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She wasn't here today. And it seemed she barley came to school. School was my escape as work was my dad's escape from having to raise me or have the "you're mother is dead and I'm stuck with you and everything sucks" talk. Already I had been moved to advance math class, having been moved from one of her classes.


She had no idea I existed. It seemed she never even looked up from her notebook, not even to meet the teachers eyes whenever she got called on. The only time her eyes found another was when it was Hunters. And it sounded sweet and romantic but I knew better. Mom used to do that same thing. Afraid she'd be backhanded for being caught looking too long at any one person other than her boyfriend. Maybe I was just pushing a narrative but the more time went out the more red flags appeared.

"Hey," I was asking Matt, now having one class with him as he was a total wiz when it came to math. The desk were lab-like black top tables so Matt and I basically shared one big desk together. "What's up with that Hayley girl, she's a wolf right?"
I could smell she was a wolf but it was a faint smell. The smell of a were who didn't shift often. Which would be impossible. It was hard for a were not to shift as hard as it was for a person not to use their able limbs.

Matt flashed me his golden wolf eyes before blinking them back to his normal human brown eyes. Almost like my own eyes, but mine were way lighter, like a pool of honey. Or so I've been told. "Her? Oh man stay clear like I said. Her boyfriend is Hunter Silver, he already leads the local pack with his parents always away on some trip. Those two are inseparable. A true power couple, I would say. She doesn't like talking to anyone but him."
It irritated me that at the mention of her he started rambling about Hunter. I asked about Hayley not him.
"So, she goes to the pack meetings and outings?" I asked after taking in a deep breath.

Maybe, I would join a pack for once just to be near her. To understand her. The mysterious girl who walked around like a zombie by her boyfriends side.

Matt frowned as he thought, "no actually, Hunter says she'd rather be buried into school work than at meetings, said she planning for an ivy leagues college."

Huh, odd again. That didn't explain why she was out of school a lot.

"But she comes to the parties, but hey -" Matter eyed me, having caught how I perked up as he mentioned that, "don't even think about it, seriously, you won't be able to get her alone for even a second. She never leaves his side."

So what keeps being said. It was all too weird. And everyone seemed to be so oblivious to it. They saw two lovers who were like a married couple already, but I knew better. It didn't seem healthy. Maybe it wasn't.

But it wasn't my place. Still the look in her eyes haunted my dreams. She never looked anyone in the eyes was even more disturbing, I could stare her down and she'd never even look up. 

For the rest of the week, I watched out for her, going through the motions, wondering how I was going to introduce myself. Everyone needed a friend right? Maybe that's what I could be.

Get a grip, stop acting like a stalker dude.
But I couldn't help myself, couldn't stop the bad feeling bubbling up inside of me. It bothered me, her haunted hazel eyes.

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