- Chapter 9 -

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Tahir slowly crept up the stairs with his gun ready, in his hands, pointed to the ground. It was strange as to how there wasn't even a single sound coming from upstairs and he felt as though there was an intruder.

As he was fully alert, he suddenly felt his phone vibrate in his pocket and ignored it. Once he finally went up the last step, he quickly turned and looked for Anisa's room. The place was still big but not as big as the palace which made his search easier. 

When he spotted the door at the end of the hallway, he walked closer, noticing that it was slightly open. The closer he approached the door, the more alert he became and it was at that moment when his phone stopped vibrating. 

Finally, he pushed the door open in a matter of seconds to realize the window open, with the curtains flying out from the wind. But, there was no sign of Anisa. He placed his gun down after realizing there was no threat in the room and as he walked around to the other side while putting his gun back, his eyes widened slightly at the sight of Anisa on the ground, just beside the bed, unconscious. 


He knelt to feel her pulse with two of his fingers on her wrist. Her pulse was weak and he rushed to pick her up in his hands. When he came towards the stairs, he made sure to be careful as he could lose his balance with her in his arms. She wasn't heavy but neither was she light. 

Seeing her in this lifeless state made him frustrated. But, he was angry at himself. There were no visible wounds he saw, so it must've been something internal. But, he didn't remember any health conditions she was facing based on her documents and descriptions he had memorized.

Once he placed her gently on the passenger seat of the car, he reclined the seat backward as she wasn't able to sit in this state. Quickly, he walked to the driver's seat and started the car, driving out of the garage. 

At this point, the speed limit didn't matter, even with a royal in the vehicle as it was a situation of life and death. He even managed to skip a couple of red lights and did whatever was necessary, whether that meant cutting cars off or signaling others to move out of the way.

"Shit," he cursed under his breath.

Finally, he pulled up in front of the royal hospital and rushed to carry her from the other side of the car. He ran inside while carrying her lifeless body and called out, "I need help, the princess is unconscious!"

People around the main entrance of the hospital gasped as they saw her in his arms, motionless and Tahir felt it was only right to threaten them. 

"I will make sure that if any of you start recording or speak of this, that your lives become hell."

The people chattered amongst themselves, showing signs of fear and starting to walk away as doctors rushed towards them with an emergency bed. He gently placed her on it and pushed the bed with the other doctors as one of them asked, "What happened to her?"

"She was found passed out in her room."

"How long was this?" the doctor asked. 

"I'm not sure," he simply replied.

As they came to a room, the doors slid open and a nurse stopped Tahir and said, "Sir, you cannot come beyond this point."

"I'm her bodyguard. I can't entrust her with you," he calmly said.

"This is a hospital. It's the most trusted place anyone can walk into. Now, please, let us perform our job."

Tahir sighed and stepped back to start pacing back and forth. If anyone heard of this, he knew that his job could be on the line, as well as his whole mission. He needed her alive in order to successfully perform his mission.

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