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Today was the day, Hunter had his parent's call the school and tell them I would be moving out of the country and do school there. It was the only for sure way that social services wouldn't be called.

Hunter was in the office now, working everything out. And here I was, doing as I was told, feeling cold, a bone chilling cold, but not knowing why, as I cleared out my locker.

"What are you doing?" I jumped at the urgency in the tone, thinking Hunter was here to scold me for not going fast enough. But it was Cayden. He wore all black as if he had just came from a funeral, wearing black pants and a black collared shirt with his hair combed back. His cologne filled my nose and I tried to hold my breath before I realized how dumb that was. He smelled good, why should I feel bad that I was inhaling deeply?

"Leave me alone," even to my ears, my voice could only be descripted as monotone. A robots voice. I pulled out a small pocket book and shoved it into my duffle bag, throwing in random items I kept in my locker inside.

"I'll leave when you tell me what you're doing, otherwise, I'll stand here and wait until...." he let the rest hang in the air. Until Hunter got back he meant. A threat? From Cayden? I blinked, realizing I shouldn't be surprised, knowing he wasn't the person I had thought him to be.

"It's not your business, I'm leaving school, for good," I scooped up the last of the items and shoved them into the brown duffle bag, zipping it up and slinging it over my shoulder. "Goodbye now," I said as I turned away from his wide brown eyes, the way his head was cocked like a dog who was confused. The bell rung, signaling for everyone to get to class.

Hunter had told me to wait by the car, so that's what I would do. I felt the breeze hit my cheek as I pushed open the exit double doors. Tonight Hunter would mark me and I would belong to him forever. It was for the best.

This is the best you could hope for, the wolf side of me encouraged, still in the driver seat inside of my mind.

Will I be ok? I wondered, but there was no answer back. I guess how I felt didn't matter any longer.

Strong arms grabbed me and yanked me to the side, causing me to lose my grip on my bag, letting it fall to the ground with a yelp. "Hunter please-" I started to beg but as my back was pushed into the brick wall of the side of the school and I looked up, I realized it wasn't Hunter. It was Cayden.

"Oh Hayley," he whispered as he trapped me in with his arms on either side of my body. "I need you to know, I was only trying to help, I thought if I told him all of that stuff he wouldn't go and take it out on you."

I looked away. What did that mean to me now? I was Hunter's property, as my necklace read, there was no more time for discussion.

"Hayley? Say something, please," Cayden shook my shoulders slightly, but still I looked over his shoulder, off into the distance, unable to meet his gaze, unable to feel. "Get mad at me, slap me, I don't care, please, say something," his voice broke at the last two words as he buried his face into my neck.

"I can make you submit, my dad told me it's not too late," he mumbled into my neck, I put my hands on his chest to push him away, but he pulled back and there was a sudden urgency about him as he grabbed my jacket and yanked it down.

"What are you doing? Stop it, I belong to Hunter not you," I tried to shove at his chest but it was as if it were made of steel.

"I'm sorry, let me just look," He muttered as he ran his hands down both sides of my neck, bending his head down as if to examine my neck and shoulders. He breathed a sigh of relief as he stepped away. "It's not too late. I'm sorry Hayley," My eyes snapped to his for a moment, just to see tears enter his, before I looked down at his shoulders.

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