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Clair's pov:
Ever since my change, life has become extremely great! Being able to spend so much more time with my lovely mates is incredible! Janie and Alec also still are a very important part of my family, just like my mom, that's why I make sure to spend with the three of them at least two hours a day with! At first it was kind of strange that everyone was constantly asking me if I still am not thirsty for blood. So much so that I nearly lost my cool since it started to annoy me more and more. Thankfully Jasper felt it coming and calmed me down again in a way only he could. Afterwards he also sat me down to explain to me that everyone kept on asking since it's unusual that a newborn vampire doesn't go crazy with thirst. With that in mind, I asked them to please explain to me how a newborn usually acts. That way I at least learned the big differences between them and me. Till to this day I haven't gotten thirsty or hungry, whatever you may want to call it for blood. They also only made me drink some blood once since they feared otherwise I might die. But since I didn't felt any difference, they simply asked me to tell them if I should feel weaker and in exchange they won't ask me if I am thirsty any longer. Of course I right away agreed on that deal! It's a win, win situation after all! Strangely enough my eyes also stayed the familiar green instead of turning red as they should of. So I guess my change was a rather weird one in comparison to everyone else. To my joy though, moms was rather similar to mine! The only difference is that her eyes did turn red, but she felt and still feels completely fine around humans without going crazy in blood lust. That definitely soothed my worries of something being wrong with me, which have slowly started to build up in me! Even Aro came to the conclusion that it doesn't matter why we don't need to drink so much blood like they do and how we still can eat human food. The only thing that does matter is that we feel alright. Which we thankfully do!
„Are you Ready for the move my love?" Emmet asks me with a chuckle as he caresses my confused face. Guess I once again went off into my head.
„Absolutely! I can't wait to finally see Italy?" i answer him with honest excitement. They all have been telling me about Volterra and Italy so much already that i feel really giddy to see it with my own two eyes now! I do however hope that it truly is going to be as wonderful as they told me. Otherwise i surely am going to be devastated that they lied to me.
„Precious? You went off in that beautiful head of yours again." Carlisle says after kissing my lips softly. His shining eyes make me smile right back at him, how could I not!
„Is Italy really as pretty as you and the others have told me?" I ask him as I nuzzle my head in his neck. His deep rumbling purr makes me sigh in contentment.
„It is. You will see my little angel." he whispers against my ear.
„Darling? I thought you are happy about that move?" Edward asks suddenly from next to me.
„If you changed your mind we can stay here for a bit longer? Or move somewhere else? Whatever you wish darling!" he goes off in panic that I changed my mind or am mad for moving so soon after moms and i's change. Since I don't  want my mate to worry so much, especially unnecessary, I turn my head towards him with a soft smile on my lips.
„I do want to move to Italy though. I only asked Carlisle if it really is as you all described it to be." I softly say and see his worry fall off his face right away. His arms quickly reach out for me to hug me tightly into his hard yet comfy chest.
„I am sure you will love it. Alone with all those old architecture around there and the beautiful nature you can draw." he says and kisses my whole face which makes me giggle frantically since it tickles.
„I knew I heard my absolute favorite sound there is!" Jasper says and simply takes me away from Edward to kiss me passionately. That reminds me of the thing I am the most thankful for after my change. The fact to not need any air anymore, since that's the reason why I can keep on kissing all of my mates way longer now without nearly falling unconscious from loss of air!
„Are you guys already finish with packing?" moms accusing voice asks which sadly breaks one of my best kisses ever!
„I am." I answer her with a proud smile. Usually I hate to pack up all my stuff since I find it really tiresome, but now as a vampire it's way easier. That or it might has been the fact that a lot of my stuff was still packed in boxes from our move to Forks not too long ago. Who knows.
„That's Good Sweetheart. What about you guys? All ready? Since if you guys are we can finally head on out." she questions my mates with an eyebrow raised in the air. Seems like she also can't wait to see Our new home with her own eyes.
„We are Ready as Well. So let's get moving, shell we?" Emmet answers my mom after pointing towards a tower of boxes standing in the hallway already.
„Where are Janie and Alec? I haven't seen them the whole day? Are they ready with packing too?" I question suddenly worried for my siblings. It's really unusual that I haven't seen them till now. Normally we spend time over breakfast with each other. Mom also seems to get worried for them since her eyes widen at my question with realization as well.
„Shh, no need to worry mon amor, little one! I asked them to get the privat jet ready for us since they were already all packed up. You will see them there in no time." Marcus says as he strolls into the room now too before hugging my mom lovingly. A relieved sigh leaves my lips after fearing that something might has happened to them.
„If that's the case than let's get to the airport." I say still feeling the need to get to them as quick as possible. Hating to not be close by them at all times, this always makes me feel antsy in fear someone could hurt them or be mean to them again! Mom, who seems to share the same sentiment with me, agrees with me even before our mates could say anything.
„We will be with them in no Time my love. Relax, ok." Emmet says and pecks my lips in hope to sooth me. And I do have to say that it does help me calm down some more, still I know that I will only calm down completely after hugging my siblings.
„ok. Still I would like to leave now." I say and get a few nods in reply before we all make our way back to the cars. Aman and a few other guards were nice enough to offer to drive the truck with our boxes to Italy. That way we don't need to worry about them now, which also means I will see the twins sooner than otherwise possible.

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