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Clair's pov:
Sadly I only could talk with my wonderful mates for a few more minutes before we heard my mom walk around in the kitchen. Knowing her she is already preparing our breakfast which will only give me a couple more minutes before she wants me to get out as well.
„We should head on out now. I am going to miss you like crazy my precious little angel." Carlisle says and pecks my lips once more. Sighing softly at the sweet kiss from my just as sweet mate.
„Will miss you too!" i answer him with burning red cheeks much to their joy and amusement it seems.
„Sweetheart, you need to get up!"  mom says loudly from the kitchen. A small pout forms on my lips right away, not wanting to say goodbye to those four man just yet. Especially to Carlisle since I won't see him in school like the others either.
„No need for that cute pout princess. We will soon see each other in school. Or why don't we pick you up? Would you like that?" Jasper says and caresses my cheek lovingly. At hearing his offer I quickly nod my head in excitement.
„Clair? Sweety, you need to get up or your food gets cold!" mom yet again interrupts us.
„Coming." i say slightly louder towards the door to make sure she won't come in to wake me up herself. Hearing her giggle at my slightly whiny tone. She after all knows that I hate to get up so early. Cold but slowly familiar getting lips cover mine in a slightly more heated kiss. My arms react automatically by wrapping themselves round Carlisle neck to pull him even closer into me.
„We should go now my precious angel." he says as he puts his forehead on mine. His wonderful smile makes me smile right back at him. Even though I definitely don't want to let him and the others go already.
„I can't wait to see you after school!" he says and kisses my lips once again. And just a few seconds later the four of them are gone through the window again. So after one more sigh I get out of bed to quickly get myself ready for my second day in school. The most excited I however am to meet up with all of my mates after school.
When I get out of the bathroom I jump in fright at seeing someone enter my room.
„Sorry Sweetheart, I didn't mean to scare you. I simply wanted to see what's taking you that long." my mom says with a slightly confused but also guilty look in her eyes. Seeing her like this makes me remember her huge smile as she has been cuddled into this foreign man from my dreams.
„It's fine mom." I say after my breathing gets back under control again while the sentence from the man jumps back into my brain. Mom doesn't look too convinced that I am fine but than she simply takes my hand to lead me to the breakfast bar where she seemingly put some pancakes for me already.
„Thank you mom." I say as she also puts a cup of coffee in front of me. Her smile makes me smile even wider back at her. It's nice to spend some more quality time with her before her work gets in the way once again. Shaking my head a bit to get reed of the bad thoughts and instead concentrate on the time we now have with each other. With that in mind, I cut into my pancakes and eat. They like always taste absolutely delicious, so they very quickly are gone again.
„Thanks for breakfast mom. It like always was very yummy." I say and kiss her cheek as a thank you.
„You are more than welcome Sweetheart." She reply's with a soft smile my way. Just than I can hear a car park out front. Mom seemingly also heard it since she looks towards the door in confusion now as well. My eyes however quickly wander towards my watch which lets me curse quietly at how late i seem to be already.
„I am pretty sure that those are some of my friends. They said they would pick me up for school." I tell my mom and hurriedly grab my backpack. The stunned look on my moms face makes me giggle slightly, which seems to get her out of the state as well. A loud squeal escapes her mouth before she pulls me into a tight hug while telling me how unbelievable happy she is that i found such good friends here. And that even though she doesn't even know how special those friends truly are.
„Have a wonderful day at school sweetheart! And please call me afterwards. I at least want to hear about your day when I won't see you till tomorrow." she says and holds my head in between her hands so she can look me straight in my eyes. Hearing that makes my heart warm at the knowledge what an amazing and caring mom I have.
„I will. Promise!" I say softly and slightly sad that I really won't see her till tomorrow evening.
„Love you." i add and cuddle myself into her arms, once more inhaling her scent that always has a calming effect on me.
„I love you more baby girl!" she says and kisses my forehead lovingly. Yeah, my mom is simply the best.
„You should head on out there now or you will make your friends and yourself late for school." she says after kissing my forehead yet again. Sighing softly at that, not really ready to leave her. Especially with the knowledge that I won't see her for that long. But sadly I also know that she is right with her statement of getting late to school.
„Ok. See you tomorrow! Take care!" I say with a smile on my lips while waving at her.
„You to!" she calls after me. As I reach the front door, I quickly pull on my thick cardigan as well as my wool scarf before stepping out into the chilly air outside. My backpack right away gets pulled out of my arms and I get scooped up by Emmet's strong arms.
„Hello my love!" he says with an excited smile. Giggling at his behavior gets me an even wider smile on his full and kissable lips. Softly he lowers my body onto the car seat, where he only a second later also takes a seat next to me. When my eyes find Edwards and Jaspers as well I giggle yet again.
„Hi." I say with a small blush on my cheeks.
„Hey darling. Ready for school?" Edward asks me softly, followed with a low chuckle as I make a face at his question.
„We understand princess. We also would prefer to instead get back to our house with you, but sadly that's not an option." Jasper reply's with his Bambi like eyes starring at me with love and understanding. At this, my heart melts even more for those special vampires and that even thought I was 100% certain that there won't be even more space for them to take. Guess my assumption was false than. However as long as they keep on watching me with love in their eyes I don't care.

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