- Chapter 39 -

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Saif was frustrated. He couldn't believe the series of events that had occurred just an hour ago. Abbas was officially put down with his men. The woman was safely escorted back to JSS headquarters but Anisa didn't know of that. She was only informed that her presumed mother was in safe hands. 

Then, there was Tahir who was fighting for his life...

Anisa continued to cry just across from where he stood. She sat with her head bent down, unable to face anyone. Reem was brought for her moral support so she sat just beside her, comforting her. 

Saif didn't inform Mr. Latif or Mr. Amin. All they were told was that Tahir was busy. It was best that they didn't know for the moment. Otherwise, they wouldn't think twice about appearing right now and exposing everything Tahir fought for. It was also not the best time to re-introduce Mr. Amin to Anisa. She'd crumble at his sight and one tragic event was enough for her at the moment. 

"Anisa, please, get a hold of yourself. Tahir will be fine," Reem tried consoling her. 

Anisa shook her head, "He's in this state because of me. I was the reason he ended up like this. He knew this was going to happen. It's like he knew but let it happen anyway."

Hours passed. Long hours that Anisa had never felt. Every minute of it was torture. His surgery had now been going on for 7 hours since their arrival at the hospital. Reem tried to get Anisa to eat but she wouldn't even place a crumb in her mouth. 

It felt as though the world was out to get her. What could she possibly have done to deserve all of this? So many things occurred in the past few months ever since Mr. Amin's death. It all went downhill from there. 

While they were all in their thoughts, the sliding doors suddenly opened across from them and a few doctors and nurses made their exit. Anisa quickly reacted by standing up and asking the doctor, "How is he? Is he alright?"

"We got the bullet out, but the next few hours are critical for him. We did our part. But, the rest is up to him and how his body reacts to the healing process," The doctor replied. 

"Do you think he'll be able to make it?" Saif asked

The doctor looked towards him and answered, "Given his age and his previous medical history, I can't say I'm entirely expecting positive results. But, we're going to do our best to make sure he gets through this process. We'll be monitoring him every twenty minutes."

"Can I please see him?" Anisa pleaded. 

The doctor saw how desperate the emotions in her eyes were. He hadn't seen such emotion in a long time and was able to tell that Anisa expressed true love for him. Seeing her sincere emotions, he sighed and gave in to her request, "You may, but I'm only allowing one person to go in there."

Anisa looked at Saif and he gave her acceptance to go alone. 


The heart monitor was constant and filled the room as the only sound present. Anisa slowly walked up and gasped as she saw him in this state. Once she took her seat on the chair beside the bed, she looked down at his hands. 

He was hooked to a lot of wires and machines. It was hard for her to look at all this. But, she stopped to see his eyes that were shut. Despite that, they still seemed to hold an emotion she had never seen before. He seemed at peace. He was calmer than she had ever seen him which only brought more tears to her eyes. 

"You weren't supposed to stand in front of the bullet..." She began, "I was supposed to take the hit. I was supposed to protect you in return for the times you protected me."

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