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Clair's pov:
Carlisle has been explaining what he means with gifts that vampires can have and how some humans can have also a tendency of a gift. It's weird that he thinks that my over sensitive ears are a very powerful gift while I only ever saw it as a burden. But after his explanation it makes me feel better about it. It makes it seem like something useful and not only something that is very hard with many people around since they tend to be so loud all the time.
„Do you all have Gifts?" i ask in the round. Some nod and some shake their heads which saddens me a bit.
„I can read minds." Edward says nonchalantly, shocking me with his reply. Does this mean he has been reading my mind this whole day! Alone the thought makes me panic slightly with what I have been thinking about throughout this day!
„No need to work yourself up darling. Other than anyone else, I can't hear any of your thoughts. It is hard to not know what your mind is on at all times with but I also like it since it gives you some more privacy." Edward says, making me calm down again little by little. Looking at Carlisle in a silent question he nods slightly.
„I have more control over my thirst than others." he says to which I nod.
„I am stronger than others, but no real gift I would say!" Emmet simply states with a shrug of his shoulder and a wink my way to make me giggle again.
„Rosie?" i ask but only get a shake of her head in reply. Her eyes seem sad for the lack of gift but that surely isn't something I will allow.
„I think you are way more pretty than others! That's also a gift? Isn't it? I mean if you would still feed from humans it would help you hunt them." i say softly and see her eyes perk at my explanation before a soft smile overtakes her mouth.
„You are right Princess! That's a very useful gift, whenever we need anything from a office or so we send Rosalie since she always gets her way." Jasper but's in with realization on his face. Nodding my head as well while looking at a now widely smiling Rosalie.
„I didn't lose my human side, so to speak. Which isn't that useful but I like to still be the same as I always have been." Esme states and kisses Rosalie softly to get said vampire giggle softly. Seeing them interact also lets me understand that those two also are mates. At least I think so....
„I can see the future." Alice quietly says before she cuddles herself into both, Rosie and Esme.
„Are the three of you also mates?" i ask interested and hopeful that I indeed figured this out on my own. Their happy nods make me clap my hands in excitement. Loving to see them so happy with each other! When my stomach starts to rumble I blush brightly while the others look at me in surprise.
„Oh my god! We totally forgot you need to eat still! Let's get downstairs to the kitchen, the girls and I made some pasta for you when you got here!" Esme says and softly takes my hand in hers to walk me down. Emmet however instead lifts me into his arms and carries me bridal style.
„You do realize that I can walk right?" I ask him with a giggle. His wide smirk plastered on his face never leaving his lips as he answers me that he knows that he still enjoys having me this close to him. He even goes on to tell me that his siblings have been hogging me off and that he wasn't able to hold me ever since we got to their home. Still new to this I don't fully understand, but I also don't want to hurt his feelings by making him put me back down. So instead of doing that, I simply lean my head on his broad chest and enjoy the ride. When we arrive in the kitchen my sweet Emmet softly places me on one of the bar stools seconds before taking a seat right next to me. Leaning over towards him, I softly peck his lips as a thank you for carrying me. His wide smile makes me giggle yet again. Not long afterwards a steaming plate with delicious smelling spaghetti gets placed in front of me.
„Thank you three for cooking this for me. You really didn't have to, especially since you don't even eat yourself." I thank them but also make sure to tell them so that at least in the future they don't feel like they have to cook for me. I would of easily survived if I would of eaten back at home later on. As far as I remember I also would of had some muesli bars in my backpack since mom always has taught me to be prepared for any change of plans.
„Nonsense! I love to cook and now I finally had an opportunity to do so!" Esme says sounding rather excited that she was able to use their really big kitchen for once. Taking the first bite my whole face lights up at how incredible it tastes!
„It's really good! You three are amazing cooks!" I state and see the three woman smile proudly at me.
„Can you please tell me more about vampires while I eat?" I ask Carlisle who has taken a seat on my other side. His soft smile makes me blush slightly, it's incredible how even one glance Of him or either of them makes my heart beat way faster than normal.
„Of course precious." he says and kisses my forehead. So while I keep on eating this delicious meal I keep on listening closely at their laws and how they have three kings that live in Italy but are going to come visit them here soon since they want to meet me. Carlisle explains how he used to live with them but when he decided to not feed from humans anymore he left to form his own clan that for him is more family than anything. He also tells me how they have some more family that live in Alaska and about some other vampires that are family friends. When I finished with my food I thank the three woman once more before I get lifted off from the stool and instead get carried towards the humongous couch by Carlisle.
„Why don't you tell us about yourself now precious? I would love to get to know you better." he asks and who am I to disagree with his plea after he has been telling me so much of themselves already. So I start to tell them whatever comes to my mind.. I did tell them about the fact that I never met my father since he left my mom as she got pregnant and she didn't abort me as he wanted her to. I also tell them how much my mom means to me and how she is my hero for always being there for me and for working this hard to be able to pay for the life we now live. They did ask me if I have any other relatives that helped my mom as I was still younger, which sadly I don't have. This made them all agree on how incredible my mom is. Others would of gone the easy way and just given their child away, but not my mom. She managed to study while I was a baby and worked night shifts to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table, while one of our neighbors looked after me as I slept. I also told them of the different countries we have lived in and how I never really fit in. They explained to me how it is not uncommon for a vampire mate to feel like that. Especially if the connection is as strong as ours seems to be, that's at least what they said. Carlisle further explained that my heart always knew where it belongs and that it wouldn't settle down anywhere else since it otherwise wouldn't of been able to find them. This did sound kind of strange but it also makes sense in a strange way. When an alarm got off Carlisle looks rather sad.
„I am afraid I need to drive back to the hospital now to take over your mothers shift. You also should drive home now." he says softly and I nod right away. I as well am sad that I need to say my goodbyes to them for the day but also more than happy to spend the evening with my mom now.
„We will drive along with you. Only to put our minds at ease that you got back home safely princess." Jasper says with a hopeful smile that I will be fine with that. And of course I am!
„Drive safely precious. I love you!" Carlisle states and kisses my lips for the second time this day and just like the first time I can feel butterflies flying in my stomach.
„Am I going to see you tomorrow again?" I question him slightly unsure that I will, but his wide smile makes me sigh in relief.
„Of Course! Why don't you come over after school again?" he says to which I quickly nod my head. Already not able to wait to meet up with all of them again.

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