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Clair's pov:
Emmet only just parked his car when the door in the back gets thrown open by no other than Esme.
„What happened!? Did he hurt you!?" she asks me worried yet very pissed as she softly picks me out of the car to cuddle me into her chest like mom has done not too long ago.
„No, he wasn't able to do anything physical. My mates luckily stopped him before anything could really happen." I softly explain to her while she caresses my back lovingly.
„That's Good to know. I was worried sick as Emmet called to tell me about this nasty being!" she says and takes my hand to lead me up to their very homey house. When we stepped into the kitchen it already smells absolutely breathtaking!
„It's only some chicken Alfredo. Wasn't expecting you guys for lunch already or I would of made something more filling." she says and puts a steaming plate of food in front of me. And if it only tastes half as good as it smells than I am more than happy to eat it.
„Nonsense Esme! It smells delicious and I am sure it will taste just as yummy as it smells." I reply since she honestly looks ashamed that she didn't prepare a full curse it seems. At hearing me say that thought, she brightens back up again. Thankfully since I hate to see her normally happy face gone. As I take the fist bite I smile even wider. Esme really is a true chef! There is no other word for it!
„It's delicious Esme. Thank you!" I thank the sweet woman once again. It's not even her duty to prepare food for me, so I appreciate her gesture even more! Her wide smile along with the proud glint in her eyes makes me smile once more at her before focusing back on my yummy food.
„Alec, Jane and Marcus also were here a bit before you guys called me. They only put their bags in their dedicated rooms and left again." Esme tells the three boys who quickly explain to her how we saw them back at the hospital. Jasper also tells her that Marcus found a family bond with me and that he sees me as his daughter. At first she does look rather shocked at that information but than she only smiles lovingly towards me.
„That's incredible! I am happy that he finally won't have to fell so lonely any more." she says while she looks extremely thankful towards me. Which I don't really understand since I didn't do anything to make this happen.
„Princess, May i ask you How you meant that you dreamed about Marcus? It has been running through my mind ever since you told him that." Jasper asks me curious after he sees that I finished my plate. It still has some meat and noodles on it but I am more than just full. Esme, sweet as she is, quickly takes the plate towards the dish washer.
„I don't know how to explain it. It's just like I said. Last night I dreamed of him and how he held my mom lovingly against his broad chest. Both of them looked really happy and mom not once stopped giggling." I softly say and shrug my shoulders slightly. Not knowing how to explain the why and how I dreamed that. It's not like I can decide on what I dream.
„Mom also was a vampire back in my dream, just like i myself." I go on and see them all listening along with what I am saying.
„You were there too, so the both of them instructed you guys to look after me and that's when you guys woke me up this morning." I say still unsure what they might think about this whole thing. Maybe they are going to think that I am crazy for dreaming something like that.
„And just as I started to wake up, Marcus said that I don't need to worry since we will meet soon anyway." I add into the completely quiet room. When they however realize that I am finished with my explanation. They all laugh out quit happily. Jasper, who was still sitting next to me, softly pulls me onto his lap to cuddle me into himself.
„You really have some incredible gifts." he softly explains since I look on in complete uncertainty why they are laughing like that. I even thought they were laughing at me, like in a way of making fun off me.
„It's pretty similar to Alice gift, we already explained yesterday to you how she has visions about the future, remember?" Jasper goes on. Obviously feeling the confusion and worry still swimming in me. His huge hand starts to caress my cheek lovingly before he pecks my lips a few times while the others are still talking about my supposed gift. To be honest I have had dreams like that pretty often already. Not about Marcus perce, but I did dream of things that shortly after came to life. So it's not like this dream affected me that much, i after all already know the feeling to have them.
„My love? Are you ok?" Emmet worriedly questions. Suddenly standing only an inch in front of my face. Looking around the room I now see them all watching me worriedly. Guess I once again spaced out then. My cheeks quickly turn red with that realization alone.
„I am. Only spaced out again. You already know that I do that pretty frequently." I mumble pretty embarrassed about it. They however simply smile at me in relieve that i am fine and cuddle themselves into me. Loving to be in the middle of the three hugging me, I sigh happily. The only thing missing now is Carlisle and than this would be absolutely perfect!
„Hello everyone!" Carlisle's cheerful tone rings through the house making me bounce on Jaspers lap in excitement of seeing my fourth mate now too. it's just like he heard how much I wished for him to be here now too!
„I would say someone is really happy to see you again Carlisle." Edward says with a low chuckle as he steps slightly to the side so I can now see Carlisle. His face softens even more as he sees me and with one large step he pulls his arms around me and lifts me off of Jaspers lap and into his chest instead.
„Missed you too precious. But I promise we now have some more time to spend together since I only have to get back to work tomorrow morning." he whispers in my ear before kissing the spot right under my ear, making me shudder slightly. His cold lips feeling so amazingly against my sensitive spots.
„Oh, I also brought Jane and Alec along with me. Marcus should also follow in a few minutes." he says slightly louder since it's meant for their whole family. When I however hear that the twins are here now too, I look around in wonder since I can't see them.
„They said they would unpack their room before coming downstairs precious. You will see them in only a few more minutes tops." Carlisle explains with a low chuckle. Smiling happily at his reply, I nuzzle my head under his chin lovingly. Guess I can spend some more quality time with my mates till their visitors come back down stairs.

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