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Marcus pov:
When I sadly had to leave my wonderful mate to let her get back to her work, I feel like I literally own the world! That's just how incredible amazing I feel right now. Alone the memory of how sweet my mate is fills my heart with love for her. She has been unbelievable grateful that I offered her my help with this thing of a teacher. And let me tell you he will regret the very day he got born into this world when I am finished with him. My mate also spoke with such proudness about our sweet daughter that even the biggest idiot would understand how much she loves our daughter and how deeply she cares for her too. I even was able to make her agree to go out with me tomorrow for dinner since she should be off of work then. She at first wasn't sure if she should agree or not, which really hurt like hell! But when I asked her why she is rejecting my offer, my heart only swelled with understanding and relief. Since the only reason she didn't agree on a date with me, was because she didn't like to leave her daughter home alone when she has one of the really rare evenings off from work. So of course I offered to take the both of them out for dinner! I after all would love to spend time with my complete newly found family. This way I can get to know the both of them some more and I am also pretty sure they will feel more comfortable with the other one around. So to be honest, I like this idea even more than only taking out my mate for dinner. Emma's eyes quickly have gotten teary eyed at hearing my offer to take our daughter along with us. She also was way more open towards me after that. Guess it meant the world to her that I accepted her daughter right away. She after all doesn't know just yet that I am a vampire that has the ability to see bonds between others and myself. So she also doesn't know that I see her daughter as my very own already. Sighing yet again dreamily at the thought of my incredible mate and daughter. All those years of loneliness definitely were worth the wait if they are the reason I now have those two woman in my life. With that thought in mind I smile one last time back at the hospital where my precious mate is in, before I run towards the Cullen residence where Jane and Alec already are waiting for me. Knowing Aro, he already called them to get updated on if I found my mate or not. Slowly I walk up the steps to their living space, only to see them all watching me with hopeful eyes.
„How did it go?" My sweet little girl questions me with her incredible green eyes boring into mine like she looks straight in my very soul that I thought I lost long ago! She also seems to be extremely comfy on Carlisle lap. A soft smile automatically spreads on my lips since I still can't believe how lucky I got to not only find my mate but also my sweet daughter.
„It went really well I would say. I honestly can't believe that I finally found my mate. And on top of that my lovely daughter too!" I answer her and kiss her forehead lovingly.
„We all are really happy for you too my friend! You truly deserve this happiness after everything you had to go through." Carlisle says and pats my shoulder like a good friend would do. And I can't even say how much I appreciate him and his family. Without them I still wouldn't have a clue who my mate is and I also wouldn't know that I have a daughter too! They also always were there during my time of depression, just like my brothers. But those along with Jane and Alec were the only ones to ever lessen the arch in my chest.
„Master Aro also asked us to please Call him and Master Caius when you get back to us." Jane says with a small yet respectful nod towards me. Rolling my eyes a bit at her behavior, never loosing my smile though. I know that it is hard for them to stop with their extremely respectful behavior towards me, but I also know that they do try their best to simply see me as an uncle of some sort.
„I will do that right away than. That is if you guys will excuse me for a minute." I say as well as ask Carlisle since this is his home after all.
„I already told you that you are family, so please don't act like a stranger. Our home is yours as Well. So make yourself comfortable and act as you please!" Carlisle simply states making me chuckle a bit. He truly is an amazing friend. When I feel two tiny arms engulf me I smile lovingly down at a head full of blond curls that belong to my daughter.
„Missed you!" She simply whispers shyly into my chest. Not wanting her to feel shy at all, especially not around me, I simply lean down and kiss her forehead lovingly which gets me a wide smile in reply.
„I missed you too little one. And I will be right back with you guys. I only need to call my brothers to inform them of my amazing daughter and just as amazing mate. I am sure they will be really impatient to meet you and your mother." I softly tell her as I squeeze her body into my chest once more. She smiles widely at me before she walks back towards her waiting and equally smiling mates.
After I ran upstairs into the room I am currently staying in, I take my phone out of my pocket to call my surely anxiously waiting brothers. The phone only rang once before two happy voices say yes into it. Shaking my head at those two. They always were acting like gossip girls.
„Jane and Alec told me that i should call you guys." I say, not saying anything else even though I know exactly what they want to know. Hearing their whines through the phone makes me chuckle. It feels a bit foreign to me but also really amazing to feel as happy as I am right now.
„Did, did you just chuckle?" Aro asks in disbelief while Caius screams through the phone how I must of found my mate since there is no way I would otherwise chuckle.
„That's true. I indeed found my wonderful mate and I can't even describe how absolutely perfect she is!" I say dreamily. Seeing my mate even with my closed eyes and I absolutely love it!
„We are so unbelievable happy for you Marcus! And we can't wait to meet her as well as your daughter!" Caius says with such truth it's really shaking my nerves. Knowing that he usually isn't so open with his feelings.
„Thank you Caius and thank you too Aro! I am sure you two will love my family! They really are absolutely amazing and I don't even know how to explain you guys how much they mean to me already!" I thank them honestly. Those two always had my back and helped me through all my heart aches.
„We are sure we will love them! And we also can't wait to personally welcome them into our family." Aro says and I know from his voice alone that he has tears in his eyes. Obviously just as relieved that I finally have a reason to live again like I myself.
„Can't wait either to introduce you guys. I also will go out with the both of them tomorrow for dinner to get to know them even better. Maybe, if everything goes well I will even tell my mate about me being a vampire. Hopefully she will take it just as well as my daughter did." I say slightly afraid that my mate won't take it too well. possibly even rejecting me! This surely would kill me! I can hear my brothers also mumble their concerns to each other.
„I am sure she will take it just fine. Especially with your daughter around too. She definitely could help with the explanation as well as with the explaining what mates are." Aro says after a bit. Smiling at the reminder that my daughter will also be a part of my dinner plans tomorrow. And Aro is right, she surely could help me tell my mate about what we are and what I am to her. Still a bit of worry is staying in my mind.
„I will hope the best!" I simply state. Hearing some hectic knocking on my door gets me slightly alerted.
„I will call a bit later again. It seems that something is going on here." I say and throw the phone on my bed without even ending the call properly. Quickly I throw my door open, only to hear the loud and painful screams from my precious little one!
„She fell asleep and suddenly started to scream out in pain. We can't wake her either." Alec rushes out before taking my hand and running with me towards my wailing daughter that seems to be still asleep.
„What happened?" I ask panicked for my daughters health. The whole Cullen clan also looks really worried at the tiny girl on the couch.
„She fell asleep and shortly after started to scream out in pain." Edward says with a pained voice. It surely hurts them all to see their mate like this, just like it hurts me to see my daughter like this.

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