18. The Dragon's Secret.

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It was night in the Chinese colony of Macau. A young woman walks into a pawn shop and the door's entrance bell jingles. Oh her finger is a small panda ring. 

"May I help you?" The shop's employee says. He was a man around about the same age as the girl. 

"Do you have any Jewellery? You know like, rings and stuff?" The girl asks as she shows off her panda ring. 

"Of course. Right this way." The young man says as he leads her to a display cabinet filled with rings. The young woman looks at a certain ring the that sticks out and it quickly take her interest. 

"Oh. Let me see that one." She says.

"I'm not supposed to show that to anyone." The man says sheepishly.

"Not even me?" The young girl asks as she bats her eyelashes at him. 

"Oh I...I guess It wouldn't hurt to let you look." The young man says smitten by her. He unlocks the case now and takes out the box the ring is sat in before sitting it down on the counter. The woman picks it up and gasps at it's beauty. The ring was in the shape of a dragon's head and two gems for it's eyes glistened. 

"How much?" She quickly asks now. 

"I'm afraid it's not for sale. I'm just holding it for a customer." The man says to her now and the phone behind him begins to ring. He turns around to answer it and the woman sets the ring box down on the counter now and the man answers the phone. "Tsu Chow's Trading Post. Ray Speaking."

"Well Thanks anyway." The girl says as she leaves the shop now and the man gives her a wave. 

"Look, just tie it down until I get home." The Shop's bell jingles again and a large shadow appears on the floor as a man walks up to the counter. Ray notices him now. "I'm...going to have to call you back." Ray says as he hangs up the phone now

"I've come for my ring." The man at the counter says.

"Of course." Ray answers as he moves to the pick up the ring box left by the girl now. He hands it to the man who then opens it. 

"What is this?" The man says annoyed as he turns the ring box around to show the man. Inside the ring box was now a panda ring. 

"I don't understand...It was just here." Ray says.

The man across the counters hand glows with electricity now and Ray whimpers. "No Please."

Ray's screams can be heard outside the shop by the young woman who had entered earlier. She looked at the dragon ring that now sat on her finger. 

Y/n was sat in a hospital room as he was having his cast removed. "Six weeks of torture finally over." Y/n says with a sigh of relief as the doctor cuts it off.

"Now remember it will take time to readjust after not having use of your hand for such a long time." The doctor says as he finishes removing the cast now and Y/n rotates his hand giving a satisfied groan. "So any plans after this?" The Doctor asks him now making idle conversation as he fills out paperwork.

"My friends and I are meeting in Chinatown for lunch." Y/n says now. 

"Well that sounds lovely. Now you're scheduled for a check up in 3 weeks time but if you have any discomforts call your doctor and we'll do an X-ray." The doctor says and Y/n get's up now. "Just try not to break anything else out there." The doctor says joking now. 

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