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Clair's pov:
Edwards smile brightens as he takes my hand in his.
„It's finally my turn to hand you your birthday present darling. I hope you like it." he whispers against my lips after kissing me lovingly. With a hopeful smile he hands me a box covered in lilac colored wrapping paper and a golden ribbon on top of it. Otherwise it has the same shape and weight as the other two had.
„Thank you." I say as I take it and carefully unwrap it. When another black jewelry box comes to my few I simply smile at him. After Emmets explanation I decided to stay quiet and be thankful for their generosity. With that in mind, i softly open up the lid and smile lovingly at the heart shaped lock with a delicate key on the side. As I turn it over I once more feel my tears leaking from my eyes. How could they come up with such short, yet sweet and lovely sentences?
„May i?" Edward asks after kissing the tears off of my face, while he points at the delicate pendant. After my approving nod he carefully takes it into his hands and puts it on the same bracelet the others put theirs on. Now I can even hear the soft chingeling coming from the pendants which makes me smile lovingly at them. It's a sweet reminder at how lovely my mates are and how much they love me.
„I love you darling. All the way to the moon and back!" he states and kisses my lips a few more times before he sighs with a sad frown on his face. Not really knowing what the matter is, makes me lay my hand on his cheek lovingly, Wanting to cheer him back up again.
„I love you too. So no reason for you to be sad." I softly say as I look him straight into his lovely eyes. Still his face doesn't brighten.
„Now I want to leave your side even less than before!" he whines lowly while I slowly start to understand what he means with that. So as I lift my head to the side I see Carlisle already waiting for me three steps ahead of us.
„You know, the sooner you let me go, the quicker we will meet up upstairs." I softly tell him in explanation to make him smile slightly at me again. Happy that I indeed was able to cheer him up again. Sadly not fully, but at least enough to receive his wonderful smile again. Slowly and only after a few more kisses he walks me towards Carlisle's waiting form. He right away takes my hand in his as his smile makes me feel all warm from the inside out. Carlisle truly has such a special smile!
„Don't take too long!" Edward tells him before he runs off like the others did not too long ago as well.
„Ignore his dramatic attitude little angel." Carlisle softly says since I look around still rather worried for Edward. After all I hate to see any of my loved ones in pain or sorrow.
„I am serious angel. Edward is completely fine. We simply only missed you throughout the night and the morning, that's why he is a bit whiny. But we will join them in no time. I promise angel." Carlisle says as he kisses my cheeks to get my attention on him. So since I indeed had my full focus on my other mates, I do try to focus on him now just as much. He after all deserves the same attention as all my other mates have gotten from me.
„Hey." i say softly in a shy welcome and get the widest and most excited smile I have seen from him.
„Hi my precious angel." he says and kisses my lips lovingly which makes me nearly melt in his strong arms.
„Last but hopefully not least." he says with a small wink that makes me giggle right away while he hands me a golden colored wrapped box with a lilac ribbon. The opposite as Edward had given to me only a few minutes prior.
„Thank you!" I say with a small blush on my cheeks as I slowly unwrap the paper. And to not too much surprise it once again is a black jewelry box. Seems like all four of them decided on the same kind of gift which makes me smile slightly wider. Finding it extremely cute that they did brainstorm with one another about what they could gift me.
„Go on precious, open it up." Carlisle encouragingly says. So after smiling once more thankfully at him, I carefully open it to see an angel wing pendant with four small shining stones on it. It looks extremely lovely!
„May i help you put it on?" he asks while taking it out of the box already. Instead of answering him, i happily hold out my hand to him so he can easily clips it onto my bracelet too. When he did, I lift my hand up so I can look at all four of them, hanging on opposite sides on my wrist. The widest smile spreads on my lips in excitement. Of course I read Carlisle's engraved sentence too, and like the others my eyes teared up, luckily I was able to blink it away with my excitement to see them all dangling on the small bracelet on my wrist.
„I love you Carlisle." I softly say and get pulled into his hard chest with one quick movement and since I am the cuddly type I cuddle myself even closer into his body. Loving to be this close with at least one of my mates.
„I love you too my precious little angel! I have waited for my whole existence for you to appear, and now I finally have you in my arms." he says with so much love in every word that it nearly makes me tear up yet again. But I for once have myself under control and am able to blink them away.
„Sorry i made you guys wait so long for me." I say with apology. Knowing how much it hurt them to be without their mate for that long. Even more reason to try to make them the happiest they can possibly be!
„Nonsense! You are way worth the wait! It's just like a miracle that we finally have you now." he states with a heavy shake of his head as he slightly scolds me for even thinking like that.
„Are you guys coming? Caius wants you to taste test your birthday cakes!" mom calls from the front door towards us. Giggling at her statement, knowing Caius can be slightly impatient. So since I don't want him to have to wait any longer, I take Carlisle's hand in mine and walk with him the last few steps up where my mom is still waiting for us.

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