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Clair's pov:
When after another minute I haven't gotten an answer I start to become rather impatient. Even though it feels nice to see him look at me in astonishment.
„You wanted to say something?" I ask him after a deep breath, still the annoyance very evident in my words. After all I don't have that much time! I am new here in this school so I need to go to the principals office before the school starts. As if that helped him get out of his head, he swallows heavily.
„Sorry. I wanted to ask if you might be able to park your car somewhere else, but it's fine." He replies in a voice like honey. The other three people who have gotten out of the car next to mine look just as shocked as the others. Well, not all of them, two other boys look at me the same as the one who has just talked to me. Since I don't feel like getting in trouble from the very get go, I try to smoothen out the situation, and that even though I know that I am here in the right I might add!
„I am sorry, I didn't knew this parking spot was reserved." I start and look at my clock with a small frown.
„I am afraid I won't be able to park somewhere else right now though since I am already late for my meet up with the principal. If you want, I can move my car at my lunch break?" I say in explanation. His eyes keep trained on mine while his mouth forms a smile that is rather sexy.
„Don't worry about it. I can park somewhere else too." he says and nods a bit at me as if assuring me that he means it. So with another look at my watch I nod at him as well.
„Thanks." I quietly mutter before hurrying off to find the principals office. After two missed attempts of finding where I need to go, I run into one of the guys that have been eyeing my back outside by my car. just my luck I guess.
„You seem a bit lost. Can we help you?" the one with longer blonde hair asks me in a southern accent. An accent i am pretty used to since I lived there once too. I am a little hesitant of asking them for help. After all not knowing if they might lead me the wrong way purposely for taking their parking spot this morning.
„Why don't I walk you to the office?" the same one asks me with a soft smile, seemingly guessing why I am hesitant of accepting their help. I even feel a bit more on edge when I see the other two boys glaring slightly at the one offering his help. What the hell is wrong with me!? I normally would never allow someone new to walk me somewhere, especially if they give off some weird vibe, but sadly I have no other choice. At least not if I want to be on time, or at least not more late than I already am.
„If You don't mind, than I would appreciate it." I say after a heavy sigh. Not too sure if it really was a good decision or not. It's too late now anyway though, so no need to keep on thinking about it I guess.
„Alright! This way then!" he says and softly lays one of his pretty big and cold hands on my lower back to walk me there. It's weird but I do seem to enjoy his touch. It seems to sooth my worry of what will happen here and what everyone will think about me. That's the only reason I allow his touch, at least that's what I keep on telling myself. Not long after we started to walk, we are standing in front of the principals office.
„Thank you...." I say, hoping he might introduce himself. Only because it would be rather impolite of me to not ask!
„Jasper. Nice to meet you." he says also waiting for my name in reply it seems.
„It's nice to meet you too Jasper. My name is Clair." I answer and see him smile even wider at me.
„That's a really beautiful name." he says, of course making me blush brightly. To my luck the door gets opened just then, which spares me a reply to his statement.
„Ah! You must be Claire Baker. I was just about ready to go and look for you." a middle aged man says with a genuine smile plastered on his face. When he looks to my right he seems a bit irritated to see Jasper standing this close to me, but he doesn't comment on it. Luckily!
„I already printed all your stuff including your schedule. Maybe Jasper could help you find your first classroom? If I remember correctly he has art now as well." the principal says and hands over a few pieces of paper.
„Oh, before I forget it, You need to show this one to all your teachers to sign today." he adds just now remembering another piece of paper.
„Of Course! Thank you." I say slowly turning around. Completely lost on how I should find my way to my first class.
„Ready for class?" Jasper asks me with a smile that makes his caramel eyes shine brightly. Not able to answer him vocally, way too intrigued with his eyes, I only nod my head in reply. He once again lays his hand softly on my lower back and starts to lead the way. The class seems to be rather far away from the principal office, at least we have been walking for a few minutes already. Hearing a loud ringing I grinch slightly. I always hated really loud and noisy things. Just as much as I hate tardiness, which obviously includes coming late!
„Don't worry, we are nearly there." Jasper says soothingly and I can feel myself calm down rather quickly. Strange....
„Here we are." he says as he already knocks with his free hand while his other one is still on my back. When he opens up the door, I can see the boy I have been talking to outside as well as the girl that has tried to warn me before they arrived. The teacher looks up with a small frown but it quickly changes into curiosity. Taking another calming breath, I step towards the teachers desk.
„Excuse me for being late. I am new here and needed to talk with the principal before finding my way to your classroom. Jasper here was nice enough to help me find my way to here." I quietly say. The teacher quickly nods at me with understanding eyes. At least he is one of the more understandable ones. I really wouldn't of liked to get a black mark next to my name already.
„This school can look like a maze if you aren't familiar with the space." he simply states and signs the paper before handing it back to me.
„You can sit over there next to Angela." he adds and points towards the girl I have been talking to before. So with one more nod, I walk towards my place. At least it's art, I think just as the teacher explains how we should start to draw some pictures that inspire us at the moment. Smiling slightly at this instruction. It honestly allows us to paint whatever we want to. Not needing to think too much about it, I right away start to outline the view of the wood from my bedroom. The teacher keeps on wandering around the classroom but I mostly am in my own little world like I often am when I am drawing.
„That's really amazing. Excellent job Clair." a deep voice suddenly states from next to me. Seems like I completely zoned out, not even realizing that the teacher has made his way towards me.
„Thank you." I mumble slightly embarrassed. Not because he complemented me on my drawing, but because the whole class is now looking at me in envy, jealousy and some in surprise. Guess the teacher normally never likes any of their paintings?

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