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Beeep beep beeeeppp

"What the heck?" I mumbled rubbing my head.

I slowly opened my eyes and remembered that today was monday...great.

I turned off my alarm and got up. I made my bed and cleaned my room up a little, I had a few clothes on the floor.

Then I picked out my outft, put on makeup, deodorant, perfume, all that jazz and left for school.

But not before taking some medicine. I have depression and got assigned meds for it. I don't take them as often as I should because they make me feel kinda sick but today I took the unusual amount of three tablets when I should probably take 1 because of my other medications for the other diseases and problems I have.

I didn't get anything to eat because frankly I wasn't hungry. My brother betrayed me.

I trusted him and cared about him and he just left me. Why would he just leave like that.

I was thinking about this while walking to school and as I reached school grounds my stomach rumbled and I felt unbelievably nauseous all of a sudden.

"Ow." I mumbled holding my stomach that now felt like it was cramping somehow.

I haven't had a period even once in my life yet and Im 15 so I will hopefully have one sooner or later but cramping was one thing I knew that was a sign for periods. Other than that I don't know anything about them or what they do, or even what happens!

But I don't usually cramp so this was weird.

Once I walked into school I got an extremely painful headache.

My head started pounding in pain and I was glancing around the room. Everything was dazed and getting blurry. The sound basically left the room and I got really hot and sweaty.

I was making my way to my locker when someone accidentally walked into me making me stumble into a locker.

"Viki?" I heard the almost silent glazed sound of Josiahs voice.

I looked up to him and he looked at me really weirdly before my vision went dark and I heard something hit the floor.


My eyes slowly opened and I noticed I was in an all white room with things in my arm and I noticed this wasn't my school anymore.

"Hello." I spoke.

No answer.

"I-is anyone here?" I questioned.

Just then a woman walked in.

"Hello Victoria Rose, My name is Mrs. Hamilton. Im your doctor. You fainted after an overdose of medicine, can you tell me the medicines you took today?"

"Theres a lot." I told her.

"I understand your medical state Miss Reaper. Please tell me the medicine you took this morning and how much of it."

"Ok." I started, "2 vitamin D supplements, 1 Calcium phosphate, 1 iron Supplement, 2 Vitamin C gummies, 1 dronabinol, 1 Azathioprine, 1 metronidazole, 1 thiamazol and 3 Antidepressants." I told her mumbling the last one.

She cleared her throat and said, "Im sorry, how many antidepressants?"

"3." I told her again.

"So you take all this medicine everyday and just now you have gotton dizzy?"

"No, I mean, yes?" I looked at the bed for a second and back at the woman. "Kinda, I don't like taking antidepressants because I don't really need them anymore. Im calm and haven't been taking them for the past year. I just felt really under the weather today and took a bit to many."

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