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Sniff, Sniff
White lines, powder up my nose
Drip, drip
Back down my throat
Numb mouth, but still talking as if it's my last words on this earth
Tap, tap
These lines can't be blurred, razor sharp cuts perfect
Who knew I could be so stupid?
Tap, tap
My feet won't stop moving, across town and back I'm moving
Feels like I'm on top of the world, no one can tell me I'm losing
Smack, smack
Lips so dry need to keep chapstick and water bottle in hand
And yet still I stand, even without any sleep or anything to eat in the last two weeks
Hit, hit
I've never felt so sick, my left eye has a nonstop tick
Lick, lick
Leave none behind, now wouldn't that be a crime?


"You want him don't you?" Hunger growled the next day, close to my ear as we passed Cayden by to get to the front of the lunch line. Even in my daze of zoning out, as soon as we neared him, it was as if my very being could sense him, and before I could help it, my head was turning to look in his direction as our eyes met, we shared a small smile before I felt the hand in mine tightening so hard it felt as if my bones were being rubbed together.

"No, I'm sorry," my voice was raspy as I dropped my gaze to stare down at my white sneakers.

Hunter smiled down at me, a bright smile, as he lifting my chin to look him in the eye. "I do so much for you," he tucked a hair behind my ear as nearby girls looked on in envy. Lightly he kissed me on the lips before tucking his head between my neck and shoulder. "And you slut around," he growled lowly, a warning. No. A threat soon to come.

Pulling back he wore his loving smile as he dragged me forward, as if nothing happened.

What was wrong with me? Why couldn't I just keep my head down like I did everyday? Why did my eyes have to meet Caydens? Why did I feel the need to search him out now, feeling as if when our eyes connected I felt grounded, finally being seen, for real.

Cayden, I hope you can help me gain a back bone, before Hunter grinds me to dust.


For the rest of the day, even when Cayden was nearby or walked by, not once did I look up to meet his stare, no longer did I wish to share secret looks with him. A sudden anger came to settle within me for the boy who was going to get me killed.

Why couldn't he just leave me alone? Let me parish in my own personal Hell.

With a sigh, I pushed the anger down, knowing it was only fear trying to mask itself as rage.

At the end of the day, Hunter came to my locker as he always did. "You're not seeing him today, I don't care if they kick you out or not. I need you today," he said, with no room for argument. The new gym clothes I had bought was sitting inside my locker, meant for today, this time it would cover my body and I wouldn't feel so insecure. But they would remain untouched today, I realized. Hunter was already on edge ever since I had hugged Cayden. There was no way I was going to argue.

With a shrug I said, "of course babe, I'd much rather spend the night with you." Reaching up, I wrapped my arms around his neck, and made a big show about pulling him down and kissing him. Hoping beyond hope that it was enough to ensure I would have a good night and not a bad one.

"Mm," he practically purred against my lips as he pulled back, grinning down at me. The halls were pretty much empty now, and just my luck,

"Hey," Cayden was strolling right up to us. My heart started slamming hard against my rib cage, as I tried to keep my expression blank. Was he coming to confront Hunter? Or gloat? Had I trusted the wrong person? "See you in the library, k?" He simply said as he passed right on by us, giving Hunter a slight head nod, to which Hunter responded by growling low in his throat, luckily Cayden kept walking, seeming unfazed or possibly not hearing.

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