- Chapter 6 -

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"Where are you taking me!?" Anisa asked in complete confusion. But, she was also worried. They had been going up countless stairs and her heels only made the journey worse. 

"We're almost there," Tahir replied without even looking back at her. 

Anisa couldn't help but follow. He was the only person who knew what he was doing.

Once they both reached the last step, Tahir turned the handle of the door and opened it to reveal a rooftop. But, it wasn't an ordinary rooftop. It had art from different media and it was clear that many people came here to use this rooftop to display their talents. Also, there was a wonderful view of the city.

Anisa gasped upon seeing each piece of artwork and paused in her tracks. There was a piece that caught her eye which contained a woman inside a cage that had wide-open doors. It wasn't locked yet the woman lay inside the cage instead of going towards the garden on the other side.

The meaning intrigued her mind and she looked at Tahir in awe of the place.

"How...how come I didn't know about this place?" She asked.

"This place is for those who are lost. You've always followed a schedule your whole life to a point you never allowed yourself to get lost."

He was right. Her whole life was put into a schedule up until this point. She wouldn't go anywhere that wasn't on her schedule. But, it wasn't like she could roam in public all on her own. 

"It's beautiful," she said as she felt the mural on the wall, "It's beyond what I'm able to imagine."

"It's not my place to interfere, but lately, it seemed to me that your will to fight has been lost. Even as I yelled at you this morning, you weren't able to defend yourself properly. If it's one lesson I've been taught as a bodyguard, it's to be defensive," Tahir explained, "It seems like the previous bodyguard left a mark in your heart, but I'm sure if that person saw you like this, they wouldn't want this from you."

Anisa looked down after thinking about the things Tahir said. Mr. Amin did leave a mark in her heart, and he would've scolded or nagged at her had he seen her in this state. But, somehow, his words sounded just like the advice Mr. Amin would give her which is why she took them to heart. 

"It's true, they wouldn't want to see me like this. But, lately, everything seems to be reminding me of him," she responded.

Tahir looked straight into her expression to get a reading of her feelings and their authenticity.

"It was as though he was everywhere. Everything that's in the palace, he would do something with. That teacup on the coffee table in my room was his, and every time I look at it, an image appears before my eyes where he sat on the chair and read reports every morning," she told him with tears filling her eyes.

She dared not to look up and allow him to see her cry again. It was already embarrassing that he saw it this morning. The second time was like crossing the line for her. But Tahir already took notice and walked closer to where she stood. 

"They say we notice the smallest moments when someone's gone, as well as their importance. It's not a sin to grieve over this," he said.


Dinner was served and Anisa began without waiting on anyone else. Today, she hadn't had breakfast nor lunch so she was starving.

"Well, someone was looking forward to dinner just as much as I was," her father, King Salman said

"She makes it look like we're starving here, dear," Humeyra added

Anisa's looked up at her and glared. Tahir also took a glance at her and frowned from where he stood.

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