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Clair's pov:
The evening was more than well spent with my mom. It was really great to sit together and talk about our first day in our new environment and we both were happy that each of us felt at home already. We each had a great day and got along with co-workers and I even made some friends in school. Even if I would not count the vampire family that filled my heart with love, Angela also has become a good friend of mine. So I am really grateful for this move. Mom wanted to know everything about my new friends and was absolutely ecstatic that for once I found some people my age with whom I get along this good. She also was surprised about the delicious pasta dish already waiting in our oven for us to eat. So after I explained to her that my friends oldest sister cooked it for us to enjoy. She was absolutely astonished at how unbelievable sweet this family truly is. Mom even asked for their phone number so she could Thank Esme! So yes, this evening was really great. Sadly, since we both need to get up early in the morning, the evening ended way too soon. Still I felt extremely thankful for the time we were able to spend together.
„I love you sweetheart. You really are the best daughter I could ever ask for." mom softly says and hugs me tightly into her comforting body.
„I love you too mom!" I answer just as softly after inhaling her soothing scent deep intoned lungs. After a loving kiss on my forehead she wished me a good night sleep and we both went to get ready for bed. Just as I was about to lay down thought, I could hear a soft knock coming from one of my windows. Confused on who would do that, I turn on my nightlight to see who was standing out there. Surprised but also really happy to see three of my four mates standing out there I quickly get up once again to open up the window for them to get in.
„Hello Princess. We hope you don't mind but we needed to see you again as wanted to wish you a good night sleep." Jasper says as he pulls me into his strong arms. A happy sigh leaves my lips at the closeness I once more am able to have with him.
„happy to see you guys too." I mumble with a soft smile on my face while I cuddle myself tighter into him.
„Such a cutie we have as our mate." Edward says with a quiet chuckle. Softly and after one more peck on his lips, I pull myself out of Jaspers embrace to hug both emmet and Edward as well. Can't make them feel left out now or can I!?
„A cutie indeed." Emmet whispers over my head before he softly lifts my head to kiss my lips lovingly. Of course me being me I blushed yet again. Seems like with them close by I am going to blush rather often! Sadly, since I absolutely hate to blush so often. it makes me feel even smaller and more vulnerable than I already am.
„Are you staying with me? Only till I fall asleep?" I ask softly. I always hated to feel alone shortly before falling into a deep sleep. It often makes me feel panicked and alone even in my dreams. Not like a nightmare, just alone with all my fears.
„Please!?" i slightly beg with hopeful eyes that they won't have a problem with it.
„Of Course my love. If you want to, we can even stay the whole night with you." Emmet says with a wide smile on his face. Happy that they really would do that I right away nod my head in agreement! I wouldn't of asked them myself, simply because I didn't meant to disturb their plans, but if they offer I definitely am selfish enough to agree to it!
„How about some cuddles darling?" Edward asks me knowingly. With an excited nod I take his and emmets hand to lead them to my bed. Of course making sure to look at Jasper to make him understand that he should come along as well. And after I cuddle myself into my cozy blanket I get spooned from the three of them. Loving to have them all this close to me, I sigh happily. Without me really realizing it I scoot even closer into Emmet who is holding me from my front before Jasper and Edward quickly follow my movement to get even closer to me too.
„Try to sleep darling. It's already pretty late and tomorrow is going to be a long school day again." Edward softly mumbles against my neck. The vibration of his voice makes me shudder slightly in awareness, but he is right. I should try to sleep now instead of getting myself worked up over my mates. So instead of acting on any instinct I simply ask them once more if they really are going to stay here with me. And after their reassuring of course, I slowly drift off into dream land. For the first time in a very long time without any loneliness or anything along the lines and as hoped my dreams also were more than pleasing since all four of my mates play a very huge part in it.

What was slightly strange was that my mom was a vampire just like I myself. She gets hold tightly, yet softly by a stranger. His dark hair and bright red eyes however only show love for my mom and me. My mom also seems to be enjoying his company very much, so I simply smile at them brightly before giving my mates my full attention yet again.
„You are Perfect precious. Just like an angel." Carlisle says me while caressing my cheek with his soft hand lovingly. My smile widens at his statement and nuzzle my head into his hand excitedly.
„I love you!" I tell them softly and right away get attacked with kisses from all four off them at once. Hearing my moms loud giggles echoing around me, makes me look towards her, where true and behold she smiles excitedly while watching my mates and I interact.
„The Four of you better Take Good care of my daughter!" the man holding her tells my mates sternly before he winks towards me with a wide smile on his face.

„Time to wake up princess!" Jaspers voice slowly got through the fog of my brain and sadly the dream vanishes in front of my very eyes.
„Don't worry little one. Soon we will see each other in real life. Can't wait to finally meet you! Take care of yourself my sweet daughter." the man says with a promise in his words and a reassuring smile on his lips as my mom cuddles into his side even more.
„Good morning my love!" Emmet says with a wide smile from my front. Softly I rub my eyes to get the sleep out of them, to afterwards see now all four of my mates next to me.
„Carlisle! You are here too!" I say in astonishment and even more joy to see him too. His loving smile makes even happier right away.
„Of Course! Wanted to see you before you have to go to school and I need to wait hours to see you again." he says seconds before his lips find mine in a soft yet slightly passionate kiss. Gosh I love those four already so damn much!

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