Im too young to get married!!

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It had been about 2 weeks since the whole "Psychotic Break Out" and everything was going semi-well. My dad was beating me a lot less, like only twice in the last couple of weeks, my grades were good, Rusty and I have been going out to lunch about every other day too. I like to think it's a date but who knows.

Skylar, Anna and I made emends and are still friends. Skye is even doing amazing in New York and Anna hates her Private school.

As I went into school today I decided to make it a good day. I had been literally so scared of anyone seeing me because of Sebastian, but I have been doing so well that I'm sure he and his  posse have given up by now.

So I had my hood off and I was walking freely in school. I was a little extra excited because I didn't have to walk home today either, Tyler was going to pick me up from school because I had to clean at the shop, and once I finished the break room and bathrooms then I was free to go.  I had a plan with Rusty for dinner tonight. Yay!

I made it to my first class and took the quiz, I am pretty sure I did alright because I double checked all of my answers and made sure my math equations were at least convincingly correct. The rest of the day bore along until I made it to last period...English.

I hate English, like with a burning passion. I suck at writing papers! I don't have time for that. I have jobs and a dad and stuff to do.

Conclusively, I usually tend to write all of my essays at 4AM while I'm literally about to fall asleep.

I sat in the boring class...bored. I listened and wrote notes when she told us too. Then at the end of class I handed in my paper on Pride and Prejudice, which in my opinion was a great book.

I felt so relieved that class was over. I thought it was going to drag on forever!

As I made it to my locker I tried opening it but just as it opened a hand slammed it shut.

It startled me and I looked up to see a tall, buff, dark brown hair and steele blue eyed boy glaring down at me. He had on a spiky black leather jacket and a black shirt underneath.

"Hey there pipsqueak." He sneered.

"I uh, like your jacket." I said back, very confused as to why he was "gracing" me with his presence.

"Hand over the backpack." He demanded.

"No." I said clutching my bag which I was planning on stuffing the rest of my homework in.

Then he, almost instantly, swung his fist which collided with my face.

"YOU DARE OPPOSE ME SHORTIE!?" He yelled making the other teens backup and start watching the scene.

I decided that I was going to be extremely stupid and said: "You punch like a girl."

Although girls are great at punches and he should have taken it as a compliment he didn't think it seemed so charming.

As I was backing away he bolted after me.

That's when I ran. I didn't know what he wanted from my backpack but he wasn't getting it. I have my wallet, pills, gummies, charger, and school stuff in there. No thank you sir.

I ran up the stairs and looked back to see now three tall guys chasing me. I tried running faster and I turned a corner and slid my backpack under a bench in the hall. I guess they didn't see because they still ran after me.

Luckily our school is a huge circle so I made it all the way around to another stair case on the other side of the school. Luckily this staircase was closer to the front doors and my locker. Only I was being cut off by Sebastian and 2 other guys. I swerved around them and raced down the stairs pushing students out of the way.

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