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Emmets pov:
When I saw how frightened my little love was from the indicated touch from Aro my heart fell a bit. This vision definitely has taken a toll out on her, she after all never was this frightened ever before! She also must of thought they were annoyed with her behavior when in fact they were furious that someone dared to hurt her. So since I hate to see her like this, I softly tell her to come to me and pick her up. She right away cuddles into me and hides her face under my chin. One of her favorite hiding spots as she has told us yesterday evening. I can see how all three kings along with their whole guards they brought along look worriedly at my little love. They surely have already figured out that something must of happened to her.
„Brother? What happened to your daughter?" Aro asks pretty furious that someone would dare touch one of his family members. His body already shaking in need to punish whoever did it! My love thought seems to think that he is furious with her behavior since her heart beat as well as her breathing starts to get quicker. Her tiny fingers also hold tighter on to my shirt. That seems to be her way of making sure she won't have to leave this spot where she hopefully feels safe. At least as safe as possible.
„Shh, you are completely fine. They all are only really worried about you." Edward explains to her which makes her sigh in relief. Her heartbeat slowly getting more regular and slower again.
„Why would she even think we would hurt such a cute little thing?" Caius asks after moving towards my side so he can see her otherwise hidden face. It's good that he himself asked that question as well as let's her see his face as he does. Maybe this way she could believe them more easily. For us it's logical that for them she is their family already, but my love is still human and on top of it only knows about our existence since yesterday.
„Hey, you are now part of our family dear, that means we will do absolutely everything to keep you safe. Ok?" he explains with a reassuring smile on his face. This time his words seem to get the hoped reaction since Clair smiles shyly back at him.
„That's more like it dear! A smile suits you way better!" Caius says and winks at her which of course makes her giggle her lovely giggles.
„Where! Want to see her smiling too!" Aro says with a low whine. Even pushing Caius slightly away so he can look at her now instead of his brother. This scene seems to make her giggle even more and louder which fills the whole room as well as my heart. How could we all get so incredibly lucky with such an amazing mate!? But no matter what we did to deserve her, I will forever treasure her and I know for sure so will the others!
Loud and painfully sounding coughs stop the most wonderfullest sound ever way too fast thought. Even the two kings look sadly as My love holds onto her throbbing throat again.
„Aman come here real quick." Aro says towards the guards they have brought along with them. At the count of them I am pretty sure they were awaiting a heavy fight. This also makes me appreciate them some more. They simply heard the loud and painful screams from my mate and came right to help their brother as well as us. When Aman, who happens to be really tall and very muscular steps forward I can feel the heavy inhale from Clair against my neck. No wonder she is afraid of him, he really looks mean and like he could snap her in half if he wants to. But we all know what a sweet and caring guy he truly is. We once met him at a battle field against a newborn army and he made sure to look at everyone afterwards just to make sure no one got too badly injured. Mind you we all were vampires which means a bit of blood would of done the trick, but this just shows what an amazing guy he is.
„This is Aman Young one. I know he looks pretty mean but he truly is a teddy bear." Aro explains softly obvious realizing as well that the sheer size of their guard frightens her.
„Can he touch your hand dear. He can heal people, but he needs some physical contact for that." Caius asks her careful to not overwhelm her with the information that Aman needs to touch her skin. She seems to think this whole thing through before she takes a deep breath. That alone thought hurts her sore throat a lot, at least that's my guess since she flinches as a pained whine leaves her delicate lips. This however definitely helped her with the decision since she slowly offers her hand to an already waiting Aman. He does send her a reassuring smile in a silent way of telling her to not worry since he won't hurt her in any way or form. He also doesn't take her whole hand in his like he usually tends to do, but instead only lays two of his large fingers on her finger tips. Another sign that he doesn't want to frighten her. Slowly a glowing light starts to wander from his fingers into my loves body and straight up to her throat where it starts to glow slightly brighter. Not long afterwards it just as quickly wanders back to Amans fingers before it completely vanishes again. He once more smiles softly at my love before he takes his fingers away from her hand and walks back towards the other guards. Feeling my love smile suddenly excitedly at me and than at the others, makes me smile right back at her. She is just such an incredible gift!
„Thank you Aman." She says thankfully in her completely normal honey like voice. I can feel my eyes filling with tears at the knowledge that it indeed worked! I definitely have to thank Aman later on for it! He after all once told me how it takes a lot of energy out of him. That combined with the fact he ran from Italy to Forks as well must of made him really weak.
„We have some blood bags in the kitchen for emergencies Aman. Go and take whatever you might need." Carlisle who also knows about how weakening this has been on his body says.
„It's fine Aman, go and drink. We aren't in danger." Caius says since their loyal guard keeps on standing with the others. He nods once at his masters in thanks before he starts to leave for the kitchen.
„Wait! I show you the way!" my love happily says and pouts cutely at me to make me let her go. Of course me being me, I quickly peck her lips before standing her on her own two legs. She quickly walks up to Aman and the size difference is really extreme, now that they are standing next to each other.
„We need to go there." she simply says and takes his hand in hers to make him follow her much to all our joy. They really make a funny sight with the little girl pulling the big bad vampire along with her.
„She is a joy indeed Marcus! And congrats to the four of you as well. You really got yourself an incredible mate." Aro says with a chuckle as he also watches them leave.
„Thank you Aro! She really is a precious little angel!" Carlisle thanks his friend on the complement on our wonderful mate.
„So, now back to you. You still owe us an explanation about your mate! We want to know absolutely everything!" Caius states matter of factly like it is about a life of Death Situation and not just gossip on Marcus Mate.

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