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Clair's pov:
When my mom finally got back home from work she was in complete awh at how I look. It did make me slightly uncomfortable since I already thought that she doesn't like it, but then she pulled me right into her comforting chest.
„I can't believe how grown up you already are." she has said with so much raw emotion that I simply hug her back even tighter as before. Since then she has gone to shower and get herself ready for our family date as I decided on calling it. My mates have come through the window again the moment mom closed her bedroom door behind herself.
„why are you still so nervous my love? You will see everything will turn out perfectly fine!" Emmet try's to sooth my worries, still I am worried how mom will react. I am pretty sure that she will accept Marcus without too much trouble, but what if I am wrong with my assumption?
„Hey. Love, come here." he softly says and picks me up so I can cuddle myself into him. Just this closeness alone makes me feel more calm. It's really incredible how they can calm me down with something this small.
„Are you guys staying here?" I ask them. Till now no one told me if they are staying back here or go back to their house.
„We will be staying here. So if you need any help during the explanation or simply need a hug after your hopefully good dinner, now you know where you can find us darling." Edward softly says and kisses my lips softly, of course making me blush slightly.
„Aro, Caius and some of their guards will follow you guys to the restaurant since they want to know how things are going." Carlisle says before he steps a bit closer towards me as if he is going to tell me a secret.
„My Guess is that they only want to see their brothers mate." he adds with a wink which makes me giggle. Knowing that this surely is a huge possibility! Those two after all are the real gossip queens, but you got to love them for it. They after all are really funny and sweet!
„Sweetheart? Could you come and help me pick  out an outfit please?" mom calls from her room. Emmet right away sets me back down on my own two feet after kissing my lips softly.
„Coming!" i Call back towards mom so she knows I indeed heard her. Before I go towards her though, I softly hug all four of my mates again.
„I love you guys." I say with a small giggle and run off towards moms room. I honestly don't know what I was expecting, but I definitely wasn't expecting my mom to throw dress after dress out of her usually well organized dresser.
„I have nothing to wear!" she whines in complete distress. Since I try to be a good daughter, I do try to not laugh at her now nearly ruined room. Everywhere are clothes and still she is sure that she has none at all. Knowing however that she only is really nervous, I walk up to her and hug her lovingly.
„There is no reason to get so worked up mom. You will see, Marcus will definitely like you nonetheless what you are wearing." I softly tell her and feel her relaxing into the hug more and more. After a minute or so, she sighs heavily and takes a step back from me. Her hands still holding mine though.
„Thank you sweetheart! I really needed that hug!" she says and kisses my forehead like she has been doing for as long as I can remember.
„Don't worry about it mom." I say and slowly walk towards her dresser, trying hard to not step on too many other clothes in that process. When I see a pretty similar dress as I am currently wearing, I quickly realize that someone from the girls must have put this one in here as well.
„Why don't you wear this one? It's the same one as mine only in dark blue instead of green." i say and take the dress out to show her which one I mean. She studies the dress for a few seconds, seemingly irritated from where this one has come from, but then a smile forms on her lips.
„That's perfekt!" she says happily as I hand it over to her.
„Thank you Clair! You really are the absolute best!" she says and pulls me into a hug yet again.
„You are very welcome mom! Now get dressed or Marcus is coming to pick us up even before you are ready." I answer her with a giggle. When her eyes however look at the clock she once again screeches in realization that she really has to hurry. Since I however hate to see her this stressed, I softly take her hand in mine.
„Mom, calm down. You have more then enough time. Just put the dress on and blow dry your hair." I softly remind her that that's the only thing she still has to do since she must of done her makeup already before calling for my assistance. So after one more hug, I go back to my room to give her some space.
„Do you guys know who bought those dresses for mom and I?" I ask my mates interested after closing my bedroom door again. Jasper simply smiles at me and pulls me into his chest for a hug.
„Esme along with Rosalie, Alice and Jane thought you might like something new to wear. It also gave them the best opportunity to go out shopping again, which they absolutely love to do." he explains and caresses my cheek lovingly as he keeps on looking me straight in my eyes. Smiling softly at that information. I definitely have to thank the four of them the next time I see them! It's the least I can do. After all I am pretty sure that those dresses were pretty expensive. My guess is that that's also the reason why there were no price tags on them any more.
„Can you please remind me to thank them later on?" I ask into the room even though I still look straight back into Jaspers wonderful eyes. Slowly as if in slow motion, his face gets closer and closer until our lips find one another. My eyes automatically close to enjoy the sensation of his lips on mine even more. When he pulls away again, a dreamy sigh leaves my lips.
„I love you princess. More than words could ever say." he softly says while one of his hands is still laying on my left cheek. Since I am not ready to let this moment pass by so soon, I simply nuzzle my head into his hand.
„You are like a cute little Kitten." he says with a soft chuckle, but none the less pulls me back into his chest to hug me tightly. Sadly mom just then calls me since it slowly gets time for Marcus to arrive. So with a small sigh I step away from Jasper, of course only after pecking his lips once more. I repeat the same treatment with my other mates as well, can't leave without kissing them bye, now can I!?
And just as I step out of my room, there is a soft knock coming from the front door. Seeing my mom still really nervous, I simply take her hand in mine and go with her to open the door.
„Wow. The two of you look incredible." Marcus says with bulging eyes but also with a soft smile on his lips. He also has dressed to impress I would say, since he wears one of the most expensive looking Sakkos, paired with black jeans and a baby blue button up shirt. It really looks absolutely amazing, elegant yet not too formal. Which definitely suits him really well!
„Thank you! You look Good yourself." mom softly reply's and I can see how her nervousness slowly gets less the longer she looks into Marcus eyes that look adoringly back at her. Thinking about it thought, i do have to say that it's strange that she not once mentioned how it's weird that his eyes are red. Maybe it's because the color suits him well, or the fact that they only ever watch her and me with love or adoration.
„Thank you mi amor." he says and kisses the back of her hand just as he did in the hospital.
„Are the two of you ready for Dinner?" he asks and watches between the two of us. Mom and I look at one another with a smile before we reply yes at once. So as gallant as Marcus is, he helps my mom down the two steps towards his car before he even opens the car door for her.
„Thank you!" she says with a small blush on her cheeks while I give Marcus a quick thumbs up while mom isn't looking at me.

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