I should have been born in Arkansas but my mom got sick and shipped to Oregon instead.  My dad was just going to be done with his old ways, or so I thought.  Tyler was 13 when his parents died, how long has he been working for my dad and has my dad ruined his life forever?

"He is at another gangs place, stealing info.  He should be back any minute now." Vinny explained.

"I cannot believe you dragged him into this!" I yelled.

Then pulled up on his black bike, the one and only, with a box full of papers.

As soon as he saw me he dropped the box and pulled out his gun.

I dropped my pocket knife and lifted my hands and everyone started saying "woah, there, hold on."

"This is Victoria!!" I yelled. Then he let down his gun and I picked my knife back off the ground before my dad could.

"Why is she here?" Tyler asked.

"We have been compromised." Dylan explained.

"Freaking idiot." He mumbled in such a whisper that I could barely here him.

"Cut me down please young girl, I won't say anything I promise. I don't even know where I am!" The guy tied up says.

"Do you promise on everything?" I asked. He nodded.

"You know if you lie we have people who will find you and kill you." My dad questioned.

"Yes sir, I understand."

My dad looked at me annoyed.  I cut the guys rope and tied a bandana over his face.

"3 and 4, tie him up, throw him in the truck, and get him back. Make sure to knock him out and give him something before you let him loose." My dad said.

Dylan and Nick walked up knocking him out with one punch, tying him up and dragging him to an old black van and driving away.

Just then my dad grabbed my pocket knife, slid his foot against mine making me fall to the ground, and then snapping for Willie to grab me.

Willie grabbed me and held me tightly in his arms so I couldn't escape and Tyler got his gun back out.

Vinny looked a little cautious and worried but he pulled out a gun on me as well.

"I will let you go Victoria Rose, only if you promise to not tell the police." My dad negotiated.

I didn't even try to get out of Willie's hold.  Willie is way too strong and as soon as I get out Tyler will shoot me in the arm. It is what they are taught.

"Victoria Rose Sara Serenity Adeline Reaper, answer my question." My dad urged. Yes I have 3 middle names and 2 first names, deal with it.

I sighed weighing my options.  If I say disagree I will die. If I agree I will have to go home with a gang leader and if I agree and then go against my agreement I die an even more gruesome death.  Well, unless I get out of it.


Until next time on...The Broken Little Girl


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