- Chapter 33 -

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Tahir left the meeting room in a frustrated mood. He knew Mr. Latif was right. There was no denying that he needed more evidence in order to execute Abbas. But, the very fact he made so many people's lives miserable should've been enough. 

While he stormed through the hallway, Dr. Maryam saw him and held her hand up to make him stop.

"Tahir, Anisa woke up," She told him.

Tahir nodded and was going to continue walking but she stopped him once she said, "But, she had a panic attack."

He turned around with a frown on his face. He was questioning her and as soon as she got the hint, she replied, "Once she didn't see you beside her, she completely lost it. By the time I came into the room, she was already yelling your name."

"Alright, I'll go and calm her down," he said turning back around and rushing towards Anisa's room. 

Once he reached the door, he opened it without giving it a knock to see Anisa speaking with Yasin. 

"Excuse me, but I rushed to see if she was alright," he said while closing the door and taking his position on the other side, where Anisa was. 

Anisa's expression brightened as soon as she saw him. She felt like holding his hand but realized that they hadn't made their relationship public yet. So, she turned her attention back to Yasin. 

"Well, that's pretty much all that happened. Nothing's been going well since baba left and my mother, or should I say, ex-mother decided to abandon us. Now, it's up to you to regain your strength and let this world know that hope still exists," he said, looking down at his fingers.

"Thank you for letting me know about everything and being honest with me. Most importantly, yourself," Anisa got a hold of his hand and assured him with her gesture as he smiled at gave her a nod. 

Then, he stood up and told her, "Well, I should go back and see what Layla wants. If she even wants anything..."

Anisa let out a small chuckle and watched him leave through the door. As soon as he disappeared, she turned to see Tahir, staring at the ground in deep thought. His brows were furrowed. His expression, still in its irritated phase. 

"Is everything alright?" She asked, lending her hand out to reach for his.

He snapped out of his thoughts and brought his hand out to grab hers. They felt cold, but they were assuring for him. So, he decided to warm them up and grabbed her other hand.

He looked at her and saw how life was slowly beginning to return to her eyes. Her skin began to go back to its original color. The tint of crimson pink on her lips were full. He smiled, noticing these changes on her. 

Anisa grew curious. He was just looking bothered and here he was, smiling at her. 

"Tahir, do you need the doctor as well? When was the last time you slept?" Anisa asked, worried. 

Tahir let out a small chuckle and said, "I'm just happy you're finally in my arms again."

Anisa felt her heart skip a beat. A feeling of great content rushed throughout her body. She couldn't help but grin. 

"You're something else..." she told him. 

"Just for you," He kissed the top of her head where her hijab loosely stood, engulfing her scent while closing his eyes. 

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door and as they pulled apart, Yasin plopped his head through the door and told Tahir, "Someone wants to talk to you outside."

From his gestures, Tahir was able to tell that he was talking about his father. So, he looked back at Anisa and excused himself.

"I'll be right back. Till then, your brother will watch after you."

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