15. Hayley

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So of course I couldn't stop them all. Somehow, someway; I was inside the old bedroom. Everything was the same of course, nothing ever changed in this damn house.
I remembered how I used to tear it up and it would be as if I'd never touched it when Hunter would return. I decided to save my energy.
Walking over to the closets I was surprised to see all of my stuff exactly where I left it.
What the hell is wrong with this guy?
How had I gotten so unlucky that this rich abusive asshole was so obsessed with me. He claimed he loved me with all he had. But damn was it dark and twisted.
It was as if I was his hobby.
"Settling in?" His deep voice caused me to jump in surprise, not having heard him come in. I cursed myself for allowing myself to be cant ha off guard. I had to try harder than that.
"Dude you need some serious help. Am I truly worth all this mess? What do your parents have to say about your unhealthy obsession?" I crossed my arms and looked Hunter square in the eye. He growled at me.
"Shut up Hayley, you're mine. You know you're mine and i won't let that mutt have you. You're lucky I don't kill you," he hissed the last part and looked at me as if he were waiting for that to sink in that I was in danger of him.
His eyes widened as I let a laugh burst through my lips.
He flew at me as I started to wipe pretend laughter tears feom my eyes. He wrapped his big hands around my slender neck and squeezed.
"Aren't you afraid to die? I could snap your neck right now," he throttled me as I continued to look up at him with a smile on my face, letting My hands dangle at my side; not giving him the satisfaction of fighting and clawing at him. Darkness rimmed around my vision as I looked up into his now red face as rage and confusion shone in his eyes.

He wasn't going to kill me. We both knew that would be no fun. All that money wasted on finding me for nothing.

I gasped in a breath of air as he shoved me away, letting me fall to my ass as I laughed softly. "Oh honey," I shook my head as I rubbed my bow sore throat. "Death would be a blessing," I hissed and looked at him with all the anger and rage that has built up inside of me while away from him. All the names he callled me; everytime he threw me to the floor or in a wall, every time he degraded me and used my body, It was all in the heat of my stare and boy if looks could kill....
Hunter stepped back and shook his head. "Maybe you Don't care about your life; but when we capture Cayden, we will see how much you laugh."
I laughed again at that. "Cayden is stronger than you could ever hope to be. So good luck with that," I saluted him as he left with a slam of the door.

Touchy. Touchy.

I coughed and cleared my throat, knowing that would leave a bruise. Sighing, I started working out and stretching; knowing when Cayden comes, I would need to be ready to fight.
Poor Cayden, he was probably ranting and raging now, sick with worry. I'm ok. Better than I thought I would be.
I felt choked, I couldn't believe how much balls I had grown speaking to Hunter the way I did. He had become such a monster inside of my head, I had feared I would cower. But then there he was, in front if me, and I realized he was so weak. So pathetic.

I couldn't even imagine doing half of what he's done, to anyone else. How low of a person I would have to be. Now inside of my mind Hunter was some big scary all knowing being. He was simply a broken, lost, pathetic scum of a being: that should And would be put down like the rabid dog he was.

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