Four - Found - Again

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I changed back into human form before I was supposed to. And it would be my downfall. After two months of running wild and free with Cayden through the woods, I heard a cry one morning. Getting up and leaving a sleeping Cayden, as if I were a puppet being stringed along. I headed straight for the cries for help. The whimpers. The begging.

"Please Rick," she gasped out. "I'm sorry." It was so familiar. So raw. And I heard it from further than I should have. It was as if my wolf ears couldn't help but to pick up the noise. Save her! My human side screamed.

And that's how I found myself surrounded by enemies, shifted back in human form. Damn. Damn damn.

Before they clubbed me, I let out a howl no human body should be able to make. My own powers surprising me still.

Before I blacked out I swore I heard an answering howl filled with fear and pain.

The time has come Cayden. The day we feared. I must face Hunter. And alone.

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