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It was Monday.

And Hunter's parents were back in town. Matt's disappearance was causing a stir in the wolf community and it warranted their return.

And I wasn't sure if them being in town would be a relief or make things worse. He had a rocky relationship with his parents but he respected them greatly, knowing without their approval and money, he would be nothing.

And they would be very busy.

Day and night.

Freedom. It felt so-

"I don't want you leaving," Hunter cut into my thoughts like a knife as he stalked towards me from where I sat on the edge of the bed, watching him get ready. He was fully dressed now, in a white collars shirt and jeans with a belt, his hair slicked back. He looked as handsome as the devil.

He was the devil.

His blue eyes looked dull as he stared down at me with a frown. I was very aware of his hands that hung by his side.

"I have to go to school," I tried to say lightly, not wanting the "duhh" to be heard in there. I twisted my hands in my lap nervously. It caused my baby blue dress to wrinkle slightly.

Hunter took in a deep breath as he checked his watch. "Fine, do what you want. But don't come around my parents looking like a slob. We are having dinner on Friday night," he was saying digging into his pocket, taking out the key that went to the lock to my collar. My heart sped up as I saw it. "Change into a wolf, get rid of all the bruises and scars," he pulled me up and turned me to face away from him with inhuman speed. Helping him out, and a little excited, I pulled my hair to one side so he could reach the lock.

When the thick gold chain was being pulled away, it almost felt like I could breath deeply for the first time, and I did taking in a shaky breath.
Turning me around, grabbed my wrist, pulling it towards him as he dropped the necklace into my hands. But not the key, I noticed.

Without saying another word, he pulled my chin up and dipped his head low, giving me a deep kiss that I felt numb towards, as I always did, wondering when it would end. His cologne filled my nose and it would be a pleasant smell if I didn't associate it with pain.

A knock sounded at the door, causing Hunter to pull back with a curse. "I'll see you Friday for dinner. Going to be too busy to be around until then. But I better not find anything out Hayley," he gave me a quick hard stare, before his eyes flickered nervously to the door.
"Okay, good luck." I said just to appease him so he could hurry up and leave. "I love you."

He grinned, pulling me into a hug, that felt suffocating, before kissing the top of my head gently. "When they are gone, me and you are going to take a weekend trip to the beach, get away from everything for a while okay?"

I nodded as he gently kissed my cheek before pulling away. His kindness was unbearable. It was easy to forget just for a second that this once super charming, and still very handsome guy, was evil incarnate.

I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding as he moved towards the door.

"Enjoy this week, Hayley, go shopping, see a movie. But don't do anything stupid. Keep to yourself," he added, before he was stepping outside the room, shutting it behind him.

Freedom. A whole week of freedom.

The moment I watched from the window as Hunter and his parents got into his father's Rolls Royce, I screamed in joy as I did a happy dance before I fell to the floor sobbing, throwing the stupid necklace as far as I could away from me.

Tearing down the stairs, I ran out the back and barley got undressed before I was shifting into my wolf, zooming through the woods in pure happiness.

All day I enjoyed being a wolf again, it had been so long since I felt the wind rushing through me like this; it felt like I was flying.

So it shouldn't have surprised me to notice I not only missed school, but I was late meeting Cayden.

Turning back human, I marveled at my pure skin. No bumps. No scabs. No bruises. No cuts. Nothing. Some part of me hated that.

Our scars remind us that the past was real.

And without mine, it was as if I had nothing to show for all the pain I went through. But then again, it was nice to see myself after so long of covering up. Of half healing.

It wasn't like I was reborn or anything, there still were light white scars from where he hurt me using silver. Shaking my head, I realized I was making myself even more late by staring down at my body like I've never seen it before.

Throwing on shorts and a tank top, comfy plain clothes, I threw on white sneakers before heading out the door.


Cayden looked shocked to see me. "I was just about to come looking for you," he admitted his keys were in his hands. I had caught up to him as I noticed him making his way to his car with a look of determination, so I believed his words. He wore a dry fit long sleeved shirt and baller black shorts.

"Your..." he I indicated to towards my neck. And then he took in my whole look. "You're wearing - I mean, never mind," he shook his head with a smile.

"I decided to leave the necklace behind. It's totally corny anyway," I shrugged like it was no big deal. "We going to practice?"

"Of course, get in," he grinned, following me around to the other side of the car to open the door for me. It made my stomach twist. Hunter used to do that, it's how he tricked me into believing he was a gentleman.

Pushing away those thoughts, I thanked him and slid in. Cayden wasn't Hunter. Not by a long shot.

Looking back I realized the warning signs from Hunter that I ignored. And I wasn't getting those from Cayden. But then again, it was hard to trust my own gut.

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