- Chapter 18 -

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She walked just at the beginning of the table and everyone followed with their eyes. There was never a moment she looked so intimidating than now.

Tahir found this situation amusing and smirked as he leaned against the wall.

Anisa's eyes landed on Layla who happened to be at the other end of the table.

"My requirements were simple. Mostly, clear," she said, "Yet, you still violated them."

Layla sighed in anger. As if her cousins and other related brothers weren't already publicizing the situation.

Anisa turned to look at her cousin, Prince Karim, who sat next to where she stood.

"Explain the full situation. What damage was done?"

"The person she hired was female. Her name is Mona and seemed to have given access to national security intel to other organizations."

Anisa's eyes widened slightly. But, this was not the time to expose her emotions that weren't related to anger.

Tahir found the situation interesting and as he was fully attending to the conversation between the royal members, Saif walked up to him and stood by his side.

"Why do I feel that this is partially my fault?" He lightly spoke leaning towards Tahir's ear.


Saif sighed and explained, "She called a woman one day and told me to leave the room. Her name was Mona because I heard Layla say that. But I thought she was already part of the association. Not some outsider."

Tahir placed his arm on Saif's shoulder and told him, "We're not all perfect. It's a reason why we're human. Besides, this just got us another clue closer to the mission."

Saif nodded.

Both men stood among other bodyguards, watching over the royals. As Tahir kept his eyes on Anisa, the rest of the people in the room were blurred and muted. The way she spoke and the impact of her presence lightened the room.

But what he had trouble understanding was as to why there were only 5 women in this room, dominated by 30 men.

"I don't know about you, but the number of men in this room is troubling to understand," he told Saif.

"You know I thought the same thing. Until I asked another guard," Saif said, "He said that most princesses don't get their way into the association despite their royal status. It takes a level of knowledge and will to be admitted."

"Are you saying they're incapable?" Tahir asked

Saif nodded, "It appears so. Anisa was the first princess that was granted admittance. Why do you think she's so work-driven? She's been doing this for as long as eight years."

Tahir was impressed. In a male-dominated field, she proved herself worthy of her capabilities.

"With this conclusion, I'm submitting an official declaration of her removal from the association," Anisa concluded.

"You can't just do that! You haven't seen what I'm actually capable of doing," Layla defended herself.

Prince Qadir spoke up and told her, "I think we saw just enough of what you're capable of. You're lucky that you're only being let off with a removal. Otherwise, the punishment would be more severe."

"He's right," Anisa said, "This is us being lenient towards a problem that could be worse than just entrance into information. If it gets in the wrong hands, you realize you'll be endangering countless lives?"

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