- Chapter 23 -

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"Wha...what did you say?"

Tahir didn't want to repeat it. But, he was able to tell that she was in denial. She didn't want to believe it.

"He...passed away"

There was silence that followed his statement. She stared blankly at her hands and Tahir wasn't able to see her expression.

Suddenly, in just a few seconds, Anisa detached the machine connected to her arm and every other needle they had her hooked up to. Tahir stood up quickly as she ran towards the door to leave, but he blocked her and pinned himself to the wall.

She ran into his hard chest and commanded, "Tahir, move out of my way!"

She tried going for the handle of the door, but Tahir grabbed both of her hands and brought them together.

She still resisted while crying and begging him to let her go.

"Let me go, please!"

"Anisa, look at me!" He raised his voice.

She ignored him. In fact, she didn't want to listen.

"Tahir, let me go!"

In defense, she started hitting his chest from despair and anger. She lost control of herself and seeing her this way only made it harder for Tahir to look at her.

She cried and yelled with every remaining strength she had in her body.

"Tahir, I have to go! He wants me there!"

"Anisa, he's dead!"

She paused to look at him with teary eyes as soon as he yelled that statement to get her attention. He looked at her with such sympathy and was breathing heavily from his efforts of calming her.

"He's dead. There's nothing more you can do for him," he sighed as he slowly moved his hands down to her waist.

"You're wrong," she shook her head, "I can get him here. You said you trusted this place. We can cure him here."

Tahir couldn't bear it anymore. He closed his eyes tightly and looked back up into her eyes.

"Anisa, I felt his pulse. He's gone."

As her tears continued to fall, so did her body. She slowly slid to the ground with her knees, losing her balance and her will to stand up.

Tahir did the same as he helped her, only he knelt down on his foot, wiping her tears with his hand.

"He wasn't supposed to go like this," she said in a low voice, "He was supposed to take care of me. He was supposed to make up for his mistakes. How could he leave me like this?"

Tahir brought her into his chest as he embraced her in his arms. She sobbed and held his shirt tightly, as though she'd lose him too.

"He did the same thing my mother did. He left me! All it took was his presence and his care. Yet, he wasn't strong enough. Neither was my mother!" She cried

Until the moment her eyes held no more tears, Tahir embraced her, never letting go. He gently patted her back and rocked her, side to side, providing comfort.

When he no longer heard her sobbing, he slowly looked down to see her eyes shut. She had fallen asleep.

Her body was weaker than before. Not because of her health. But, because of her sorrow.

She took this worse than he had expected. He was surprised to see how much she cared for him even though she wasn't comfortable around him.

Tahir knew King Salman had a genuine love for Anisa. He just wanted Anisa to see that for herself. And Anisa knew how much Mr. Amin cared for Tahir, but they both were late to realize the meaning of love. Until they met each other.

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