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They tell me my body is my own, so why do I feel like it's for loan?
As your feet crack the ribs holding in my heart like a bib
As your hands hold down my body, telling me to give
As the world spins and you force my legs to bend, your thoughts focused on sin
As you leave me for dead, my hair plastered to my forehead
As I lie to myself and say it's all pretend and that I've exaggerated it all in my head
As the next day fills me with dread and the previous night never leaves my head,
I know that my body is not my own...


"How's my pet feeling?" Hunter gently kissed me on the forehead and it was moments like these that confused me. It would be one thing if he was a complete evil person at all times, but he wasn't. He showed compassion when he would go too far, when I was too hurt and not healing properly, he told me he loved me, held me and stroked my hair when I was sick. Even made me soup and drew me a bath a few times.

Today, I was wrapped up in his arms. "Where does it hurt baby?" He whispered as he stroked my arm.
My eyes fluttered closed as his warmth was inviting, being shown kindness even by the very one who caused my pain, was as good as I was going to get so I cuddled in close and told him, "everywhere."

"Aw," he gave me butterfly kisses all over my face. "Just stay home today baby, I'll be back late tonight. Do you want me to send Beth up with some whiskey?"

I nodded, holding tightly onto his bigger hand, the same hands that beat me down and held my wrists tightly together last night. The hand that was twice the size of my small ones.

Why couldn't he just love me instead of this? Looking up into his relaxed face, the face of a supermodel with his strong jaw and beautiful eyes. I knew how fast his features twisted into anger, how his now warm eyes would turn cold, the color going icy.
Even when he was being sweet, I still held my breath for the moment his mood switched from loving boyfriend to evil abuser.

So badly did I want to stare deep into his eyes forever, forcing him to look into mine. To see what he was doing to me...and to care.

But now, he grinned and gave me a quick kiss on the nose. "Okay, I'll send up your favorite. Now tell me," his eyes clouded over as he looked down at me and I knew what he wanted.
"I love you Hunter," I said and he instantly grinned ear to ear.
"Such a good girl," he said, not returning the words, before kissing me on the nose and moving my body beside him so I was no longer half on his lap.

Standing up, he turned to grab his Gucci black shirt off the dresser, his back muscles practically rippling under his skin. It should turn me on how strong and wide his shoulders were, but it scared me, made me realize once again how weak I was.

"I'll see you tonight." He started for the door.

And I knew it would be the best moment to ask for a favor as he was in his good mood.

"Can I shift with you tonight?" I called after him, moving to settle on my knees on the super soft bed.

He froze and I instantly regretted my words as he turned to stare at me with a now cold stare. "With the group? Why? You want another to catch the stench of your omega wolf?" He started moving closer and I was aware of his every move, my eyes watching as his fingers curled into a fist.

"No! Not with the pack I just meant-"

And in two strides he was in my face, his large hand engulfing my small throat as he pulled me close to his face. "Am I not enough for you Hayley?" He hissed and it was the first time I heard him use my name other than "pet" in a very long time. I was almost starting to believe "Pet" was my name.

"Huh?" It was hard to figure out where his jealousy thoughts lead. That's why I never even made eye contact or look at anyone other than him. When people tried talking to me, I ignored them and rushed away incase Hunter mistakes a polite conversation for something more. It was better to seem like a stuck up bitch, too good for small talk, than to be beaten and violently raped for a innocent smile or a polite convo.

"Don't fuck with me bitch, you want all those guys smelling you and claiming you for their own? Why would you even need to shift? It's not for you, that life not for you. I AM your life," and with a deep rumble in his chest, his eyes flashes silver as his teeth became fangs, on the verge of shifting but not all the way as he buried his face in my neck and bit down - hard. Automatically causing warm blood to leak down my shoulder and chest as I gasped as the sudden intense pain. My eyes prickled as tears threatened to spill over.

It was only after he was gone and the room suddenly felt so quiet, did I realize I had been screaming. The echoes of my screams always seemed to bounce off the walls and inside my head long after I had closed my mouth. It was as if the room sucked up my screams inside the walls and threw them back at me, filling up my mind once I was finished.

Laying still, staring up at the ceiling, I slowly reached up and felt the blood with shaking hands and knew it would take as long as a human would to heal. Since I wasn't allowed to shift in a long time, I couldn't heal as fast as a normal werewolf was supposed to heal. There was a tiny lock on the back of the chain collar I wore that only Hunter had the key to. If I shifted, the chain would break and he'd know it.

Letting out a sob from deep within, I howled out my frustrations and I started tearing up the bedroom in anger. It felt good as I smashed my fist over and over into the large expensive mirror, blood dripping everywhere as I picked up a plotted cactus plant and chucked it at the flat wall screen tv before I forced my claws to at least come out and tore at the sofá, causing white stuffing and grey velvet covering to go everywhere. Pure rage filled me. It burst through my body like an evil spirit possessing me.

As I screamed and cried and tore with my claws, after sometime later, I started to come back to myself, going back to California king bed, I knew better than to destroy, I sat and became numb. It felt like I was on the verge of cracking open like a soft boiled egg ready to be peeled, so I shoved everything deep down, the pain and hurt, I pushed it away and blanked my mind. 

Let it go. Let it go. He's gone for now. Let it go. Let it go.

Shaking, I slowly got up and pulled out my coke container, sniffing in deep a few times as the rush hit me and a drip started at the back of throat.

"Ma'am?" Beth's voice caused me to jump as I stashed the bullet away, knowing she saw me but not caring. Hunter already knew. And it didn't seem like he much cared. But he didn't want me to be super open about it. He even gave me my first line of coke, my first pill of ecstasy, he always gave me one before it was time to go to a wolf pack party, said it dimmed my wolf smell. I had no idea if it was true or not but I did as told and was glad to feel a rush of pleasure for the first time in ever. To feel a rush of anything other than fear was a blessing.

Looking at Beth, she was wearing her ballerina bun and wearing jeans and a simple T-shirt; she held a glass of dark liquor in her pale wrinkly hands and as promised Hunter didn't forget to tell her to bring me whiskey. She seemed unfazed by the mess as she held out the cup for me.

Once I took it and thanked her she muttered about sending in the clean up crew before she was rushing out the room.

Ah yes. By the time Hunter got home the whole room would be spotless, everything in order as they replaced the items I broke. The life of billionaires. Or whatever they were, with their generations and generations of money being passed down and down with Hunter at the end of the greedy line.

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