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Everyday she sat on his lap at lunch, like clock work. Everyday, she trailed by his side like a puppy dog. He could be what could be considered flirting with another girl, or chewing some poor kid out, and there she stood, close by his arm, looking dazed. I've yet to see her angry at him. And that was odd for a high school girl in a relationship. Wasn't it? Or was I just reaching?
I couldn't tell.
I never saw her without him. Never. They were both admired by everyone and yet he seemed to be the only one of the two with plenty of friends. She only looked and talked to him.

But even odder. They shared every single class together. But then again so did I, but it seemed rare.
I knew, as the new kid, when I arrived, the lady in the office seemed bored as she pulled out a random students schedule, copying it and handing it to me.

"Here," her beady blues eyes bored into mine. "Just take these."

The name flashed, Hayley Mayflower, on the schedule.

Slowly, as I attending the school, I realized, the boy, Hunter Silver, was the man around here He had the rich parents who sponsored the school and was next in line to be alpha.
Alpha, beta, omega. It was all laughable to me. Long ago they called me an omega. But here I was, with a wolf as strong as an alpha. And with no pack behind me. Or one I belonged to.

It was possible. Just unheard of. But I believe we were what we wanted, what we trained hard and worked hard to be. Not what was announced as soon as we shifted.
It was like announcing if a baby was a genius or not if they could talk by a certain age. It had nothing to do with it. Sure you could start off as omega but that didn't mean you had to stay that way.

"You're staring again, that's dangerous," Matt warned as he took off his glasses and wiped the lenses with the corner of his shirt. "Don't let Hunter catch you staring at his girl."
I tensed at that. It was an overreaction, but for some reason I couldn't stomach the words. His. His girl. As if she had no other identity. Like shes property i can't even look at or talk to without Hunter's permission. She looked like she needed a friend. She gave off a wounded animal vibe I was all too familiar with. I blinked to clear away the flashbacks of my mother always hunching in on herself when my stepdad was near.

"Hayley," I corrected. "Her name is Hayley." I shook my head and walked away when Matt looked at me confused. I needed to be careful, I was boarding on being a creep, watching her so much. She didn't even know I existed. And it took everything in me to stop myself from fixing that.

It was obvious I was trying to push this agenda that she's a lost broken soul like me so I didn't have to feel so lonely. How knows maybe the happiest seeming person was truly someone who could relate to me more than this girl who floats around the school like a ghost.

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