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Edward's pov:
When I saw a car parked in MY spot I got really annoyed at the audacity this human being must have. Everyone around here already knows that they aren't allowed to park there.
„Calm down Edward, we only got a new steering wheel a week ago." Jasper says and sends me a wave of calmness towards me. Carefully I remove my hands from the wheel, where as expected some spots are tented from where my fingers have bored into it. Still rather pissed I stop the car behind the one that dared stay on my parking spot before getting out of my car. Just as I did that, an unbelievable sweet scent fills my nostrils and waver into my very being. I can see a girl with long blonde hair talking with a really worried looking Angela Webber. To make myself known I clear my throat. Not liking to be ignored nor to park somewhere farther away from my other siblings.
„Yes?" a very annoyed yet angelic voice asks me. Alone at hearing her speak I knew just who is standing right there in front of me. When she fully faces me, my dead heart skipped a beat. My mate is absolutely breathtaking! There is no other word to describe her beauty. I must of starred at her for quit some time since her forehead scrunches up a bit, her left eyebrow raised in the air to make me answer her.
„You wanted to say something?" She asks me still pretty annoyed for what I don't know. Maybe for interrupting her talk or for making her wait on a reply? Her scent is slowly starting to suffocate me, so to try to hold myself back from hurting this wonderful soul, I swallow heavily. Now is not the time! I need to make sure she will like me, fall for me so I will be able to make her mine! This is way more important than drinking her blood. Especially since I would loose my own mate if I do so. With that in mind my thirst right away vanished and there is only longing for my mate back.
„Sorry. I wanted to ask if you might be able to park your car somewhere else, but it's fine." I answer her, trying to sound nice and trustworthy. After all till now she only sees me as the jerk that interrupted whatever she has been doing before we got here. I can hear all the thoughts of my siblings and I am rather excited that Emmet and Jasper also found their mate within this angel in front of us. We always had a feeling that we as well as Carlisle share a mate together. It's rather unheard off, but something always felt that way. And after Alice also confirmed our assumption we all had been waiting and searching for this sweet being that suddenly appeared here for us to find. The fact that my brothers also recognize her as our mate also only confirms my own thoughts. Smiling at her welcoming seems to do the trick since her stiff shoulders slightly sags and I can feel and hear her sigh heavily, even her heartbeat slows down again.
„I am sorry, I didn't know this parking spot was reserved." she says and eyes her wrist watch with a small frown on her way to beautifull face for a frown!
„I am afraid I won't be able to park somewhere else right now since I am already late for my meet up with the principal. If you want though, I can move my car at lunch break?" She adds in explanation and I nearly awed at how sweet she is. If it would be someone else I would of pretty much gone ballistic on them for talking back at me or not doing as I want them to, but this sweet little angel is my mate and I will be damned if she fears me or even worse hates me. I have waited already hundreds of years to find my mate, so if she wants to park her she is more than welcome to do so. Especially if she keeps on talking to me! My eyes stay trained on her blinding green eyes that allow me to see her very soul. And what a pure and sweet soul she has. A smile forms on my lips without my own doing, simply looking at her makes me happy and smiley.
„Don't worry about it. I can park somewhere else too." I answer her earlier offer with an appreciative nod. Much to my dismay her eyes wander back at her watch yet again before she nods back at me seconds before mumbling a quiet thanks towards me. Sadly she afterwords quickly wanders off into the school building. The other students keep their eyes trained on me and my whole family while said family smiles brightly at my brothers and I.
„I am going to park over there." I tell them and get back in my car, still with a smile on my face. To not much surprise my brothers follow me back into my car so we can talk about our incredible mate.
„She is absolutely perfect!" Emmet dreamily says. His eyes shine in happiness a feeling he hasn't had in a long time. We all missed our mate terribly, so it's a true gift that we now found her. Or her finding us.
„I know! She seems to be the perfect fit for us." Jasper adds to which I right away nod along. Just then I remember someone else who needs to know our years of loneliness is going to be over now.
„We need to call Carlisle! He surely is going to be over the moon in joy too!" I remind them with a wide smile. Jasper already a step ahead of me, has his phone already on speaker for us all to hear.
„What's the matter boys? You guys only left ten minutes ago!" he asks us. Surely he is expecting  us to tell him how we got in trouble again for yelling on some poor human for angering us.
„We found our mate and she is absolutely incredible!" I tell him and hear his breathing hitch seconds before he demands a description of our mate. He even swears for having to stay at work now instead of coming here to meet her too since he needs to show his new co-worker around the hospital.
„Maybe if the day goes well you can come and meet us at lunch? Or we can offer our help with her schoolwork? That way we can invite her over so you can officially meet her!" Emmet says with a wide grin. His brain already picturing how we will get her to our home and spend some more time with her, get to know her and hopefully soon be able to claim her as ours.
„That sounds like a Good idea. Hopefully you guys have some classes with her. I wouldn't feel good if she is anywhere unprotected." Carlisle states to which we all agree to.
„Well, we better get going or we miss class. Not that I care but I want to see if our princess will have a class with us." Jasper states with joy. Feeling my own hope build to have some classes with her as well, maybe I am able to even change some subjects to get in the same classes as her? Let's wait and see for now. When we make our way into the building we right away see our mate looking around rather lost. Seems like she needs help and I am more then willing to offer mine! Much to my an Emmets annoyance though Jasper asks her first. And after a second of thought she agreed that it would be best if he walks her to the principal.
„Alright! This way then!" he says and softly lays one of his hands on her lower back to walk her there. I know it's unreasonable but still I am jealous that he already got to touch her while I can't.
„Don't worry Edward, in no time we will be able to do so much more with her than lay our hand on her lower back." Emmet growls lowly. The images I can see in his brain make me rather hot, which isn't good. Especially while we still are at school! After all those years I can't wait to finally get intimate with our other half. But for now we need to get her comfortable around us. Till the moment she will be ready we have to be patient with her. And I am going to be just that, she is way too precious to me as to lose her over something stupid. After a few more words exchanged between Emmet and I we walk our different ways to our separate classes. Maybe if I am lucky I am going to see our sweet mate soon! The bell rings but there is still no Jasper in our classroom which is unusual for him. Then again he surely offered to show our mate to her first class as well. Just as I was thinking that there is a knock on the door. A broad smile already forms on my face since I can read my brothers mind that our lovely mate has nearly all of her classes with us and two with only Emmet and Rosalie. The teacher looks mildly shocked that Jasper would escort someone new around but he stayed quiet. Our sweet mate however quickly walks up towards him to hand over her attendance sheet.
„Excuse me for being late. I am new here and needed to talk with the principal before finding my way to your classroom. Jasper also was nice enough to help me find my way here." Her sweet voice says. She even took full responsibility for jaspers tardiness. No one ever did anything like this for us. I know we normally don't help others around but still we aren't heartless and help here and there. The teacher quickly nods his head at her in understanding.
„This school can look like a maze if you aren't familiar with the space." he simply states and signs the paper before handing it back to her.
„You can sit over there next to Angela." he adds and points towards Angela who is sitting close by us. Clair also is going to sit in front of me which I honestly love. I completely zoned out after we got the go ahead to paint whatever we want. I decided on drawing my mate, she after all is the one person on my mind and if the teacher would ask, I can say she is sitting in front of me so that's that. With a large smile I watch our mate draw a wonderful view of the woods surrounding this whole town. The details she is putting into it are incredible. Even the art teacher praises her. Sadly the lesson was over way too quick, what kind of worries me thought is how our darling jumped as the bell went off. Hmm, Maybe we should talk about it with her. It's the only way of finding it out since I sadly can't read her mind which is a total first. So it definitely will take time to get used to. Especially since I would love to hear her thoughts on us, but it also is strangely alluring to not know what she is thinking all the time. Makes everything more interesting!

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