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Clair's pov:
When we pull up in front of the house mom and Marcus just get out of their car as well.
„Did Jane Get here already too?" I ask the two of them hopefully. After my talk with Alec I really want to introduce the two of them to my mom. They need a real family and I know for a fact that mom will love them just as much as I already do.
„I am now." Janes soft and confused voice says from behind me. So with a wide smile on my lips I quickly hug her tightly. Really happy to see her again!
„Come, I want to introduce the two of you to my mom. Officially!" I tell her and a softly smiling yet nervous looking Alec. When we were close enough that mom can fully see the two of them she literally awh's at them.
„Aren't you two just the cutest!" she squeals in excitement and pulls them into her chest while telling them how cute they are as well as sweet.
„Mom don't frightened them. They aren't used to our craziness!" I tell mom with a giggle. Of course she ignores me completely and simply shows me her tongue. Typical mom I would say!
„So! Who are you two? I want to know everything!" mom asks them. Still holding their hands so they had no way of escaping her. Since the two however only smile shyly I stay quiet and let them get a dose of my mom. They definitely need to get showered in love since they have gotten starved off it for a very long time. That's at least what I am assuming from all their stories and explanations.
„That's Jane my twin sister and my name is Alec. It's nice to meet you." Alec says shyly and I am pretty sure that the both of them would be blushing profusely if they still could. But since they are Vampires it's physically not possible.
„That are really unique names! I like that! They also suit you really well. And look how gorgeous you two are!" Mom keeps gushes on. Her smile wide as she watches those two with adoration.
„Sweetheart! Why have you been hiding them from me!?" mom accusingly asks me while I only giggle in reply. Marcus also simply hugs me softly as he chuckles along with me.
„Don't be so hard on our little girl. She only met them yesterday after that asshole was eyeing her up." Marcus says calmly. A growl still left his throat at the mention of my former teacher. So I softly whisper an I am ok, to him. This made him smile right back at me again. Luckily!
„About that, well, for lack of words asshole. How is the plan with him anyway. I won't accept him living on his life after what he dared to do." Jane asks Marcus directly while her face hardens more and more. My mom at hearing that, also looked at Marcus with interest. Till now she after all only thought he will take him to court.
„I thought about letting him come to Italy with us. He got fired from his job, therefore no one will be questioning his absence." Marcus states with a small shrug. This thought makes me sad. I have completely forgotten that they had to go back to Italy again. They surely also are going to take my mom with them since she is Marcus mate. But what should I be doing then? My mates have their life's here, so I surely will have to leave them or my mom. None of those choices are ones I like. I am going to lose people I love and care for, which I absolutely hate to even think of. If I do decide to stay with my mates, I not only have to say goodbye to my mom but also to Marcus, a father that I just only got, and don't get me started on Jane and Alec!
„That sound like a reward instead of a punishment if you ask me." mom states. Of course she still doesn't know what taking him to Italy with them means. It's basically their sugar coating way of saying they will torture him before ending his life.
„Not from our standpoint mon amor. Believe me, he definitely won't get any reward from me nor from anyone I know. We Volturi's are famous for our cruel and hard punishments. So no, he won't like anything that is coming his way at all. And when we are done with him, he will beg us to be allowed to die." Marcus states matter of factly. Not once stopping his explanation nor does he sound apologetic for anything he says. To my surprise mom only smiles at him in appreciation.
„That sounds fair then ." she says and pulls the twins yet again into her chest.
„So, why don't we get inside now? I am starving and I am sure so is Clair." she says and  quickly gets pulled into the house by the two while Marcus leads me in as well.
„Let me get the food warmed up for you." Jane softly says and takes the food containers out of my mother's hand.
„Thank you Jane. That's really sweet of you." mom says thankfully and takes a seat on the stool by the breakfast bar.
„So, when am I going to officially meet your mates sweetheart?" mom asks me and pats the stool next to her. So without much thought I take a seat next to her, knowing that's what she was expecting from me anyway. To be honest I still am slightly down with the knowledge that sooner or later I will have to make a decision on where and with whom I am going to stay. But I do try to shove that thought away. At least for the time being. With at least That decision made, I shake my head slightly to make myself concentrate back on my mom.
„Don't know. When would you like to?" I say with a small shrug while moms face falls as she watches me with this studying look of hers.
„What is on your mind sweetheart? You look sad." she says and takes my hand in hers. Since mom knows me better than I myself, I know that Denying it would be useless. So I simply sigh heavily before explaining how I don't want to talk about it. At least not right now. Instead I much rather forget about the need to make a decision for the long haul.
„Ok, but you promise me to tell me in the near future. I after all hate to see you like this. Especially since this should be a happy time for the both of us." she instructs. Her eyes however shine with understanding that I need some time to get on terms with it myself before telling her about it.
„And to answer your earlier question. I would like to get to know them as soon as possible! Need to make sure they know that they have to treat you like a princess or I am going to hurt them beyond their wildest beliefs!" she says after taking a deep breath. At hearing that I simply giggle. What else should I say to that? My mom is crazy enough to seriously do just that. She won't care if they are Vampires or not. If they hurt me, she will hurt them even more, no question asked!
„I will get them for you little one." Marcus says and even before he could move another muscle the four of them stand by my side.
„Well, guess you already heard my threat. Still I am going repeat myself for you, only to make sure you know how serious I am about it!!" She states matter of factly.
„If, at any given moment any of you hurt my daughter, physically, emotionally or any other way. I will find and kill you. Before that though, I will hurt you beyond your wildest beliefs! So you would be wise to remember that!" she strictly and threateningly states. And to my utter disbelief, all four of my mates quickly nod their heads in understanding. They better really do remember it thought, because my mom won't hesitate to let her promise come to life.

The Cullen boys human mateOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora