- Chapter 42 -

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Anisa rushed outside of the meeting room upon hearing Saif's statement. Her eyes began to tear up from relief and excitement before reaching the hallway of Tahir's room. She didn't bother knocking on the door and barged in to see that he had already stood up on his feet, completely shirtless, and holding onto the wall for support. 

Without a word, she ran up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, engulfing him in a tight hug, almost as though she'd lose him if her grip was any lighter. 

Tahir grunted from the sudden impact on his body and needed to take a step back in order to maintain his balance. He couldn't help but close his eyes from his own relief that she remained safe while he was unconscious. Despite the pain he was still experiencing on the bullet wound, nothing felt better than having her in his arms again. 

Anisa let a tear slip through her eyes and onto her cheek, thanking the Almighty for Tahir's recovery. She stood on her tiptoes from his height while he snaked his arm around her waist, bringing her closer.

"I...I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't made it," Anisa finally said. 

Tahir couldn't help but smile proudly. He slowly pulled apart to take a look at her bare, natural beauty. Her eyes were swollen from crying, holding a small tint of crimson red. But, she was still beautiful.

"I'm so sorry. I should've listened to you. I should've been able to tell something was wrong. I -"

He cut her off by placing his index finger on her soft, plump lips and looked into her eyes. "Look how close this brought us," he said. "Look how you came running into my arms where I wanted you from the beginning."

Anisa hated his guts for not taking this seriously. But she gave in and couldn't help it. He was right. She felt closer to him than ever. 

Then, she realized and remembered he was shirtless. She couldn't help but notice the veins in his arms and the muscles that built his chest. Instantly, her cheeks flushed a bright red and she turned around from embarrassment. 

Tahir took notice and was able to read the situation, along with her expression. 

"Could you grab me a shirt, habibti?"

Anisa's eyes lit up upon hearing the last term he used on her. Habibti...He just called her his love...

Still struck by his word, Anisa remained frozen and in disbelief. It wasn't until Tahir spoke again that she did what was told of her. 


Snapping out of her trance, she looked towards the nightstand to find a white t-shirt. She quickly handed him the shirt as she kept her gaze low and escaped out of the room.

As soon as she was out, Saif, Reem, and everyone else stood outside with worried and hesitant looks. 

"How is he?"

Anisa was still short of breath from her sudden actions. She remained blushing but she couldn't look at anyone from embarrassment. So, all she did was nod in response. 


Everyone had a chance to visit Tahir. From his father to Saif, they all gave their words of encouragement and relief. In the meantime, Anisa tried to regain her courage to see him again. Especially after what happened earlier. 

The last person to leave his room was Mr. Amin. Anisa looked up to catch his gaze. He seemed relieved but also worried. Something was troubling his mind. 

"Is everything alright?" Anisa tried to ask.

Mr. Amin sighed before taking a seat beside her. "He still can't look me in the eyes. Not like you're able to. He hasn't fully forgiven me."

Anisa could empathize with him. But, she also thought of how Tahir felt. Compared to Tahir, she was more forgiving which was why she was able to set aside the fact that Mr. Amin left her at a time she needed him most. But, without his absence, she would also have not had the opportunity to meet Tahir. Especially when Mr. Amin wouldn't speak of his family until recently. 

"This is how you've taught him to be, Mr. Amin. You've taught him, from a young age, to always stand on guard, never loosen up, always be on defense. He was never taught to exchange emotions or ever speak of them," Anisa explained.

Mr. Amin turned to look at her in realization. He hadn't looked at the situation from the angle Anisa was explaining.

"So, now I think the only thing you're able to do is to give him time. Betrayal only exists amongst the ones closest to you. It's the truest of the forms when it comes to your family. So, don't expect much from Tahir. Have patience and he'll come around."

After receiving a nod from Mr. Amin, Anisa smiled and stood up. She saw him return a smile, accepting her words. 

Once she saw him disappear into the hallway, she gave Tahir's door a look before walking towards it. She still felt embarrassed about the encounter from not long ago, so, she was contemplating on how to react or even speak to him once she walked in. 

As soon as he heard the door open, Tahir turned his attention towards Anisa who stood by the door, nervously approaching the chair beside his bed. He scoffed knowing why she was acting this way. But, he decided to play along and tease her about it. 

"Umm, were you able to speak with everyone?" Anisa asked, taking her seat. 

Tahir nodded. 

Anisa stayed silent, accepting his response and looking down at her hands. She had removed all her rings and jewelry before coming to the hospital. Seeing how bare they were, that was the only thought she could think of. 

"What did you do while I was unconscious?" Tahir asked

She thought back to that time and replied, "I simply waited for you to wake up."

"Oh really?" He arched his eyebrow with a smirk, "Why'd you do that?"

Anisa was taken back by that question. Did he really not know why or was he teasing her?

"Excuse me?" She asked. 

"Even after everything you found out, why'd you do it? I deceived you, yet how are you still able to look into my eyes?" He looked into her eyes, trying to decipher her emotions that they contained. 

Anisa let out a deep sigh before answering. 

"You did for a greater good. Yes, I was deceived by you. But, I know that the result was much more than that and I chose to look at the other angel. The one where we became each other's reason to continue with this life."

Tahir could only be grateful and he felt relief wash over him. He'd think about telling her and it would be the one reason he'd lose sleep at night, afraid of her reaction and afraid that she'd never want to see him ever again. 

"Well..." he began, "I don't have the kind of materials needed to do this, especially the kind that goes around your finger, but..."

Anisa scrunched her eyebrows, utterly confused. 

"Anisa Hassan, would you like to marry me?"



Nothing I say is going to make up for how this chapter is LONG overdue but welcome back my wonderful readers and I must say that it's nice to be back myself. I hope you've all been well.

This time, it was not author's block but it was life-block per say. I became a wife to an amazing person in March and afterwards, a very long honeymoon occurred, one that lasted three months. Then, I moved to a different country and with all the things that life threw at me, I now sit beside my grandmother, writing and finishing this chapter. 

I hope you're not entirely upset with me. 

And as always, don't forget to let me know your thoughts by leaving comments anywhere you'd like and hit that star button for a vote!

Thank you!

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