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The next day...

I tucked my black collared shirt into my jeans before putting on my gucci belt. Hunter was pacing shirtless, bruise free as he talked on the phone about the kid, Matt, to one of his friends.

"Who knew such a scrawny kid like that had powerful parents, why didn't one of you bone heads remind me?"

The kids face flashed in my mind and guilt ate at me. It was all my fault after all. Why was I putting Cayden at such risk?

Because Cayden acted as if he could take on the world.

"Ok, Ill see you at pack meeting," Hunter hung up before tossing his phone into my book case. My eyes widened as he hit near the book I kept my other phone, the one I talked to Cayden with.

My breathing picked up and I turned away to not give myself away. Last night I had texted Cayden that I missed hanging out with him already. He said, "I miss you too." And I couldn't bring myself to delete it.

Now I knew the moment Hunter left the room, I would. It was stupid and reckless. Cayden made me reckless.

"Hayley?" Hunter growled. Oh god, no.

"Yes?" I squeaked as I turned back to look at him. He was in my face before I even saw him move.

"Don't forget to put this on before you leave," he held up the damn gold heart chain lock.

I cocked my head, "Are you not coming with?" He didn't answer as he locked the collar back into place before slowly looking into my eyes, his large hands on my shoulders as he squeezed, "My father want's me to go to Matt's moms house today, I'll be there to pick you up after your stupid session with that asshole."

"Ok, see you then," I pressed a kiss to his lips before trying to turn away, but he held me in place with a hand around my throat, he bite my lip and when I gasped he stuck his tongue in, forcing me to kiss him back or awkwardly sit there holding my mouth open, allowing my tongue to sit there like a dead fish.

Neither option seemed appealing to me but I gave him what he wanted as I always did. Even threw in a hum, happy he wasn't going against my meeting Cayden after school anymore.

He bit my bottom lip one more time before pulling away. "Now go," he said, "I have a lot of shit to do today, I might even be late picking you up, but I am picking you up, sit in your car if you have to but don't drive back."

"Oh..ok.."I looked at him confused at why he was so insistant on picking me up. Hopefully he's found a new plaything and is finally getting bored of me.

One can only hope.

"Say it," he whispered as he turned away. "Hurry up and say it and go away," he snapped as he pulled on a baby blue shirt that matched his eyes.

"I love you Hunter, have a good day," I said trying to keep the venom out of my tone as I turned away with an eyeroll.

Go fuck yourself and die Hunter.

At school, Cayden and I exchanged knowing looks, smiling at each other whenever one of Hunter's pack wasn't around.

The sexual tension between Cayden and I was almost becoming too much. He sat next to me in class in the back, and we held hands every time the teacher was turned away. It felt so good. Who knew holding someone's hand could feel so good. He used his thumb to rub comforting circles on the back of my hand.

Everything in me was drawn to him, felt as if we were meant to meet, meant for each other. All I wanted was to be back with him in his humble home and cuddling close under his thin but soft blanket as we watched comedy's and ate nothing but junk food. Only to run it off on a night wolf run in the woods, howling at the moon like real wolves.

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