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Glass shattered around me as I burst through the back sliding door of the house in wolf form. Shaking out my fur I lifted my head and sniffed the air. There were five people inside. Hunter and Hayleys scent seemed further so they were upstairs, three others were down stairs with one being very close by. I heard the pounding and at first thought it was my heart that was beating wildly inside of my chest and ears but then realized it was someone running down the hallway as a lady with a tight brown bun on her head rounded the corner with a shotgun in hand.

Before she could aim it I was already flying towards her, ripping her throat out in one fluid motion before I heard two more feet running but it sounded as if they were running away, I caught up to two men in suits in no time swiping my paw out I clubbed one on the back of the head, sending him to the floor, out cold. The other I shredded with my teeth before racing towards the stairs, fearing what I would see as I got closer and closer to Hayley's scent. I could smell her blood and tears and I could hear a struggle going on.

"You thought you could overpower me bitch?" I heard Hunters growl.

Not bothering to pause, I crouched and flew at the wooden door, hearing the loud crack as I flew through it as I did with the glass sliding door.

I couldn't help it, the scene before me made me howl out I could hear my screams inside my head. It was one thing to imagine another to see it happening.

Hunter was half laying on Hayleys back, as she was pressed stomach first onto the floor, him gripping her hair, pulling her head up painfully as tears streaked down her face. They both were bleeding heavily and I was proud of Hayley for finally fighting back, bruises and bites and scratches marred Hunters face and arms. The scratches were deep and I noticed Hayleys broken necklace on the floor.

They had fought as wolves. And Hunter somehow gotten the drop on her.

"You," Hunter spit as he looked at me, shaking in rage, and then he held up a silver knife and I knew how he gotten the better of her. Looking down I was the horror on Hayleys tears freaked face and blood pooling dangerously from her. He stabbed her somewhere with a silver knife.

Shifted to human form I hissed at him. "Let her go."

"This is all your fault, you come into town and suddenly my bitch can't act right," he trembled all over as he said it, his eyes flashing in rage.

"She doesn't belong to anyone, let her go or I'll kill you." My eyes wanted to find Hayley's but my wolf side knew better than to take my eyes off of Hunter and the hand holding the knife. In a flash he could end her.

Hunter laughed. It was a surprise yelp of a laugh. "No, you leave or..." he yanked Hayleys hair forcing her head back as he brought the knife to her throat, pressing on it enough to draw blood as he grinned at me. "Well you get the point."

Growling, I wanted so badly to fly at him and feel his blood running through my hands and teeth but stayed still, trying to figure out how I was going to get Hayley safety away as time was ticking. And my howl would have been heard and more wolves were sure to come.

"Let us both leave. You've done enough to her, let her go," I said tightly, my jaw starting to hurt from clenching it so hard. A tremble of fear and rage ran through my body.

"Cayden..." Hayley said hoarsely with desperation in her eyes that begged me to run away.

"No, I'm not leaving without you, Hayley I love-"

"No!!" Hunter thundered out as he jumped to his feet, yanking Hayley up with him, he went to bring the knife back to her throat but I had been waiting for my moment and knew it was time as I jumped for them, changing into wolf form I slammed into both of them. Causing them to fall away from each other, flinching at how hard Hayley fell but knowing I had no other choice as I ignored her for now and jumped on Hunter who was cursing.

Instead of changing he gripped the knife and tried stabbing me with it, but I dodged him as I swiped out with my paw, knocking the burning silver from his hands.

"Son of a b-" Hunter howled as he shook his hand but before he could finish I was on top of him, my teeth snapping out as he started to shift. He was half way there when I clamped down on his neck. Warm blood filled my mouth as I tore his throat and back away.

He would die slowly and alone. Shifting back to human I turned to Hayley who was naked and shaking, her eyes wide as she stared at Hunter who was bleeding out and choking, trying to hold his throat together with his hand.

"Get dressed, hurry, we have to leave," I shook her shoulder to snap her out her daze. With her big eyes she's looked at me with shock as she nodded. I yanked her up, wanting to give her a once over but knowing we were running out of time and I had to burn this house to the ground.

"Get dressed, pack a bag. I'll be right back," I told her, not leaving until I saw her take one more look at Hunter who was seriously bleeding out before she jumped into action.

Shifting into wolf form I raced back outside where I had left gas cans and a torch. I started downstairs and worked my way up, pouring the gasoline everywhere that was flammable and turning on the stoves before cutting wire and lines before I raced back upstairs. Hayley was racing toward me with a duffle.

"Go out back and wait for me unless someone else comes; then run fast and I'll find you."

Hayley glanced behind her towards the room Hunter was probably already dead in before nodding, squeezing my hand and racing down the stairs.

I turned on the torch and lit the gas upstairs before making my way downstairs; letting the hot flames spread before meeting Hayley outside.

There was a loud explosion just as I made it out and it made the fire burn brighter and faster.

But we weren't free yet. I could hear howls in the distance. To avoid being dog food, I grabbed Hayleys hand and held up car keys I found, pulling her with me we made it to the front and jumped into the Mercedes that was parked there. Both our hearts were pounding as everything seemed to be happening so fast.

"Ohmygod," Hayley kept saying as I sped away. "I'm sorry, I tried to kill him myself, I failed," she sobbed.

"No," I shook my head as I pressed down on the gas, beating myself up as I jumped on the highway, wanting to stop at the apartment for my dad, but knowing since I was stupid enough to howl I had no time. "You didn't fail Hayley, you fought back, you did good. He's dead and no one will ever hurt you again, we will train and train and make you so strong no one will ever make you feel like an omega again, Hayley, I'm going to make you into an alpha."

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