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Clair's pov:
Today has been moving day yet again. It's strange how I never seem to care at all that I leave my home at least every second year.
„I think we have everything." my mom says with a thoughtful look. Then, after she stayed quiet for a minute or two, looking off into space she nods her head.
„Yeah, we definitely have everything!" she voices with a satisfied smile. My mother's dark blue eyes twinkle in joy as she takes a seat next to me on the driver seat.
„Sweetheart?" she softly questions me. Already knowing what she is going to say, I simply hold up my hand to make her stop. The question that would of come was the same one she always asks before moving us somewhere new.
„I am fine with this move mom, don't worry so much about me all the time." I say and smile at her. This seems to do the trick since her face lightens up again and starts the car.
„Forks! Here we come!" she excitedly says. Giggling at her giddiness. It's absolutely incredible how my mom can still be this euphoric. Normally only little kids have that type of happiness, but it is really lovely to see her like this. Especially since the moment she enters her work mode her character changes into complete seriousness.

„Wow! This place looks great with all those greenery around." I whisper in astonishment. It's a really heavy contrast to the dry surroundings we have had in Vegas. I can even feel my fingers itching in need to draw this wonderful surrounding.
„You are right. It nearly looks like some of those woods they have in all those fairy tale books." my mom answers me with awh in her words. Seemingly just as appreciative of this very lively place! Not long afterwards we pull up in front of a pretty huge house. Slightly rolling my eyes at that, never understanding the need of this much space for only two people. Most of the times even for only one sine my mom stays in the hospital pretty often.
„I know, I know. But when I saw the pictures I thought it was absolutely perfect for us. Come, I show you what I mean." mom says after seeing my reaction. Her hand quickly takes mine as she pulls me into our new home. She however doesn't even stop to let me look around. The second she does however stop I am completely ecstatic at what I see. We are now standing in, my guess a family room. Three of the walls are bottom to top window so you have the feeling of standing out in the nature. On the left side the window looks directly into the woods which is absolutely breathtaking. I can even see a few animals around there. The other two sides overlook a yard that looks to be well taken care off.
„So, what do you say?" my mom asks knowingly as she watches me look around.
„It's perfect!" I mumble out. And it surely is just that! I can already see myself set up my drawing kit around here to paint everything I see and even some magic creature. They surely would fit in with this setting just amazingly. Maybe I can also set up a bookshelf next to the door? This whole space feels so calming.
„I hoped you will love it!" mom says rather proudly that she did find some space I will enjoy as much as herself.
„Maybe, Of course only if you would like, we could set up your room in here." she says and my eyes widen at hearing that. Is she serious!? This could really be my room! It's not only spacious but it's view is exquisite, so to speak.
„Are you serious?" I ask still shocked that she would give me the surely best room out of this whole house. After all it must be designed for a living room or something like that.
„Course I am! I even asked a builder to add a bathroom here so it's a real bedroom. Let's be real sweety, I was sure that you would like this room right away." she answers me with a smile. Throwing my arms around her to hug her as tightly as I possibly could.
„Thank you so much mom! It's really perfect and I love it!" I quietly say. Still really overwhelmed that this room will be my own space now. Well, at least till we move again. But till then I am going to enjoy it the best I can!
„You are welcome Clair. It's the least I could do. It after all is my fault you don't have a real home." mom answers apologetic. She always felt like she pushes me away from all those experiences a girl my age should have with friends and all. But the fact is, I never ever fit in anywhere we ever stayed at. I can't even describe it, I only always knew I am not where I belong.
„But I do have a real home mom." I state matter of factly. Her curious eyes watch me, waiting for me to further explain my statement.
„You are my home. Always have been and always will be." I say and see her eyes right away glisten with tears. She pulls me closer into her chest yet again and kisses my forehead lovingly.
„You are the best daughter i could of ever asked for. I love you, I do hope you know that sweetheart." she says slightly choked up from her crying. So instead of answering her with a lot of words, I simply reply the sentiment and hug her back. I don't know how long we have been standing there, hugging one another and whispering with each other lovingly. But when we hear a knock on the door, we pull apart to see who is out there. My guess was the movers, and I was right with that. They were rather fast with unpacking all of our stuff. I however didn't pay them that much attention, instead I roamed around the house to get familiar with the layout. After seeing every room I do have to hand it to my mom to find such an amazing house on the internet for us to live in.
„Clair? Are you up for ordering in?" mom asks me while packing away some of the kitchen stuff. Since I already know the drill, I nod my head in agreement. We always order in after moving somewhere new. This way we can unpack the few belongings we have and need and don't have to worry to cook anything for us. So after a quick google search, we settled on a little diner that also delivers their meals. Hopefully their food is good, because it's the only place in our area that also delivers. Crossing my fingers in a silent prayer for good food before I start to put my clothes into my wardrobe that has been built in next to a very spacious bathroom in my room. To my luck the movers also already set up my bed and two of my book shelves in my room. That way I don't have to sleep on the couch or even worse on the floor tonight.
„The Food is Here." mom says after knocking on my open bedroom door.
„Coming." i reply and stand up. Once more I look over the space that is now mine with a satisfied and happy smile. When I see something move in the corner of my eye i walk a bit closer towards the windows on the left. However as much as I concentrate on the outdoors, I can't see anything there anymore. Shrugging at my own stupidity. I mean, who should be out there in the middle of the woods? So with that in mind I walk towards the kitchen where my mom is already plating the food for the both of us.
„Thanks." I say as she hands me a plate full with delicious smelling and steaming food. Guess my prayer indeed helped.

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