12. Cayden

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Blinking a few times, I couldn't believe the beauty that haunted my dreams was now inside my car, suddenly becoming self aware of how messy inside the car was, with trash at her feet.


There was a pregnant pause as we both just stared at each other. It was the oddest moment of my life, neither of us speaking, not even knowing how her voice sounded as she sat inside the enclosed box of a car with me, being so incredibly close, our arms were almost touching.

"Um, c-can you d-drive me around back?" She asked and her voice was so soft and low, if I didn't have werewolf hearing, I might not have understood what she said. She cleared her throat as if she wasn't used to using it and spoke quickly. "I mean, I'm parked in the back, do you mind?"

"Of course, Hayley." She smiled brightly, her tense shoulders dropping when her name fell from my lips and a smile tugged at them.

"What's your name?" She asked softly as I placed my hand on the back of her seat and looked back to reverse.


She nodded, looking all around her as if she were about to get busted doing something bad.

"Um, sorry about this, I just felt I needed to meet you," she offered after a beat of silence of me searching for the words to say as I made the car oracular crawl forward, having thinking of this moment so many times but it ended up surprised at how it was actually turning out. All I knew is I didn't want the moment to end too quickly.

"I'me so glad, look Im new here and to be honest I don't want to be friends with anybody but this Matt kid and you."

Her head jerked up to look at me as I said that, parking in the back, the only car left was a g-wagon. Impressive. I noticed she clutched the keys as I parked next to it.
"You remind me of myself."
Laughing, I told her, "isn't it obvious?" We stared each other in the eyes, her swirling with light brown and green, forever the two fighting dominance with gold flecks in them.
She shook her head slowly. "How do you figure we are anything alike I just learned your name a minute ago."
Shrugging, I wanted to tell her because her eyes told me she seen some bad shit in her life. More than most adults older than us have seen or ever will. It was a familiar look in her eyes. Like my moms. Like my own. Like my fathers. Haunted and pained. But instead I offered another reason.

"Because," I tucked back a stray hair behind her ear, automatically and wishing I didn't as she flinched. "You're a loner. I'm a loner. We could be loners together," I quirked you an eyebrow at her as I grinned, putting my hands back on the wheel. Lame dude lame!

She shuddered at that, looking down. Her hand automatically went to the gold chain around her neck. Finally I was close enough to see the words on the heart. "Hunter Silver" It read and it might as well have had a curse word on it as the words pissed me off.
"Cute necklace," I said in a harsher tone than I meant it.
Her eyes snapped up to mine at my tone and I saw her hands start to shake.
"I should go," she turned to open the door.

"Wait! Im sorry that was shitty of me, I get it he's your boyfriend okay?" I said and it made her pause.

"Look, I really would just like a friend, nothing weird honest. I just don't see myself having deep conversations with any of these happy go lucky prep school kids. You seem different." When she didn't turn to look at me, I pulled out a piece of paper. "Here, whatever you decide just take my number, text or call whenever, Hayley."

Her perfume hit my nose and I breathed in the nice smell before she grabbed the paper, gave me a quick smile and jumped out the car. I watched as she got into the g-wagon and drove off, a smile never leaving my face.

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