- Chapter 44 -

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(5 days later)

"Just because you're finally discharged, doesn't mean you can do whatever you want," Saif reminded Tahir, "You need rest for another week."

Dr. Maryam had informed Tahir that he was able to be discharged. Currently, it was just him and Saif packing some of the things in his room before they left the hospital.

"I rested for a whole week already," Tahir said as he zipped up his travel bag.

Saif rolled his eyes. When will he ever learn? It was typical of Tahir to act tough, not that he wasn't, but he would always push himself. If it were up to him, he'd take as much rest as he could get. Especially after being hit by a bullet. It was never fun. 

Once they both checked the room again for anything they'd missed, Saif picked up some bags and opened the door to leave. Tahir followed behind him and they both walked into the elevator to leave through the garage floor.

Mr. Amin had offered to drive him home but Tahir refused. Even Saif offered but all Tahir wanted was to drive on his own since he'd be going to see Anisa. He hadn't seen her since the day of the nikah since she was busy with her princess duties. At least, that's what he was informed. But, little did he know she had a surprise for him. 

"You sure you can drive?" Saif made sure before giving him the keys.

"Yeah," he simply said, grabbing the keys Saif tossed to him. 

"Well, all I can say from here is don't drive crazy," Saif chuckled.

Tahir frowned at him and got into the driver seat. He honked the car lightly, twice as his farewell to Saif before storming out of the garage and making his way to Anisa.

Speaking of Anisa, she had already decorated the place and all that was left to do was prepare herself. 

While Tahir was in the hospital, she purchased a new home, one where no one would be able to find them, one that was away from the rest of the population but it wasn't far from the palace. After filling the place with furniture, she decorated it with balloons and flowers and since she didn't have the guts to decorate their bedroom, Reem did it for her and told her not to see it until Tahir arrived so the bedroom was a surprise for Anisa as well. 

Today, Anisa was going to introduce herself a little different than Tahir would normally see her. She was going to let her hair out. Once she wore her dress, she let her hair in a low bun which she thought complimented the dress. 

Every second felt like hours for her as she waited for him to arrive

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Every second felt like hours for her as she waited for him to arrive. What would he think once he sees her? Did she over-prepare? Should she have waited a little longer? All of these thoughts circled her mind up until the very moment she heard the doorbell.

She gasped and walked quickly to open it but not before looking at the camera. It was him. 

She allowed entrance by opening the gates for him. Then, she unlocked the front door and opened it, standing behind it so he wouldn't see her yet. She was practically hiding because she didn't feel so confident in seeing him anymore. 

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