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Clair's pov:
When I open my eyes I feel like I can see for the very first time ever in my life. All those bright colors and even the dust flying around the air. As I inhale some air into my lungs I realize that I can smell just as good as I can see. The most amazing smell thought comes from my right towards where I quickly turn my head, only to come face to face with all my mates who watch me already adoringly. Seeing them now with my new sight is extremely shocking. I Of course always knew that they look stunning, but wow! They look like angels sculpted out of the most perfect marble there is out there! When they smile lovingly at me I quickly jump right into Jaspers arms simply because he is the closest to me out of all of them.
„Hello princess! It's so unbelievable good to have you back in my arms again!" he softly whispers against my ear making me purr in contentment. Loving to have him and the others so close to me. Now even more so than I did before my change and that even thought that should be absolutely impossible!
„Don't be so greedy Jasper! I want to hold my love too!" Emmet whines slightly which makes me giggle and jump into his already waiting arms.
„Missed you too Emmet. Still there is no need to scold Jasper for cuddling me." I softly tell him, however kissing his lips to show him that I am not mad at him since I could see his face falling slightly. Can't allow that, now can I!?
„You are right my love. Sorry Jasper. Only wanted to hold our mate too." he apologizes much to my joy. Definitely not wanting my mates to fight each other. I after all love them all equally. So after one more peck on his soft lips, I reach my arms out towards Edward who right away smiles widely as he sees it.
„Welcome back darling. I hope your change wasn't too painful?" he says and asks while nuzzling my neck softly. Confusion starts to build in my body on why he would ask that. Especially after I already told Alec that I didn't felt any pain. Luckily!
„No pain. I thought Alec told you guys?" I answer still irritated why he would ask that. Two strong arms softly take me out of a now pouting Edward and pull me instead against Carlisle's comfortable chest.
„Alec did tell us precious. Still we all wanted to make sure that you truly haven't felt any pain. None of us ever heard about anyone who got through their change pain free. So we only wanted to double check." Carlisle explains lovingly while caressing my cheek with one arm.
„We are however very thankful that you haven't felt any pain princess." Jasper adds with a happy smile plastered on his face. Slowly I nod my head, I guess it indeed made sense for them to ask me again when they put it like that. It also makes me really happy that they were so worried for my sake. Course I don't like for them to worry in general but it does make me feel all warm on the inside that they care so much for me. So with a shy smile I peck Carlisle lips before asking him to please let me down. He seems slightly unsure of my plea, still he does as i asked of him. The second my feet touch the floor I run to my moms side to hug her, of course careful to not hurt her with my new strength.
„Hello to you too sweetheart." she says tearily as she throws her arms around me right away. We stayed like that for quit some time, while the room stayed dead silent. Normally I would ask them what's wrong but right now I simply enjoy to be in the arms of my mom. She after all was the most important person in my life for seventeen years and still belongs to the most important ones now even after meeting my mates.
„You look stunning sweetheart." she tells me as she pulls slightly away to hold me at arms length so she can look me over way easier.
„Thank you." I mumble embarrassed at her compliment. Well, at least I am no longer able to blush! Otherwise I would definitely be beet red again.
„I can't believe you got even more beautiful than you have always been." she says with such honesty that my eyes fill with tears as well. I know for others this might feel strange but mom and I always were a team that sadly had no one other then each other. So hearing her say that means the world to me. Especially since I feared that she might be afraid of me or will find me creepy.
„Can I get a hug now too little one?" Marcus asks softly, breaking our sweet mother daughter moment. Still I can't bring myself to get mad at him for that, he is my dad after all, so he definitely deserves a hug from me too.
„Of Course." I say and hug him tightly. His hug feels so unbelievable familiar, warm and comforting. Guess that's exactly how it should feel to get hugged by your dad. I know from stories how it's the most soothing feeling to get hugged by your own father, but since I never had one, I never experienced it before. Of course it felt good as Marcus hugged me even before my change, but somehow it's so much intenser now.
„I am so happy that you got through your change without any pain or any trouble." he states softly after kissing my forehead with a loving smile on his face. Behaving exactly how I always wished my father would. Loving, caring and supportive! Things Marcus definitely is! While my bio dad sadly is the complete opposite.
„Thank you dad." I reply slightly choked up as I realize just how much I appreciate him as my dad! As he heard me call him dad again, I can see his eyes getting teary eyed right away. Seems like he still isn't completely used to me calling him that. He however seems more than happy about it, so I definitely won't stop to call him dad. I after all am way too happy myself to finally have a dad!
„Cutie?" I hear Janie's soft voice coming from behind. So without any thought, I turn towards her right away. And I know it sounds weird but i truly missed her and Alec like crazy! My mates and my parents too, of course, but the others where already able to hug me, so I definitely want a hug from them too. Need to reconnect with them after those long day and a half!
„Janie! Alec!" I reply and hug both of them with a wide smile. Slowly starting to feel whole again now that I was able to hug all my family members! Well, except Aro and Caius, but at least my closest family!
„I wanted to thank you Cutie. For helping Alec after he collapsed and everything." she chokes up while hugging me even tighter. My forehead scrunches up at hearing that. Why would she thank me for that? It was obvious that I will help him! Not only because he got so weak since he helped me through my change, but also because he is my brother that I love dearly. It was completely out of question for me!
„Don't be silly Janie. He was the one who helped me, not the other way around. What I did was nothing in comparison." I tell her as I role my eyes at her. Seeing her stunned face makes me giggle slighty.
„Don't look like that Janie. You and Alec are my family, my siblings. Of course I helped him. That's what family is there for." I add and hear the others in the room chuckle and awh quietly while the twins only got tears in their eyes now too.
„You are right i Guess. We just never had any family so we don't know how that usually works. But it feels incredible to finally be a part of a family that truly feels like that and cares for us." Alec chokes out in a really quiet whisper in hope that no one other than the three of us can hear him. That statement makes me slightly mad. Not at them! of course not! But at everyone else! How could no one ever treat them the right way? But at least they finally have me as well as my mom as their family now. We are going to make sure to show them how a true family works and behaves with each other.
„I am really sorry that that's the case, but from now on you never have to feel like that again! From now on you will always have me who cares for you and loves you no matter what!" I promise the both of them just as quietly since I am pretty sure they wouldn't appreciate everyone else hearing about it. Instead of a vocal answer they simply kiss my cheeks with a small smile.
„We Love you too little Sister." they shyly reply at once. At hearing that I can feel my chest bursting in honest joy, while my lips surely form the widest smile ever in complete excitement.
„Young one? Can we get a hug too?" Aro asks which sadly ends our sibling bonding time. However seeing him and Caius stay not far away from me with sad eyes makes me forgive him for the interruption.
„I will make sure to spend some more time with you two a bit later. Ok?" i promise the Twins as i pull them into one more quick hug.
„Ok. We can't wait." they say at once yet again. So after one more smile towards them, I go to hug my two uncles.
„Missed you two too." I tell them honestly which makes them smile widely at me.
„We Missed you too dear. And let me tell you how unbelievably relieved I am to see you so happy again." Caius answers with a chuckle.
„Being a vampire definitely suits you really well young one." Aro says as he looks me over from head to toe with an honest smile.
„Thank you." I reply shyly. Absolutely not used to complements, even less coming from someone else as my mom!
„We should go out to hunt now darling. You must feel really thirsty." Edward softly states. Thinking about it thought makes me frown slightly.
„I am not thirsty." I reply him irritated at his offer. Should I be thirsty? Is that why everyone is looking at me in disbelief now?
„Are you sure my love? Your throat isn't burning or anything?" Emmet questions while the others seem rendered speechless.
„Not really." I say, slowly getting worried.
„Does that mean that something is wrong with me?" i question slightly falling into a panic.
„No princess. It simply means that you are even more special and unique as we thought." Jasper says after finally shaking himself out of his inner shock it seems.
„So if you at any time feel any thirst or hunger coming tell us and we will go out to hunt with you. Till then thought, we can spend some more time with one another." he states matter of factly after kissing my lips lovingly.
„Does that sound good to you?" he asks me after starring into my eyes for a bit which makes me forget about everything around me.
„Yeah, that sounds really good!" I answer him and kiss him a bit more heatedly. Feeling like I still am not close enough to him.
„Well, Let's give them some time to themselves. Shall we!?" I hear my mom say as she starts to lead everyone out of the room to give us some privacy and just before she closes the door behind the last one, she winks at me. Yeah, that's my crazy yet incredible mom!

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