13 Cayden

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Cayden POV

"NO!" I nearly cried out, but held in it, feeling as if my arms had been ripped clean off me. Hunter ran out of the house Hayley and I rented, with her unconscious in his arms. We had been wrong, I realized as a mass amount of werewolves surrounded them, helping Hunter put Hayley in the backseat of a black suv. It would be dumb and reckless to attack now.

But could I allow him to hurt her without dying to fight for her?

I shook off the thought, knowing dying wouldn't help her at all. I couldn't allow her to repeat another year of torment.

I followed behind them as they drove to his house. Ok new plan, Hayley was most likely thinking the same thing.

All I needed to do was fight my way through and free Hayley and together we could take all these jokers out. I stood behind as I watched them pull into Hunter's driveway.

My whole being vibrated as violent thoughts filled my mind as Hunter carried Hayley in his arms and rushed inside as if he couldn't wait to open his new present. I rushed forward, ready to fight.

But drew up short as suddenly a mass amount of men with large guns, the smell of metal filling the air as they started to form a sort of barrier around the house.

Werewolves were strong. But they weren't bulletproof. I wanted to howl out then.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
I backed away slowly as hatred and rage filled me. I was so quick to get revenge for my father that I put the last person on earth I cared about in the arms of an enemy. We were too rash I realized now.

With a growl of annoyance I shifted and ran off. I couldn't bring claws to a gun fight but I would steal an army tank if I had to and get Hayley out right away before he mentally or physically abused her again in any way.
Never again, I whispered as I rushed off to find more ammo than my wolf body could provide.

Obey.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora