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Clair's pov:
To my confusion Alice, Rosalie and Esme also take a seat in Carlisle very comfy office.
„Are you guys sure you already want to tell her? It's really early on." Rosalie asks them and looks at me with worried eyes.
„I don't want her to fear us!" she adds and hugs me softly into herself. The four man don't seem to like that very much, but I don't care. Her hug is comforting and I feel like I can fully trust her to protect me. The others also were nice to me, but since the boys, as I have started to refer to the four man/boys, are still a bit of a touchy subject for me I appreciate her hug. It's comforting me.
„We know Rosalie, but she is worried about how she feels and we can't allow her to torment herself over it." Edward states matter of factly while his eyes seem rather worried if it really is wise to tell me whatever they mean to tell me. Rosalie sighs heavily before nodding her head slowly. Alice has taken a seat on my other side and only smiles encouragingly at me. Carlisle who seems to be the one that will explain whatever they are going to explain to me, steps forward so he now is standing right in my eyesight. He as well smiles at me softly before he takes a deep breath.
„Before I start with anything I want you to know that no one within this room would ever hurt you not will we allow anyone else to hurt you. We all consider you already as a part in our family, so please don't fear us no matter what I have to tell you now." he says which of course only confuses me more. Why does he say that like this? Are they like serial killers or why this huge set up? Since he keeps waiting for any sign of understanding from me, I nod my head a bit and get a soft smile from all four boys opposite of me.
„This definitely will sound like we are crazy but it's the honest truth! I swear!" Emmet says with slight desperation in his deep brown eyes. Why are they all acting so weirdly? Slowly this makes me get rather anxious.
„I am going to simply say it and you can ask every question you might want to get answered afterwards. Does that sound ok for you precious?" Carlisle asks me hopeful. Nodding my head slightly. This sounds like a good idea. That way I won't have to wait any longer since I don't think my heart would survive more of this stress of waiting and thinking the absolute worst.
„We are Vampires." he states matter of factly while he watches me as if waiting for me to bolt away from them. At first I don't know how to react at his statement. Should I start screaming for help, or laugh at the unbelievable thing he just told me, or cry for this rather cruel joke. I honestly still haven't decided on what i should do now.
„Clair? Are you ok?" Rosalie asks me with honest worry on her face. Looking at her for a few seconds I nod slowly. Slowly starting to believe him, their cold skin, the very white complexion. But no matter where my brain goes I can't get myself to fear them. Not even the thought of how they kill humans for their blood I stay calm.
„So you guys really are Vampires?" I say more to myself than as a question to them. Still they nod their heads slowly.
„How do I know you don't only play a dumb joke on me right now?" I question. A fair question I think, after all it would be very cruel of them, but than again the easiest to comprehend. Instead of answering me, Emmet simply lifts one of this enormous looking book cases with one hand. Hmm, guess that's legit then? Just as I think that Edward suddenly stands right in front of me and only a second later on the other side of the room again. Nodding my head at myself, slowly coming to the conclusion that they honestly are vampires. Which is really weird to think! I mean they go to school and work? Why would they do that? And isn't that very hard for them with all those humans including me around them throughout the whole day?
„So you drink from humans?" I ask and see them all right away shake their heads vehemently. They also start to talk all over each other which makes me giggle at their behavior. This however seems to surprise them since the stare at me in confusion. Rosalie the good friend that she is joins my giggles and soon the others also join in.
„To answer your prior question darling, we aren't drinking human blood. We feed from animals, that's why we call ourselves vegetarian." Edward answers me after we get our laughter back under control. Slightly confused at his answer I look at them for further explanation.
„We decided years ago that we don't want to kill humans to keep alive ourselves, so when we found out that animal blood also lets us survive, we switched our diat." Carlisle says softly. This makes sense and also fits their personality really good. They are after all so caring and sweet! When another question forms in my brain i look at Rosalie slightly worried how they might react to it.
„You can ask everything you want Clair. No one will hurt you or be mad at you for it." She tells me with an encouraging nod to just ask whatever I want to know. So with that in mind, I turn back to those four boys that have stolen my heart in only one day!
„Why do I feel like I can't live without you? And as if a piece of me is missing when you aren't around me?" I ask quietly since I still am slightly worried how they will react. They however only beam at me proudly and with love in their eyes.
„That's because you my sweet princess, are our mate." Jasper says and softly caresses my cheek lovingly while I am completely mind blown at his answer.
„Mate as in soulmate?" I ask him hopeful that that's what he meant. That would mean that I am not going crazy!
„Exactly love! You are our soulmate and we can't even say how thankful we are that you finally are in our lives! We after all have been searching you all over the world for over hundreds of years." Emmet says and that shocks and saddens me. Feeling guilty that they had to wait so long for me.
„No need to feel guilty princess. You were so worth the wait and even if I would have to wait all over again I would if I will find you in the end!" Jasper says and to further prove his point kisses my lips softly. As always I blush brightly but also smile softly before I look at him in confusion. How did he know what I was feeling?
„I am an empath, that means I can feel your feelings and I can also change them. Like this!" he says and I can feel myself get happy then confused and then nearly euphoric. With the knowledge that he could do this, I slowly start to realize that he has been really soothing me throughout this whole school day!
„You have been doing this in school to! Didn't you?" I ask him to which he nods with a worried look that I am mad at him for that.
„Thank you Jasper!" I say and throw my arms around his shoulders to hug him. Hearing this pleased purring sound again, I lift my head a bit.
„You are purring?" i ask in a whisper. Hearing the shocked indrawn breaths lets me look up to see the rest of their family watching me in disbelief.
„I am, but normally you shouldn't be able to hear that. Just like you shouldn't hear us talk when we talk quietly with each other, but you do and I am very happy that you do!" Jasper says and kisses my lips softly.
„So you guys also have growled in math?" I ask and get another hissed yes in reply.
„That asshole is lucky that he is still alive! No one is allowed to look at you like that!" Edward says with a threatening growl. Since I don't like to see him like that, I kiss Jaspers cheek before going to hug Edward. His arms right away pull me closer into his chest and his growl changes into a purr.
„It looks like our precious angel is very gifted. Otherwise she wouldn't be able to hear that." Carlisle says with a proud smile. Not fully understanding what he means with that I ask him to please explain further on.

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