Come back for me...

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It was even in my black pants, luckily the blood didn't show or that would be embarrassing. Then all of a sudden for like the 5th time my stomach hurt super bad.

Then there was a knock at the bathroom door. "Victoria, are you ok?" My dad asked calmly. He didn't even sound convincingly worried.

"There is blood everywhere and my stomach hurts so bad, I really think I have internal bleeding, it hurts so bad I think im dying dad." I told him.

"Hurry up and get cleaned up and I guess I can drive you to the hospital." My dad said like he sounded drunk and asleep.

Crap, I think he is drunk. If he wasn't he would have yelled at me for getting blood on the floor. This hospital trip is going to get me killed before I die from internal bleeding.

Once I cleaned the mess and got some different garments and pants on we left. Unfortunately, all the guys wanted to come with us, so we decided to take Dylan's black 8 passenger van, that I now know is for tossing enemy's in. I sat in the middle seat next to Nick, and Marco, Dylan and my dad were in front and Willie, Vinny, and Tyler were squished in the back. I could freaking FEEL blood rush it felt disturbing, but oddly enough didn't hurt besides the pain near my uterus.

I then decided to call the Tybo family and tell them unfortunately I was in the hospital and couldn't come but I would make up for it Monday after school and work an extra few hours for free.

We got to the hospital and was rushed inside the emergency room. All of the parents and their children looked very uncomfortable when we walked in, maybe due to the fact 7 men, well 6 and 2 teens, walked in the room.

"Hello how may I help you?" the receptionist lady asked a little intimidated.

"Um, My name is Victoria Reaper, I am bleeding constantly and I think it's internal, I haven't had any falls or anything. My stomach also hurts very bad." I told the lady. She nodded and told us to follow a woman named Nurse Hayden to a back room.

"Please lay here young lady and wait for Dr.Hibbets to arrive." She said with a sympathetic smile.

"Now for more personal info. Victoria Reaper," She said looking at a list and getting a pen. "How old are you, also are any of your parents here or coming here?"

"I am 16 and my dad is right here." I said pointing to my dad who at the moment was whispering something to Willie.

"Alright, sir what's your name?" She asked him.

"Israel Reaper." He responded bluntly.

"Okay, so do you know if your daughter has had any kicks to the stomach or fallen on her stomach at all?"

"No." He lied. At that moment my dad seemed very...skeptical.

"Okay, and one more thing, has Victoria started her period yet?" The woman asked.

"Her what?" My dad said a little disgusted.

"Victoria, have you started your period?" She turned and asked me.

I didn't know what a period really was to be honest. Anna and Skylar complain about their stomachs hurting a lot and when I ask they say period. I don't think I have gotten terrible cramps and headaches, like constant ones anyway. "I-I don't think so.." I mumbled which made her look at me very weird.

"Thank you, Dr.Hibbets will be here shortly."

"What the heck is a period?" Tyler asked.

"Good question." I mumbled to myself.

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