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"Oh my god, we're doing it," I couldn't believe it as I sat in Caydens beat up old car as he drove away from the school. My nerves were all over the place, everything in me screaming to No! Go back! Hunter will kill you! Remember how the chains felt dammit!

Wiping my sweaty hands on my jeans, I looked over at Cayden, how relaxed he looked driving as he shot me a smile.

"What? You skip school everyday, this is nothing new."

But it was. Skipping wasn't what caused me to sweat. Flashes of Hunter showing up randomly to check on me, only to find I've run off with Cayden caused fear inside of me to rear it's nasty head.

For some reason being around Cayden gave me enough confidence to outright disobey an order from Hunter.

Caydens POV

Grinning, I shook my head at her. "You didn't bring gym clothes."

She shrugged her delicate always covered shoulder as she said, "didn't want to be suspicious."

But I already knew. And had prepared. We were at my gym, in the empty all mirrored room. I had joined the gym closest to the school. We could use the school gym on days we didn't have time to come here, but it was nice to get out of that building we were in every single day. "Here," i tossed her a small gym bag that I pulled from my duffle. She looked shocked as she reach inside, pulling out a dry fit sleeveless shirt and biker shorts.
My motives weren't to get her half naked but kind of. She was always covered. And anytime her sleeves came up tell tale signs of bruises peeked through.

I just wanted to see. For myself, what I already knew. Once you've been around abuse, it was easy to recognize others victims. She was like my mom, fully covered, flinches at sudden movement or at the slight change of tone. Watching her for a while now my insides had turned as I knew with all certainty she was being abused at home. Most likely by Hunter. She had no family and was living with him. Hunter took advantage of that.

It was a similar story to my mothers. How my evil stepdad took advantage, I was too young to save her.

But now, I could help this girl, Hayley. I could show her how to save herself. There was nothing I could do to help without making it worse. I didn't want to approach Hunter and he take it out on her. And with a whole pact of wolves behind him there's no way I could take them all by myself and get her to safety at the same time. Besides, once a victim, I knew, it was easy to revictimize a person. And I couldn't be there for her every second of the day. The best way I could help her, was show her the strength she had within herself. And anyone who messed with her would mess with the wrong one.

This was the only way.

And she'd have to be ready to leave him before I could do anything. And I knew the only way she'd have the courage to ask for help and to walk away, was if I made her strong. Her wolf most likely had gone weak from the abuse, so all I needed to do was show her once again, she was strong.

"Wow thanks," she looked down at the biker shorts uncomfortably. "But I think I'll stick to what I have on."

"Those designer jeans are going to rip and the smell of sweat will cling to your outfit," I raised an eyebrow at her, hating what I was implying. Hunter was a wolf, he'd smell the musk and sweat and assume the worse. I felt shitty when her eyes widened in fear.

"I'll be right back," she called over her shoulder, heading towards the girls bathroom.

I set up two mats on the floor. And placed some weights on the bars. When she still wasn't back by then, I sat and meditated. It was good to clear the mind and go within, even after breaking out of my weaken state, I was still sure to always keep up my training and practices. Just in case. I never wanted to feel vulnerable again.

Just like how Hayley was feeling in life now. It sickened my stomach to know someone so kind and gentle was being used and abused as she was.

He moved her into his mansion, promised her the world and then shattered her hopes and dreams along with some bones. It was a story as old as time.

How bad was it?

The wolf inside of me started to scratch the surface, wanting to be let out and lose on Hunter. But then a lot of innocent wolves would die. Because if I fought Hunter, his pack would be forced to back him up.

Even Matt. They had no choice but to do as pack leader commanded and they never even realized how dangerous that was, how much of mindless slaves they were. They were all too happy to die for their leader. But what if their leader was a spineless dick?

They would go down for nothing.

No, this was the best way I could help, but getting Hayley to become strong, no one will ever fuck with her again. You can give a man his food or teach him how to fish kind of thing.

Checking the clock, I realized she was spending a long time getting dressed.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw her approach, I had been wondering if I should go find her.

"This was a horrible idea," she finally said, reaching down and scooping up her bag. "Take me back to school."

Obey.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora