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Clair's pov:
Watching my mom smile shyly at Marcus makes me really giddy. She never showed any interest in any male as far as I can remember. Mom also once told about the fact that she doesn't need any more heart ache as she got put through by my sperm Donner. That's what we both have been calling him. He after all wasn't a father, so there was cero chance that I would call him that. This man wanted me to die before I was even born, so my hatred for him should be understandable. I however never missed any father figure! My mom was more than enough! She alway was there for me and showered me in love. So seeing her for the first time ever smiling like that at a male makes me really thankful for Marcus. And I honestly can't wait to see my dream come true! I after all want my mom to finally feel as treasured and loved as she deserves!
„Why don't you head on out for lunch now? I am not hungry anyway so don't worry." Carlisle's thoughtful tone of voice asks my mom with a small wink my way. I can feel my mom stiffen slightly at his offer but after she sees me smiling encouragingly at her she slowly nods her head in agreement.
„I once again want to thank the three of you for being there for my baby girl! That means so incredibly much to me, so don't think I will forget that." she tells my mates once more in thanks. she softly take my head in between her hands to make me look up to her.
„And you really are fine?" she questions with so much hope it's hard to breath and not burst every secret I have to her.
„More than fine mom. You really don't need to worry at all." I answer her and get a soft peck on my forehead in reply.
„You really should get to know Marcus. He is really sweet, I am certain that you will like him just as much as I do. And I don't think he is anything like him." I softly whisper to her. Not really wanting the others to hear, but also knowing that there is no way for them to not hear it. Her lips pull in a soft smile while I speak and her eyes also shine lovingly at me.
„When did you grow up so much baby girl!? I remember how it was as you were just my sweet little baby with the most memorizing eyes." she whispers back with tears in her eyes before she pulls me into a hug once more.
„I love you mom." I sigh in the comfortable embrace.
„I love you too sweetheart. Soo much!" she quietly says in my ear before she kisses my cheeks.
„You guys will keep my daughter safe! Right?" she asks but honestly instructs my mates with a stern voice that only a true mom has. They quickly nod their heads in agreement seconds before replying with yes madame. This of course makes mom and me giggle. It's cute to see them so frightened and respectful to my mom.
„I will call you a bit later and if anything happens, even if you get a paper cut, then call me right away." mom tells me sternly. Knowing her, she won't let me go before agreeing, so I do right away. Not as if I do have a problem with it anyway though! So when my mom lets go of me I turn around and hug Marcus once more.
„Thank you. And good luck with my mom!" I whisper softly, knowing he will hear me.
„Of course little one. Stay safe." he says and kisses my forehead just like mom has done only a few seconds earlier. When I step away from him and instead towards my mates side i smile widely at seeing mom and Marcus still holding hands. I guess my mom doesn't even realize that fact but the rest of us sure as hell do.
„Have fun mom!" I say and wave slightly after them. Marcus has now laid his hand on her lower back to lead her towards the cafeteria, just the same way as Jasper has done the whole day yesterday!
„They look good together." Jasper says with a low chuckle. Looking at them once more before they go left and therefore out of sight.
„They do!" i say in a whisper. Really hoping that Marcus can make my mom as happy as she was in my dream.
„Angel, are you really ok? I can't believe that this waste of space dared to think about your delicate body like that." Carlisle says and growls while caressing my cheek lovingly.
„Why don't we go to my office real quick?" he asks and pulls me even closer towards him. His cold breath on my exposed neck makes me shudder slightly.
„Come princess." Jasper softly says and lays his hand on my back to lead the way just like Marcus has done to my mom. When we come across a small hallway Carlisle suddenly pushes me against the wall. Of course not hard or anything! His lips right away touch mine and he kisses me like a man starved. Hearing his deep purrs along with a few growls only makes me throw my arms around his shoulders to hold on for the ride.
„Carlisle, come on. Your room is only two doors down from here." I can hear Edward say slightly annoyed. And I swear Carlisle talented lips only leave mine for two seconds before they are back on mine. Devouring my mouth more and more.
„No one will ever kiss you like that!" he growls in my ear as he nibbles on my neck, letting me see Stars in front of my eyes.
„And no one is allowed to touch your body other than us!" he adds before his mouth once more attacks my mouth in a searing kiss. Swallowing up a moan that wanted to leave my lips.
„Will Make sure no one dares to take you away from us!" he whispers in my ear with such determination that I quickly understand that he was seemingly terrified that the teacher could of done just that. With that in mind I lay my hand on his cheek to look him straight into his lovely eyes.
„I know. I won't leave you, and I also know that no one will be able to steal me away from you." I promise him. His relieved eyes bore into mine now. And as if signing a promise, he pecks my lips lovingly before he goes to nuzzle my neck.

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