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Clair's pov:
I have no idea what has gotten into myself. This whole hugging a near stranger and kind of beg him to stay by my side is so not my normal behavior. Who cares that this Isabella keeps on talking shit about me. The only thing that really had hurt like hell was as she referred to all of them as their future husbands. I mean of course we only just met and it's crazy to feel all those things for those three boys. And to top it off even more, considering that I only just met them this morning. But something in my heart shattered when I heard her say that. Emmet however only smiled lovingly at me before stating that he needs to talk some sense into her. Of course it made me worry even more. What if he already is tired of me. Then again, we don't even know one another. This is all so damn confusing!
„Love? You still with me?" Emmet asks curiously and lays his huge hand on my cheek to make me look at him. His eyes shine in honest worry as he looks me straight in the eyes.
„Yeah, sorry. That's what I meant at lunch with I tend to space off myself." I answer him quietly. His light brown eyes shine at my answer and he yet again pecks my lips softly.
„Let's get into class before Angela gets worried for us." he says and chuckles lowly. Kind of sure that she really will be worried for us, I cuddle myself into his side and let him pull me into the classroom.
„Ah! You must be Miss Baker! I already heard so much about you." the rather old female teach says with a warm smile on her lips. I shyly nod at her and hand over the sheet yet again to get her to sign it too. Other than what I have thought, Emmet stays by my side and waits till she hands back the sheet of paper before he moves us towards the back of the class where he all gentleman like scoots out my chair for me. Of course I blush instantly. Angela also isn't helping me as she winks at me knowingly. Her eyes however let me know that she doesn't mean any harm, she only means it jokingly which makes me smile at her softly. It feels good to for the first time have a friend that seems just as cast out by others as I have always been. Well, the whole Cullen family also treats me rather nicely and I slowly start to appreciate our move to Forks more and more. The lesson went by pretty quickly since the teacher keeps on describing all the thinks the Egyptians have done to their dead people and how they always buried gold and diamonds together with their dead ones. Her teaching is amazing and I am sure that other than in all the other classes, here everyone was listening closely.
„Sadly I need to hand you over to Jasper and Edward now." Emmet says with a cute pout on his lips. At seeing it I giggle softly. Never would I of ever imagined this bear of a man to pout! Then again he seems to be a true sweetheart! His face lights up as he hears my giggles and gently pulls me into his chest for a hug.
„That's the absolut best sound i ever heard!" he whispers in my ear which of course tickles and makes me giggle even louder.
„Clair? Sorry for interrupting you guys again but I sadly have to say my goodbyes now. The last two hours of school we have different classes." Angela says with a frown of her own just as i myself form one. I really enjoyed my time with her! But at least we will have lessons together tomorrow morning again.
„Ok. See you tomorrow Angela. And thank you for today, I really appreciated your help as well as hopefully got a friend in you." I say and hug her softly. Her face turns slightly pink as well from a blush, guess she wasn't expecting me to hug her at all.
„Believe me if i say I never ever enjoyed school as much as today. And of course we are friends! It's really great to finally have a normal human being around here and not just those bitchy girls that only care for fame and beauty." She reply's with shining eyes. and I hug her even tighter for that. Completely understanding how she means it!
„See you tomorrow!" I repeat once more before she runs off to not be late for her next class. Emmet simply takes my hand in his and leads me outside where his two brothers were already waiting for us.
„Take Good care of her and get me if those damn girls try to talk nonsense about my sweet love again." he instructs those two and kisses my lips once more.
„See you a bit later my love." he says with sad eyes that he needs to leave now, while his thumb softly caresses my cheek.
„Till later." i whisper. Still stunned that he has cero problem with kissing me in front of everyone all the time. I however can't get myself to care either. It feels way too right to even think a second about what the others might be thinking. Jasper and Edward quickly pick up on my sad mood it seems. That's at least my guess since they right away hug me and kiss my cheeks and forehead in the hope to brighten my mood up again. Which it certainly does!
„We should get going now too princess." Jasper says as he like always lays his hand on my lower back to start to lead me in the right direction while his brother simply intertwines our fingers together. So with one of each of them on one side, we walk towards our English class. Maybe if I am lucky the next two hours pass by quickly Since I am feeling  pretty exhausted from this emotionally training day. At least the English class passed rather fast, but now I have PE. Not that I don't like sport, but I never felt comfortable to change in front of all those other girls in the room.
„Just stay next to me Clair. I promise it will be fine." Rosalie encouragingly says after I explained my hesitation to her. Somehow I do feel like I can trust her and her other sibling. Of course I trust the three boys the most but this is more of a woman's topic. Just as I start to pull my shirt over my head I hear laughter coming from the other side. Already knowing who this cruel voice belongs too, I simply try to hurry through the change of clothing to get away from this uncomfortable environment.
„Shut up Swan or I make you!" Rosalie tells her in an ice cold tone that holds a promise in each and every word. And much to my surprise, the whole room shut up right away. The sweet girl however doesn't even stop there. She even goes as far as shielding me with her own body the best she can.
„Thank you." I whisper thankfully. Not even knowing how I deserve those incredible sweet and caring people in my life! But I know that I absolutely love to have them around me!
„No need to thank me Clair, that's what friends are there for." she says with a shrug as if that was nothing. To my utter shock in this school, boys and girls have PE together. And just as I felt myself worry about that fact, I see Emmet, Edward and Jasper walk towards Rosalie and i with wide smiles.
„I missed you love!" Emmet says and pulls me into his strong arms to embrace me as if we haven't seen each other in years and not just for only one hour. Still I stay quiet and enjoy the hug. It after all  feels way too good to voice my thoughts. And if I am absolutely honest here, I missed him like crazy as well!

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