Buenos noches Princessa

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Why am I like this?

So sad and broken all the time. I mean no guy would ever like me for me because I don't know who me is yet.

You know what I don't need no man. I mean I can totally fend for myself!

But it would be kinda nice having that extra best friend to be there to pick you up when your down and to talk to when your sad.

Well I guess Josiah is a guy and he is my best friend right? Just talk to him.

But Im not attracted to him like I am with Rusty.

Oh catnip Victoria just shut up obviously he has already forgot about you! Literally he met you in a super cheap pharmacy because coincidentally you both needed pain meds.

Love at first sight though?

Ew what are you 6?


My eyes shot open and I saw that it was 11:00pm Sunday morning

Oh yeah, I kinda thought about Rusty way to much last night and accidentally fell in love.

You didn't fall in love your just ugly and lonely and want to pretend a strong beautiful eyed dream boy likes you.

Ha, I am in love!

You have a crush you idiot side of feelings! For once listen to logic.


"Victoria?" I heard the voice of my brother.

"Hey bro!" I smiled.

He gave me a confused face, "um, you sure are chirpy....well anyways have you seen my blue button up?"

"No Jackson, I apologize for not keeping track of where you keep every piece of clothing my bad." I said fake sincerely.

"But you do the laundry." He said a little anxious.

"Look in the dryer. Whats up anyways, a date?" I laughed.

"Yep!" He said bluntly pulling his blue button up out of the dryer.

"Huh, score for you then."

"Viks, I have a girlfriend." He rolled his eyes.

"Yeah but I thought it was a pity girlfriend."

He hit me upside the head like yesterday but in annoyance.

"Ow!" I told him.

He looked at me with a spark of worry then turned away buttoning his last 2 buttons and grabbing his keys before leaving.

"I've got the whole house to myself!" I sang.

So I did what any girl would do in this moment.


Jk. I went to my room sat on my bed and watched 3 Harry Potter movies.

My brother had already come home but brought his girlfriend Faye with him.

"Victoria?!" He yelled.

I paused the begining of the 4th HP movie today and walked to Jacksons bedroom.

Jackson was sitting on the bed with Faye on his lap and a laptop on both of them.

"Make us popcorn please." He pleaded.

I rolled my eyes and walked out but Faye followed.

"So you just do what he says all the time?" She asked with a slight slang of Italian accent laced in her voice.

"Pretty much. I mean he is twice as big as me in height and twice as strong as me in strength."

"You know he really loves you a lot." She smiled finally finding the microwave popcorn in the pantry.

She put it in our century old microwave and started it for 2 mintues.

"Yeah I guess Im pretty lovable." I winked.

Then Jackson walked in putting his arm around her waist.

"We are leaving tonight you know." My brother smiled.

"We are?!" I smiled big.

Then I thought about leaving all my friends and got a bit sadder.

"Yep." Faye smiled.

We made small talk, well mostly Jackson and Faye and finally the microwave beeped and I gave them the popcorn and went back to my room.

Im leaving.

Im so excited!

But I will definitely miss Josiah, Sky, Anna, and James.

A few hours later at 8 o'clock I heard my dad and Jackson fighting.

I had everything ready to leave as well.

My dad was probably mad that I wouldn't be able to do dishes anymore.

Just then the yelling stopped and the front door slammed shut.

I grabbed my things and bolted out the door passing my dad who was sitting on the couch with a beer in each hand.

"Jackson wait for me!" I said running up to him.

He stopped and took a deep breath.

"Victoria, your not going."

"W-what?" I asked confused about everything.

"Your 15 and dad wants you to stay and finish highschool. You will miss your friends anyways."

"I don't care Jackson I want to go with you!" I yelled tears already spilling from my eyes, which now makes me feel weak.

"NO VICTORIA ROSE!" he yelled using the second part of my first name which meant business.

"Oh...thats, um, y-yes sir." I mumbled in almost a breath.

Jackson put his hand on my shoulder.

"Goodbye Victoria, I will be back for you soon I promise."

"I'll b-be right here." I whispered.

Then he walked to the pick-up truck and left.

I was just standing there in the front yard hoping this was some kind of sick joke. That he would change his mind.

I was sitting there for so long my eyes got heavier and heavier until they shut.

I remember slowly opening my eyes to weirdly see Marco's face, I would normally yell at him to not touch me but his strong arms felt somewhat safe.

I was gently laid in my bed and covered in my blanket.

Then I heard a soft voice, "Buenos noches, Princessa."

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