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Clair's pov:
After Marcus once again apologized I tell him that it is fine and that he doesn't need to worry about it. Of course he promises to make it up to me, but I honestly think it's unnecessary. After all he didn't hold it back to hurt me or to be mean. He simply forgot and I won't hold that against him.
„Can I talk with you mom? Alone if possible?" I ask her softly since I wanted to talk with her about something for a few days now. So why not take this chance right now before she and Marcus are off into loverworld again. Not that I am not happy for them. Quite the opposite to be honest! It's just strange to see my mom even less than I already did with her work. But now she is at home, yet I still see her even less. Her face lights up right away as she literally takes me out of Jaspers arms to cuddle me into her body instead.
„Why don't you guys go to the others for some time? I am sure your family and your brothers miss you guys already." mom simply states and gets five whines in return while I simply giggle at her impressive eye roll.
„Why can't we wait down here?" Emmet asks with a pout on his lips that only make me giggle even louder as well as makes mom join in too.
„Because you still would Listen into our talk. So off you go! We need some daughter, mother bonding time." she tells them in explanation. They still don't look too happy with that bit of information, but at least they agree to give us three hours to ourselves. Of course they made sure to instruct us to call them if we should need them without any hesitation. Marcus also states That he will send some guards to us since he won't leave us here alone and unprotected. Which is In fact really sweet of him. So while I kiss and hug my mates once more before they run off, Marcus called someone to watch our house while he is gone. To not much surprise Janie and Alec get here seconds before he runs of to the Cullen residents. Of course he kissed mom softly before doing so.
„We will be staying outside to make sure you guys are safe. Just call us if you need anything." Janie says after she as well as Alec hugged us in greeting.
„Wait. You guys can stay here. That is if mom is fine with it as Well. I after all would like to hear your thoughts on my decision as well." I softly say.
„Even better! I definitely love having you two sweeties with us!" mom says with giddiness as she pulls all three of us towards the comfy couch in the middle of our living room.
„So, what was it you wanted to tell us sweetheart?" mom asks me and takes my hand in hers as the twins watch me with interest in their eyes. Taking one more deep breath to make me stay calm and hope that those three will approve of my decision as well as help me see through with it.
„You guys know how I am turning seventeen next Monday. So I thought about letting my mates change me at the end of that day." I quietly explain since I have no idea how they will react to that. Instead of the loud shocked no's though I simply see three smiling faces. Guess they aren't soo against it then.
„If that is what you really want than I am completely fine with it sweetheart. I only want you to think really good about it, since the moment they bite you, there is no way back afterwards." mom answers me with this motherly tone she always had when she wants me to think good about something. Yet i fully know she will support my decision no matter what, just like she always has and hopefully always will.
„We also would advice you to be a hundred percent sure that that's what you really want. Like your mom has already explained, there is no way back." Alec says with a supportive smile on his face as Jane slowly nods along as she bites her lip in thoughtfulness.
„In the end it's your decision on when you want to change and no matter when the time may come, we will of course do our very best to help you through it the best we possibly can." Janie slowly says. Still it is clear to see that she has something more to say, she simply seems not to know how to voice it just yet.
„Whatever it is you can tell me Janie. I already explained to you and your brother that I will forever love you since you are now an important part of my family. So don't worry about it and just say it." I say with an encouraging smile to hopefully make her believe me. Her shy smile makes me nod at her once more which seems to do the trick since her shoulders relax right away.
„It's just that Alec and I would of never chosen this life for ourselves. At least not at such an early age as we did." she softly starts to explain and I hug her right into me. They told mom and I already under how cruel circumstances they got turned. Of course we still are happy and even more grateful that Aro was there that day to pull them down from the stake where those monsters put them onto! Otherwise we would of never met them and the thought alone is more than painful!
„I do of course understand that you want to spend all eternity with your mates, and for that to happen, you need to turn into a vampire. But we know how extremely painful the change is going to be and I honestly can't bear the thought that you as well as your mom will have to go through it too." she says in a whisper like tone as her eyes fill with tears. This alone shows yet again how incredible sweet she and Alec truly are. Others only overlook that part of the two of them, simply because they never took out the time of their day to get to know them fully. Mom who seemingly had the same thought as me, quickly hugs them and then opens her arms once more to make me join the hug as well. So of course I do! Who wouldn't! Those three are after all my family!
„Thank you for your concern Janie. That really means a lot to me." I say and kiss her cheek lovingly before repeating the same to Alec and my mom.
„Of course I am not too keen on feeling any pain. But it's the only way to spend eternity with my mates and with the three of you. And I also know that the pain will be worth it if I afterwards can have the people I love the most around me forever." I add with a pink blush on my cheeks. Their awhing Of course doesn't help the blush to get away again.
„That sounded really lovely sweetheart." mom says and kisses my cheeks lovingly.
„Why don't you think about it for a bit more time. It still are five days till your birthday anyway. And if you still want to follow through with it, we all are going to be right by your side." she adds with promise and that alone makes me breath easier right away. As long as I know I have their support I am fine. Well, their and my mates support, but at least I am already halfway there!

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