- Chapter 25 -

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"Sir, how did you know it's Abbas?" Saif scrunched his brows

"Because, I was supposed to meet with Tahir this evening to discuss my findings on the bullet he brought from Singapore," Mr. Latif explained, "Turns out that despite the common initials on the bullet, it was engraved with a different component which contains gold."

Mr. Latif rushed towards the computer to his left to demonstrate his findings.

"I looked around the system of those who customize bullets and the only man that added gold to his initials was Abbas Alqahtani who also happens to be the biggest shareholder of the royal hotel."

Saif nodded as he placed the puzzle pieces together, "It's also why he was able to infiltrate the hotel. He had all the access and authority."

Mr. Latif agreed with him and spoke into his earpiece, signaling the rest of the agents in the facility.

Just then, Tahir walked up to them, announcing his arrival in an aggressive manner.

Saif and Mr. Latif looked up, awaiting what he had to say.

"I've got mission Athena already tracking his whereabouts. He can't have gone far. Also, he's a businessman. He's got the money for us to track and transactions he makes," Tahir said.

Mr. Latif nodded and asked him, "How did you know we were speaking of Abbas before I even briefed you about the bullet engraving?"

"You forget that I'm your top agent Mr. Latif. I also happen to be the son of the founder of this facility. My hunch began the day of the auction. But, I don't take action unless I have confirmation," Tahir simply explained.

"So what's our next move? We can't just wait for Anisa to show up," Saif interrupted.

Then, he remembered that he had left Layla to the other guards without giving them certain instructions.

"Tahir, what about the other princess. Tell me you placed her on high security back there," Saif sounded worried

Tahir sighed before replying, "You think I had the time to specifically ask for her security? I already prepared the palace on a lockdown. No one is leaving anywhere."

For some reason, Saif felt a bit assured but not entirely.


Anisa regained her consciousness and took her blindfold off. She squinted her eyes from the brightness of the light that welcomed her.

She looked around, trying to examine where she was taken. Surprisingly, it wasn't like those old buildings like in the movies.

The room looked decent but there were no windows. Just a black, tinted screen across from her. Otherwise, it had every furniture an average bedroom had.

Suddenly, she heard the door open, making her flinch from surprise. Abbas appeared through the door with a calm expression.

"How does the princess like her new room?" He smirked.

She frowned at him and refused to answer the question.

"Oh don't worry. You'll get used to it. You'll be here a couple days before we officially get married," he said.

Anisa paused and widened her eyes before she yelled, "I'm NEVER getting married to you!"

"Why not? I mean, your father even approved. Well, he's not here to do that anymore but he'd always imagine the both of us," he smiled

It only angered her more.

"You do NOT put my father in your mouth!"

"Princess, you've got to calm down. At this rate, you're only harming yourself," Abbas put his hands in the air as a surrender but it was all filled with humor.

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