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Clair's pov:
It now has been nearly two months since our move to Italy and let me tell you how absolutely incredible it has been here. All my mates and my whole family has been telling me about how beautiful Italy is before we got here. But in my eyes, what they said has been a complete understatement! Italy, Volterra specifically is absolutely breathtaking! I have been sketching and painting a ton already. All those old buildings, the little churches, the Volturi castle and lets not forget the beautiful nature around here! Carlisle often paints alongside with me which I find really lovely. It's great to be able to spend this quality time with him. Especially since he loves painting just as much as I do, so it makes it even better! Mom and Marcus also are going extremely strong which I absolutely love to see. I can't remember if my mom ever was as happy as she is with him right now. As far as I can remember though, she sadly never was. Of course we did have a great time together and everything, but Marcus seems to make her way happier as I could ever! Maybe it's the knowledge that she finally has a strong man on her side who she can trust a hundred percent that loves her to pieces? Whatever it is though, I don't care since it makes me way too happy to see her like that! She definitely deserves all the love and happiness out there! Mom has always put my needs before hers and even the needs of her patients. So it's good to see someone finally being there for her. Marcus even told her how he would do absolutely everything for her and I would never doubt him on that! The way he looks at mom is proof enough for me. What was amazing too was how the whole Volturi coven welcome us with open arms into their clan. They absolute adore my mom as their new queen and they also keep on calling me principessa, something I still haven't gotten used to. possibly never will, but I guess there are way worse things they could call me, so it's fine.
„Sweetheart, Wow! The painting looks incredible!" mom says in awh as she looks at my painting. It's a family portrait. I at least decided on calling it that.
„Thank you mom." I say and squeal as I see Janie and Alec standing behind mom too.
„You guys are back from your mission!" I say after hugging myself into them. An immense feeling of relieve washing over me. They of course told me that they will come back unharmed and to not worry. Still I did worry! They are my siblings, which I love with my whole heart. So of course I worry about them. Especially with the knowledge that they went after a bad coven that tried to form a newborn army! So yes! Worrying was the right thing to do!
„We are Cutie. I thought we told you to not worry so much about us." Alec says with a small frown in the end after studying my face for a bit.
„You Did. That didn't mean though that I would listen to it." I softly reply, way too happy to have them next to me again where I know for sure that I will be able to protect them. Well, at least as good as I can! Hearing Janie's sigh makes me giggle. She always finds it slightly irritating that I ignore their, orders. Of course she would never say anything, but I can see it in her eyes.
„You are my siblings, so it's my right to worry about you and there is absolutely nothing either of you could say to change that!" I simply state and I see how both their eyes soften at my explanation. They pull me even tighter into their chest which makes me smile all widely!
„That we understand cutie pie, but we still don't want you to be so stressed out every time we have to go on a mission." Janie answers after kissing my forehead to show me that she only means well. Which I know. Of course I do. That doesn't mean I will agree with them thought!
„So if I go on a mission you guys wouldn't worry?" I ask them even though I know the answer already. their low growls started even before I could finish my question, which makes my smirk slightly. Knowing for a fact that I won that argument easily. With that in mind I simply nuzzle their necks to make them calm down again.
„Seems as if your little sister has played you guys rather easily." Marcus chuckles from next to my mom who is already cuddled into her mate. Understandable!
„That she has. How could we win an argument after that." Alec says with a slight whine while I simply giggle happily to which they join in not too long afterwards.
„We should head on over to the rose bushes now. What do you say? Are you guys up to come along too?" Janie asks my parents who nod their agreement even though I don't get why we should go there? We already are in the garden, so why change over to the other side of it? it makes cero sense!
„Of Course! Come on babe!" mom says in absolute euphorie which only is even more confusing to me. Since I don't want to leave their sides though, I simply go with them.
What I however see as we round the last corner makes me gasp in complete disbelief! The whole rose garden is light up with tons of candles and ferry lights. All my four mates are kneeling right in the middle of a big heart surrounded with even more candles. I must of stopped in my track in surprise, since my sweet siblings each take one of my hands in theirs and slowly lead me closer towards my mates. They softly caress my hands soothingly until I am forced to step into the heart as well. That also is the moment they quickly kiss my cheeks and leave me standing alone in front of my still kneeling mates.
„We have been thinking of asking you this for a long time now my love." Emmet starts to say with loving eyes.
„The Plan was to ask you on your Birthday at first, but then we thought that should stay your own special day." Edward goes on making my eyes widen. They were planning this even before my birthday!? That's just so incredibly sweet Of them!
„And now, that you had time to adjust to being a vampire, as well as your new home Princess ." Jasper says with teary eyes, just as I feel myself tear up too.
„We finally want to ask you the most important question ever precious." Carlisle says and just like that, they hold onto my hands all at once.
„Will you do us the immense honor and marry us?" they say all together with so much love I feel like I am going to cry my eyes out. Luckily I can't since I now am a vampire, still I feel my airways constricting with all the excitement within me. How could I get such amazing mates!? How could I get this lucky!?
„Yes! Of course! Yes!" I say tearily and nod my head vehemently. Slightly overwhelmed with all of this joyous emotions within me. Strong arms pull me into my wonderful mates, who smile so widely at me in happiness that my heart nearly bursts in love and joy!
„We Love you so much!" they tell me while purring lowly making me sigh softly. That sound alone makes me fall in love with them even more.
„I love you all too!" I say honestly and their purrs get even louder at that.
And just In that moment, I can picture myself spending every second of every day, year and even centuries with them. And to be completely honest, I can't wait for our future together! Because I know that as long as I will be with my mates, my life will be the best it could possibly be!

The end

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