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Clair's pov:
The drive was made with small chatter between mom and dad while I simply watch them interact with each other. My mom seems to slowly start to come out of her shell some more. At least she started to laugh some more and even jokes right back with an equally smiling and laughing Marcus.
„Well, I do hope the food here is as good as I have been told." Marcus says slightly unsure if we would like his choice. Mom and I thought were shocked that he would drive us to Seattle's most fanciest restaurant.
„I am sure we will enjoy it. Even thought I am pretty certain we would of enjoyed some simple diner as well." I answer him with a giggle which makes him chuckle along with me.
„My daughter is right Marcus. your company is after all the most important thing." mom says softly with a small blush forming on her cheeks as she realizes that she said that out loud.
„That's true mon amor, still I wanted us to have a nice meal together." Marcus answers her with honesty.
„Ready to head on in?" he asks us and after our approving nod, he quickly gets out of the car to open moms door for her as well as help her out.  I can hear moms soft giggle at the gallantry she gets shown. In the meantime I have gotten out of the car by myself, even though Marcus small scowl lets me know that he would of liked to help me too. My smile thought makes him smile right back at me. He softly links his arm with my mom and slowly leads the way to the entrance. The door gets quickly opened for the three of us by a bowing clerk.
„Welcome to Lamour do you have any reservations?" the clerk asks professional.
„We do under the name Volturi." Marcus states without looking away from my mom who study's the whole decor in this very posh restaurant. There is even a man playing the piano!! That's what Typ of restaurant this is!
„Of Course. Reservations for three people. This way please." the clerk says after looking through the heavy book in front of him. Slowly we follow after him until he stops by a huge window that allows us to overlook the small lake outside that twinkles with tons of swimming candles in it.
After we finally all have taken a seat, of course Marcus scooting the chairs out for mom and I like a true gentleman, mom and I keep on appreciating the wonderful view.
„This looks really fantastic." mom says with a soft smile directed towards Marcus who beams proudly at her.
„I am happy you think so. After all I only wanted the best for you." he softly tells her which makes my mom reach over the table to take his hand in hers.
„Like i said. I would of enjoyed any place. With you as our company, how wouldn't I?" she simply tells him with teary eyes. And I have to say that absolutely everything was going great, that was until our waiter got here.
„Welcome to Lamour i am your waitress today. May i take your drink orders already." Isabella asks with a completely fake ass smile while she eyes Marcus with a calculating look. Obviously trying to figure out how much money he has.
„We would like one of your best Chardonnays as well as a bottle of water and a coke." Marcus says as he watches me with worried eyes. Seemingly realizing that something is really wrong.
„Clair? Are you feeling alright? You seem a bit pale." he questions worriedly as keeps on watching me through his observing eyes.
„Marcus is right Sweetheart. You look awfully pale." mom says, now just as worried as Marcus seems to be. Since I don't want to ruin their date thought, I only excuse myself from the table. Wanting to go to the restroom to call one of my mates, hoping that they could make me feel better again. As I however turn the last corner, I get pressed into the wall. Isabella already watching me with burning hatred.
„I always knew you are a whore but now you even let some old man pay you for a quick fuck." she sneers right in my face. Before I could answer her thought, she get wrestled off of me.
„Are you hurt?" a worried Aman asks me suddenly standing where only a second prior Isabella was standing. Still pretty much in shock, I only nod slowly.
„Come here." he softly says and hugs me carefully.
„We took care of that thing. How is Clair?" Alec states as well as asks when he sees me still holding onto Aman for dear life. Obviously still in shock that Isabella yet again assaulted me.
„Cutie? Do you thing you are ok or should we drive you back home?" Alec softly asks me as he looks me over real quick. Seemingly making sure I don't have any wounds or something like that.
„No, I, i think i am fine. Thanks to you two. Thank you." I stammer out. I however want to stay since mom surely wouldn't let me leave without her. So I take a few more deep and hopefully calming breaths before nodding towards them, letting them know that I am fine to go back.
„I will get you back to your table." Alec says after nodding at an encouragingly smiling Aman. Slowly I get lead back to the table where both mom and dad were waiting worriedly for me to come back. Marcus also surely heard what had happened, his left hand, that isn't holding moms, after all is pulled in a tight fist.
„I am very sorry to inform you that there was a small run in with your daughter as well as your prior waiter. Luckily I saw it before anything worse could have happened. I will also make sure to talk with the manager about it. Once again, I am terribly sorry." Alec says even though there is no reason for him to apologize. After all he was the one coming to my aid, then again, mom still doesn't know about them being vampires so maybe that's why they act like that? Who knows.
„What?" Mom says complete confused but even more worries, pulls me into a hug right away.
„I will accompany you to the manager. It's unforgivable that my daughter has gotten assaulted here." Marcus nearly growls out. Mom looks shocked after the two retrieving man.
„Did he just call you his daughter?" she asks me in a whisper and completely stunned.
„i guess so." I simply say, still not leaving her comforting hug.
„Let's sit down sweetheart. And then you can explain what had just happened and why this  nasty girl would even assault you." mom says and softly makes me sit down next to her. Her hands still holding mine, needing the comfort just like I do right now.

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