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Clair's pov:
My mates were sweet enough to not only drive me back home to get myself ready for the family date I have later today, but they also offered Marcus to borrow one of their cars to pick mom and I up a bit later. Of course I wished Marcus the best ok luck to completely wow my mom. He instead of answering me vocally thought simply pulled me into a tight hug, before whispering a quiet love you baby girl in my ear. Ever since then I kind of started to call him dad in my mind. If he really is going to make my mom as happy as I saw it in my visions then I am more than willing to completely welcome him into my family. Not that he isn't part of it anyway already, but I mean officially in moms and I's family. We also have decided on telling mom about him being a vampire only after we got back to our home. This way there is no fear of getting too much attention from anyone around us in this restaurant. When I exited the shower I find a completely new yet unbelievable beautiful dress hanging over the closed door. At first I did feel slightly creeped out that someone saw me while I was taking a shower, but when I hear Rosie, Alice and Janie from my room, I sigh slightly.
„We Hope you don't mind That we hung the dress in there for you." i can hear Janie say through the door. Shaking my head a little at the really thoughtful young vampire. For me it feels like Janie is my cousin or something. I can't really pin point the feeling, she somehow gives off this family vibe.
„Of course I don't mind. Thank you guys." I answer her with a small giggle. Feeling really excited for this evening as well as slightly anxious since I still am worried mom won't take the information so well. Shaking my head yet again in the hope of getting my mind on something more positive instead! When my eyes fall onto the really wonderful dress again, I slowly walk up to it, softly touching the delicate fabric under my fingers.
„Just put it on, we really want to see how you look with it!" Rosie says with a little whine for making them wait for that long. Giggling at her impatience. Since I however am not that mean, i softly take it off the hanger und pull it over my head. It does feel incredible on my skin, which is pretty rare for me, since I tend to feel all itchy with certain fabrics.
„Ready?" i ask through the door and get even more excited shouts of yes in reply than anticipated. So with a small smile on my lips and surely an impressive blush on my cheeks I open the door and step outside.
„Wow! You looks absolutely stunning precious!" Carlisle says the second he sees me while the others still watch me with their mouths wide open. As he opens his arms for a hug, I walk right into them. Loving hugs, especially from my mates!!! His happy purrs make me nuzzle his neck lovingly, feeling pretty relieved as one worry after the other slowly slip away from me.
„Carlisle is right princess. You look incredibly beautiful! Even more so then you already do anyway." Jasper softly says and kisses my lips while my head is still leaning on Carlisle's chest.
„Yeah. Sorry for not finding more eloquent words my love, but you really got me speechless with your beauty!" Emmet says still looking completely overwhelmed as he watches me from a few feet away. So after kissing Carlisle chest lovingly, I slowly walk towards Emmet and hug him as well.
„I don't care for eloquent words anyway Emmet. The only thing I do care for is what you guys think." I softly say and get pulled even tighter into his chest.
„You are the best my love!" he says and kisses my forehead before kissing my nose and finally my lips.
„I am afraid I also have no words for your beauty. But what i have words for is to tell you how much i love you." Edward says and kisses my lips as well with such love that I got teary eyed again.
„I love you all as well." I say before I quickly hide myself under Emmets chin, not wanting everyone to see me blush even brighter than I already am.
„Ok, enough of that cute sappy shit. We need to start on Clair's hair and makeup now. So shoo shoo. You will be able to see her after we are finished." Alice simply says as a happily smiling Esme points towards my bed with a glare towards my mates to make them go over there so they could finally get to work now. Giggling at their whines as well as the girls fierceness to make sure they do as they say. I honestly didn't even know that they would help me get ready, but I certainly am more than fine with it since I am shit with makeup and only decent with my hair.
„Here, take a seat and relax. We will take care of everything, so no worries!" Janie says with an excited smile. I don't know why though. Is it because she got included with that or because she loves doing stuff like this. Guess I will have to ask her a bit later about it.
So while they start to doll me up, I simply lean back and let them do as they please, as I giggle along with their excited blabber. When they finally deemed me ready after about fifteen minutes, I slowly make my way towards the body length mirror hanging on the side. The moment I see myself with the dress and all dolled up I am stunned. I never ever thought that I could look like this! The dark green of the dress make my eyes pop even more than normal and paired up with the dark, yet still not over the top eye make up, they draw even more attention on my eyes. My whole skin looks much more healthy and more glowing in a way. No idea how they did that! And my hair is braided very loosely which makes it look more softer and feminine as well.
„What do you say?" Esme says slowly getting nervous since I have been silent till now.
„I love it!" I say and bounce on the spot in excitement. Still not over how good I look with everything they have done. I really have to make them teach me how to get myself this put together, that's for sure.
„That's Good to hear! You after all look absolutely amazing!" Jane says and puts a small and delicate looking bracelet on my left hand. When I look at it, slightly confused since I thought they already finished everything up she speaks up again.
„It's the same Alec and I have. I hope you like it." she whispers slightly embarrassed as well as afraid that I wouldn't like it. With that in mind, I lift my hand to look at the lovely bracelet a bit better. The bracelet is really delicately made with a small heart in the center. The heart looks like the middle part is missing thought, which makes it even more beautiful in my eyes. So with tears in my eyes I quickly hug Janie in thanks. Completely overwhelmed that she would gift me anything, even less something as precious as this bracelet!
„It has our names engraved on the other side of the heart. Alec and I also added your name on ours." she softly whispers in relief that I seemingly love her sweet gift so much.
„Thank you Janie! That's really amazing and thoughtful of you! I love things with a deeper meaning, just like this here." I whisper back. Trying really hard to not cry since I don't want to ruin the girls hard work on my makeup.
„You are welcome. It's a sign that you are now a part of Alec's and I's family." she adds even quieter and that's it. The first tears already leaking out of my eyes, but I can't bring myself to care any longer. This just means so incredibly much to me, I can't even comprehend how to thank the both of them properly. So instead of saying something dumb I simply hold tightly onto her in the hope that she will understand how extremely grateful I am for that.

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