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Marcus pov:
It now has been about a day and a half since my wonderful daughter has started her transformation into a vampire. Since the start she has been laying there as if she was peacefully asleep which is a wonder in itself. i never saw someone transforming into a vampire without screaming in extricating pain!
„I am afraid I won't be able to keep it up much longer." Alec mumbles completely exhausted. It is to be honest a surprise that he was even able to keep it up for that long. Using a powerful gift like his for that long is simply unheard of.
„It's ok Alec. You helped a lot already. So stop and relax a bit. You look terribly exhausted and I know that my sweetheart wouldn't like to see you this overworked." my incredible mate says as she softly pats his shoulder in reassurance that it's fine. Now, as I finally look at him some more my breath hitches slightly. How could I not realized sooner how weak he is getting. Jane even has to hold him upright and his whole body shines in a sheen of sweat. Something that should be physically impossible since he is a vampire and we never sweat!
„But she will be in pain." he whimpers as his eyes fill with tears in sheer guilt. Before anyone can answer him though my darling hugs him tightly.
„It's ok Alec. Trust me. Clair will be fine." she softly tells him as she squeezes him even tighter into herself as his body starts to shake even more.
„Emma is right Alec. She already went through more than half of the change. That also means that the pain will be already way less than it would of been at the beginning." Emmet explains just as calmly yet worried. I am not too sure if he is worried for his mate or worried for Alec since he knows how important he is to my little one. Since Alec still doesn't stop to use his gift thought, no matter what we say, I stand up to put myself in between him and Clair. That way he has to stop if he wants to or not. Before I however was able to do so, he suddenly collapses against my mate.
„Alec!" Jane shouts out in panic for her beloved brother. Those two sadly only ever had themselves, so seeing her dear brother like that surely is the worst feeling ever for her. Quickly I take an unconscious Alec out of my mates arms and pick him up into mine. His body completely limp and strangely really warm, at least for a vampire.
„What can I do?" Jane questions tearily as I carefully lay him next to my daughter. Turning around to take her into my arms in a hopefully comforting hug. She and her brother always had a special spot in my heart, so it really hurts to see one in complete distress and the other one laying unconscious on a bed.
„We will figure it out Jane. He surely is extremely exhausted after using his gift for that long. So maybe he only needs some time to rest." I quietly tell her and caress her back to sooth her panic at least the best I possibly can.
„Oh my god!" I hear my brothers shocked whisper. Confused as well as worried what might had happened now, I turn around only to gasp in shock. Jane Who i turned around along with me gasped too as her eyes fall onto her two siblings. My wonderful daughter has his hand curled around Alec's and a bright white light seems to flow from her body into his.
„Did anyone ever see something like this before?" I ask in a whisper. Sadly I only get a few no's and shake of heads in reply. That much for any answers I guess.
„His skin. It gets colder again." Carlisle states matter of factly in his usual professional behavior.
„His aura is also starting to get back to normal." Jasper states in relieve that he seems to stabilize more and more.
„That means he is getting better! Right?" Jane questions pretty hopeful but still rather worried for her brother. Which of course is understandable, I after all still am worried for his wellbeing too.
„It looks a lot like it, but I am not completely sure. Like the rest, I never saw anything like this." Carlisle explains with an unsure expression. Nodding at him in reply, appreciating his attempt to explain the best he can while still not knowing a hundred percent sure himself what this may mean.
„I can hear his thoughts again, seems like he truly is getting better." Edward adds sounding relieved as well.
„What is he thinking about? Is he in any pain?" Jane asks right away as she hurries to her brothers side to kneel next to him. The soft chuckle that comes from Edward makes me relax, surely Alec is doing just fine then. Otherwise he wouldn't be chuckling, for that they are way to close with them as well as too compassionate.
„He is doing perfectly fine, just a tad bit annoyed that he fell unconscious. He also doesn't like for you to worry so much about him." Edward answers Jane with a smile and we all watch as her shoulders relax and a small smile forms on her face.
„Thats so typical for him." she whispers tearily and takes his hand in hers lovingly.
„He wants you to relax since he will wake up in no time anyway. He doesn't know why he is so sure about it but he is." Edward tells her with confusion written all over his face as well. Not long after he said that, we all watch as the bright light starts to slowly flow back into my amazing daughter. And just as the last bit left Alec's body, he opens his bright red eyes as if he just fed.
„Alec!" Jane shouts and literally throws herself on her brother. His face softens right away at her open show of love.
„I am perfectly fine Jane, no need to worry." he whispers softly while caressing her back lovingly.
„You frightened me!" she says in slight accusation. Of course she knows why he kept up exhausting himself that much, but it's only logical that she still wasn't too happy to see her brother getting weaker and weaker while she couldn't do anything to help him.
„Sorry. But I promise I am completely fine now. See? I am completely good!" he says and kisses Janes forehead. A heavy sigh leaves her before she pulls a bit away from his tight embrace.
„Ok. Just don't do that again." she instructs.
„Please? She adds in a begging whisper to which Alec nods promising.
„Of Course." he states strongly, letting his sister know that he means it.
„Clair is going to wake up soon. She talked with me. I don't know how that's possible, but I swear she did!" Alec tells us all, sounding worried that we won't believe him. And it honestly sounds strange, but it was just as strange for him to collapse and even more strange to get all good again by that weird light my daughter send into him while still during her own change.
„What did she tell you?" Jasper asks him pretty interested.
„That i am going to be fine and to not worry. She said she is by my side and that she will help me." he says sounding uncertain.
„Mind you I was pretty frantic since I couldn't move or say anything." he adds even quieter and slightly afraid that it will make him look weak to say something like that.
„That's only understandable son! We as well were rather frantic as you collapsed." I softly say and see his relieved smile that I still am on his side.
„Did she say anything else?" Carlisle asks. Obviously hoping to hear some more about his mate.
„Not much." he says with a shrug of his shoulder.
„Shortly before I woke up, she said that she will soon join me and to tell you all to not worry since she doesn't feel any pain." Alec says after taking a deep breath. As if my little one heard his statement, she starts to steer slightly. Guess she wakes up way earlier than we all expected but I am absolutely thrilled for that!!

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